Wizard World in Dallas

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        It's Friday morning and I had flown to Dallas the night before I was really tired because I didn't get much sleep last night due to a bad dream I had. The dream I had was about my wedding day the reception part I was entering a room to change Josiah clothes when I heard noises coming from the restroom so I go look to see who is in there and it's Joe and galina having sex. I know it was just a dream but I couldn't help but to be angry I wasn't sure what my dream meant but I knew that my subconscious was letting me know that I needed to work on my trust issues I have with Joe before we get married. I just can't believe that I'm engaged I have waited for this day all of my life sometimes I feel like I'm dreaming but I don't ever want to wake up. As I ate my breakfast I text Joe good morning and told him how much I missed him and couldn't wait to see him. He texted me back saying that he loved me too and couldn't wait to have me in his arms again and talk to our son.
       As I was getting my hair and makeup done for this wizard world comic con I rubbed my belly and talked to my son I told him that his daddy misses us and can't wait to see us again as I said that he kicked me twice as to say I miss him too. I texted Joe and told him that his son misses him too because he kicked me twice. Joe text back saying your killing me I wish I could have felt those kicks. I text him back saying I'm about the head to wizard world I'll talk to you after love you good luck on your match,I love you too baby talk to you later knock them dead. I put on my merchandise gear and headed to the arena for this comic con the drive there I decided to take a selfie and get on my social media I posted some pictures and got on Twitter to announce my engagement to Roman.  My tweet read he ask and I said yes @wweromanreigns #futuremrsanoai I'm so happy with a picture attached of me wearing my ring.
When I arrived at the wizard world arena I had time to kill before I had to go out and sign autographs and take pictures with the fans. I sat in my dressing room while I waited and went through my Instagram and post more pictures including the one I took of me wearing my ring and of me and jojo last night. My Twitter was on fire from the posting of my engagement to Roman reigns some of the fans were happy for us and other not so much. Joe had text me asking me about my Twitter post and said that he wanted to be the one to tweet it first I text him back saying aww poor baby as I laughed you can still tweet if you want to I told him. After awhile Joe had tweeted about our engagement his tweet read it's a official she said yes @kiannawwe and I are  getting married with the 2 pictures we took from when we got engaged. It was time for me to head out to brace the crowd.
I made my way to the sitting area where there was already a line forming for people to get autographs from me. As I sat down at the table music was playing I wanted to keep an eye out for my brother because I know he always comes to these things with his Star Wars fan group. I started to sign pictures for the fans I was wondering how long it would take me to get through the entire line of people I took a picture of the line so I could post it later on social media. I kept signing autographs for fans after what seemed like 3 hours I was finally done and now it was time for me to take pictures with them. That's when I run into my brother and I took a picture with his crew and told him about my engagement and he hugged me and said happy for you baby sis and rubbed my belly and said hi to his nephew he was excited about getting another nephew. Anyway I went to go take pictures with the fans the line was incredibly long again so I'm posing with fans in pictures it was really fun making wired faces and laughing after about 2 hours it was time for me to head to my q&a I had.
I made my way to the conference room where the questions are going to be asked I was introduced and my theme song played as I walked in and blew kissed to the fans and waved at some of them. I sat down at the assigned seat and waited for the questions to start first question was what is the favorite thing you like to do on your day off? I really like to have sex as I laughed no I'm kidding I love spending time with my family. next question was where do you see yourself in 10 years? Married with children and happy with my future husband. What about in the wwe? Well I think that if I get pregnant again I might retire from the wwe and be a stay at home mom. How has it been working on total divas? I love being on the show it really helps with the fan base and the insight of my life and personal life as well. Can you give us a preview of the up coming season? Well last season ended with Roman's birthday in Hawaii and I'm not sure how this season will end because we are still filming for it but I do find out what I'm having and Roman and I take the next step in our relationship. How do you handle all the groupies or woman that throw themselves at Roman Reigns? Haha I said well they really don't bother me and when they do I just put them in there place they need to understand the we are in a relationship and they need to respect that starch that I said we are getting married they need to respect that.
The Q&A was finally over and I headed back to the airport to fly home to Austin I was so exhausted that I just fell asleep on my way there. As I headed into the airport to board the plane I text Joe to let him know that I was about to get on the plane to Austin. My flight was only about an hour and a half so I ate dinner on the plane and text the pictures I had to my mother of the proposal. I crested my belly while I waited for the plane to land my mom had text me back about the pictures she said that my ring was beautiful and big I laughed and said yeah I know it is. As I was leaving the airport and heading home Joe text me saying hope you made it home safe I love you and miss you call me when you get home.
Once I got home I unpacked my stuff and called Joe to let him know that I had made it home safely. He said hi baby I miss hearing your voice so much how's my son doing, good I said he missed his daddy and so do I. He ask me what I was about to do because his match was gonna be up soon I told him that I was gonna take a shower and relax before I go to bed. He said he loved me and would call me after the show. I got in the shower and it really relax me when I was done in the shower I got dressed into my pjs and took my makeup off and got into bed and waited for Joe to call me I put on law and order svu.
I must have fell asleep because my phone was ringing non stop Joe had been calling me and texting. I called him back and said babe I'm so sorry I fell asleep I had a long day but I tried to stay up and wait for you but my body wouldn't let me. He said its okay babe I'm just glad that your okay, how was the show I ask him it was good but I miss you and Josiah I can't wait til I see you guys on Sunday night. Me too babe I said how was the comic con he ask me it was amazing I posted so many pictures on Twitter and Instagram. That's great babe he said and than ask me to put the phone on speaker so he could talk to the baby and say goodnight. As I put the phone on speaker Joe talked to our son he said hey baby boy it's your daddy I miss you so much and can't wait to see you again take care of your mommy for me I love you goodnight. Than he said good night to me and said he loved me and would talk to me tomorrow. I told him goodnight and will talk to him tomorrow too I said I love you my handsome fiancé can't wait to be in your arms again. He laughed and said I love you too my beautiful fiancé as we hung up I turned the tv off and put my hands on my belly and told my son goodnight as he kicked me I went to sleep.

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