Wedding Rehearsal

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              Here we are a month later and it's the day before my wedding I'm getting kind of nervous I'm not getting cold feet or anything like that I'm just nervous about everything going according to plan. As I was showering to start my day I couldn't wait to see my soon to be hubby he was coming home today after working a hectic schedule with wwe. So I need to pick him up from the airport his family had all flown in from Florida a few days before and they were all staying with us at our house in Austin. I was so excited to be getting to spend time with them and Joe since he will be taking a break for a few weeks from in ring action for our wedding and honeymoon.  After I showered and got dressed I got the kids up and dressed and made breakfast for everyone before I needed to go to the airport to get Roman.
            After breakfast my mother in law and sister in laws watched the kids for me so I could go to the airport to pick up Joe. When I got to the airport I waited for Joe at his terminal as I waited i sent out a tweet my tweet read I'm so excited and nervous all at the same time big daddy is coming home today @wweromanreigns and it's the day before our big day tomorrow#Anoaiwedding. Joe finally got to the terminal and I ran and jumped in his arms when I saw him and said baby I missed you so much as he grabbed my butt and spanked it and I wrapped my legs around his waist. We kissed very passionately and headed to grab his luggage so we could head home and spend some time together before all the craziness starts tonight. We had our wedding rehearsal and our co ed bachelor and bachelorette party. Our drive home was a quite one Joe was tired from all the traveling he had been doing this past few weeks we just held hands and listened to the radio when one of our wedding songs came on we started to sing along to it and laughed at each other.
            At home Joe said hi to all of his family and the kids Jojo was so happy that she would be getting to see her daddy before the summers ended and she had to go back to school. After Joe said hi to the kids he and I went upstairs to unpack his luggage and take and load off. I ask him if he wanted me to make him something to eat he said he was good for now as we lay in bed together watching tv. If I hadn't mentioned by now that I'm still on total divas and the camera crew has been following us around since I started planning my wedding and they will be around for tonight and my wedding the next day. I was all cuddled up with my man in bed and of course he was trying to get some nookie but I told him it was a no go because he needed to wait until our wedding night because he was in for a big surprise. He laughed and said why does everything have to be so traditional with you, because it's my wedding and that's how I want it to be. This wait better be well worth it he said it will be big daddy I promise as he held me tight in his arms and he fell asleep.
            I let Joe sleep as I unpacked his luggage for him and put some of his clothes to wash because I know after our honeymoon he will be leaving again and so will I. I have been training like crazy and going to therapy for my ankle and as of yesterday I was medically cleared to return to in ring action. I couldn't wait because I was gonna take back what is mine I'm still a heel and wwe was thinking about turning me face again and having team bad turn on me. Anyway after I did some cleaning and hanging out with Joe's family and the kids out by the pool I headed upstairs to put the laundry away. I wake Joe up because it was getting close to us having to get ready for our rehearsal dinner. He got in the shower as I went to go get the kids dressed and ready to go.
            We put on some music to get us in the mood to get ready for our dinner and other stuff we had planned on doing this evening. As we were jamming out to old school rap music we got dressed I was wearing a all white halter dress and my shoes I bought for the wedding so I could break them in. Joe was wearing some dark Diem jeans and a short sleeve button up that was a checkered blue and white. He looked so damn sexy with his chest showing and his big muscular arms and his sexy ass tattoo showing. After my hair and make up was done we headed downstairs and gather everyone and the kids and got everyone in the car and headed to the church for our rehearsal. The kids were driving Joe nuts because JJ was trying to bite Jojo on the arm and she kept trying to tell him to stop. So Joe finally yelled at both of them and told them to sit there and be quite until we got to the church or they both were going to be in trouble.
            The church we were getting married at was an hour drive from where we lived in Austin. It is in another town called Taylor and that's where I got baptized at and now I'm getting married there it's a big catholic church. When we parked we headed inside and all sat down and waited for the pastor to walk us through everything we had to do tomorrow. After about 10 minutes it was time for us to get started all the bridesmaids and groomsmen got in formation and started making there way do the aisle as I waited my turn at the back of the line. My dad was waiting with me and he ask me if I was ready to do this tomorrow I told I've been ready since I was a little girl and tried to keep myself from crying. I continued to watch everyone make their way down the aisle when it was Jojo's turn to go I got ready because I was after Josiah who was the ring barrier. Joe had to temp him with chocolate so he would walk down the aisle I laughed as JJ went running down the aisle for his chocolate that kid is definitely ours I said. Then it was my turn I walked down the aisle with my dad when we came to Joe he shook hands with my dad and took me the arm and the priest went over how the ceremony would started and all the speeches and readings and all the prayers. We went over our vows and practice our kiss and then Joe and I walked down the aisle together after we were finished.
          When we left the church we headed to our rehearsal dinner so it was another hour drive back to the reception hall in Austin. Josiah was hyper from the chocolate we gave him so he wouldn't stop yelling at us from the back seat and he kept kicking Joe's seat. I was trying not to laugh because I could tell that Roman was getting frustrated so I turned the music down and turned around to look at Josiah and said hey little boy you better behave because I will spank you if you don't. He said no mama I be good boy and he stopped kicking his dad's seat. As he parked Joe kissed my cheek and said I love you woman lets get this over with as he and jojo went inside I grabbed JJ and changed his diaper in the car and than headed inside. I said hi to everyone and the place looked amazing with pictures of myself and Joe and the kids. The dj was playing music already and of course it was my one and only nephew my oldest one and of course I had to buy him dj equipment. We rehearsed our walk in and our first dance and went over place settings and who was sitting where and practice throwing the bouquet and taking off my guarder. Then we all sat down and had dinner as everyone talked amongst themselves that's when I noticed my girl sharda walk in and I ran to her and gave her a big huge and said you made it I can't believe that your here.
             Country music started to play as I introduced her to everyone and than she finally meet Roman and the kids and she said I can't believe that you're marrying Roman reigns tomorrow. I know it's crazy right and she also said how much JJ looked like the both of us and how excited she is for tomorrow. After we were done eating and talking we headed to our party as the kids went back to our house with Joe's mother. The girls put a veil on me and a sash that said bride and we hit up some clubs down town on 6th street and of course the guys were right behind us. We went inside the 1st club ordered some drinks as they played I'm real by Jlo and ja rule. We all made our way to the dance floor and started dancing and taking shots as Joe and I kissed each other. Joe went to the bar to get more drinks for us when I wanna love you by akon come on and the usos went nuts and started clapping and dabbing in the club I laughed at their dumb asses. After awhile we sat down and took a break from dancing so we could play games, we played drinking games pin the penis on the man Joe really didn't like that one. I sat on his lap as we played the next games we rolled the dice and had to reenact the sexual positions that was on the dice. Roman love that game then we played truth or dare where we had to kiss random people or drink random shit.
         3 or 4 hours had gone by and we were calling it a night because we were all drunk off our asses. Joe had rented a house just for tonight and the morning tomorrow to stay at with all his boys and his family his brother and dad were going to stay with him too as his mom and sisters would be staying with me at the house. Sharda drove me home because she was the only one who wasn't that drunk Joe and I said our goodbyes to each other and the drunk ass he was, he was trying to get me to go with him so he could have sex with me but I told him no that he had to wait. As he shove his tongue in my mouth and smacked my ass, I told him to call me when he got there. I was so exhausted when I got home I went straight up stairs and said goodnight to everyone and checked on the kids. I changed my clothes washed my face and brushed my teeth.
            I got into bed and called Joe to make sure he got to his place safely, he answered all drunk and not making any sense at all. Hey baby girl he said I miss your cookie come over here so daddy can beat it up I rolled my eyes and laughed and said your drunk go home Joe. He said I love you and I want to have your Babies I busted out laughing saying what you want my babies do you mean you want me to have your babies. Omg this man is gotta be hungover tomorrow I said good thing the wedding isn't til 3pm. Babe I love did you make there ok I ask him, yeah he said good goodnight go to bed I told him. Goodnight mama I love you too he said see you tomorrow, I'll be the one in white I said as we hung up. I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep so I got up and checked on JJ and he was up waiting for me to pick him up, so I did and put him in the bed with and went to sleep.

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