Honeymoon in Belize

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The next morning I didn't want to get out of bed because all I wanted to do was stay in Roman's arms and do nothing but I had a flight to catch. Seeing that we are newlyweds Joe felt the need for us to have sex again like he hadn't gotten a enough last night. After we had sex for the 10th time we got in the shower together we just held each other as we showered. Then Joe ordered us room service as we got dressed we needed to go back to the house and pack for Belize and say goodbye to the kids this was the first trip with out the kids and we were going to be gone for a week. After breakfast we checked out of our hotel and went home to pack up and say good bye to our kids and spend some time with them before we left.
At home the kids ran to us as we walk through the door jojo said hi to her daddy first as Josiah came to me and gave me a tight big hug and said mama I miss you. I hugged him back and said I love you Josiah, I wove you too mama then he ran over to hug his daddy. Jojo hugged me and you look tired mama I laughed and said thanks jojo and she ran off to her room to finish packing because she was going to stay with Joe's sister in Pensacola. Josiah was staying with trinity and Jon because they were both on leave because jimmy was hurt and trinity hadn't been feeling well I told her that she was pregnant and she got mad at me. Joe and I played with the kids a while outside we had a water balloon fight and then we played Simon says and Joe was trying to cheat. After about an hour I headed inside to pack a bag for Josiah and then I move to mine and Joe's luggage for Belize Joe was saying goodbye to the kids when he came to our room and all I could hear was Josiah screaming and crying.
I headed downstairs because I knew he was crying because he didn't want to be without me. I picked him up off the floor and hugged him tight and said why are you being so bad. I don't want you to go he said as he laid his head on my shoulder I told him that I would be back soon and that I loved him. I kissed his cheek and he said wove you mama I miss you, I'm gonna miss you too Josiah and I handed him to trinity and they took off. I went upstairs to finish packing I was picking out all my outfits to wear when Joe came over to me and hugged me from behind and said are you gonna okay without Josiah. Yeah I'm gonna be fine I told him as I turned to face him I kissed him. I finally finished packing and ask Joe if he wanted me to pack his stuff he said I'm a big boy now I can pack my own shit. I laughed and said just because your a married man now doesn't mean that I'm not gonna cater to you anymore, all it mean is I have to cater to you even more.
He smacked my butt and said I know woman as he finished packing up his luggage and ask me if I was ready to go. I said yep let's do this we loaded up the car and headed to the airport and checked in our luggage when we arrived. We boarded the plane and found our seats and held each other's hands as we waited the 6 hours flight to Belize. Joe ordered us some champagne as a fan came over and ask to take a picture with us, Joe didn't want to because it's our honeymoon and that fans needed to respect that. I Ignored him and took a picture with the fan anyway and he rolled his eyes, what I said if you give them what they want they will leave you alone afterwards. I sighed and I he said you need to chill out with all that heel mess your bring at them. He laughed and said I need to stay in character at all times I rolled my eyes and said whatever. We drank champagne the whole flight once we arrived and the plane landed we grabbed our luggage and headed to our room. Joe opened the door and lifted my up and carried me through the threshold I laughed at him and said why didn't you do that last night. As he laid me on the bed that had rose petals on it he said because I was too drunk to carry you.
I was starving so Joe ordered us room service and said so what does my wife want to do first while we are here, whatever my husband wants to do I told him. He smiled and pulled me close to him and held me in his arms we fell sleep because we are old haha. Then we got up ate our lunch outside on the patio and changed our clothes to go swimming and walk on the beach. White sandy beaches it reminds me of when we were in bora bora and the water was just as beautiful clear dark blue. We walked along the beach and got in the water then we went to go sit on the beach and just look out at the water. Joe put his arms around me and kissed my cheek and said I'm glad I'm here doing this with you there is no one else I rather be with than you. I tired not to cry and said me too your the only one for me and I'm so happy to be here with you. We walked by to our room and showered from being covered in sand and salt water.
After our shower and having sex while we were in the shower we got into bed and had sex again the whole night until we couldn't go anymore. Joe held me in his arms as I laid my head on his chest as I kissed it and said Joe I love you and I want another baby. He kissed my head and said I love you too are you sure you want another baby Josiah is only 2 and what about your career are you ready to give all that up. I sighed and said yes yes I am ready to give up my career and have another baby and be your wife and stay home. He held me tighter as I fell asleep in his arms as he crested my face as I slept. Over the course of the week we had sex repeatedly every morning and night I don't see how Joe has so much stamina to keep going like this I tapped out about 3 or 4 times. We had each day planned out we went scuba diving with the shark in the blue hole. The water was amazing and beautiful so blue, then we went tubing in the caves that was amazing too but it was so humid out I felt like we were back in Pensacola.
Then we went to the zoo they had here in Belize the animals were all so beautiful the birds and leopards and they monkeys oh my god those damn things throw poop on me. Joe laughed but I said it wasn't funny and smacked him on the arms, on our last day we took a hike to see the Mayan ruins. We climbed all the way to the top of the pyramid and sat down and had a picnic and looked out at how beautiful Belize is everything was so blue and green a light green. After about an hour of holding each other and talking about our future together we headed back to our room to check in on the kids like we did every day. We showered together and made a baby while we were in there and got dressed to have dinner on the beach later. After we called to check on the kids we got dressed and went out to the patio and pool to meet with Dean and Renee because they flow out here so Renee could film our episode of unfiltered. As we sat pool side and ordered drinks we waited for Renee to show up Joe and I got in the pool.
Renee had finally showed up with the camera crew and we got right down to business. She introduced us and started asking me questions first as Joe walked off to get a beer. Renee: Kiki tell me how do you feel now that your married? Kiki: I'm so happy it's the best feeling in the world and to call this man my husband is an even better feeling. Renee: how has your time here in Belize been? Kiki: it's been amazing there is so much to do here and it has been really eye opening for the both of us. Renee: Roman seeing that you have been married once before how is this time different from your first marriage? Roman: my first marriage was puppy love we were young when we met and we grow apart over time, this time is different because we have been through the unimaginable and through all that this amazing woman never stopped loving me and she never gave up on me. Renee: how did you guys pick your wedding song? Us: we really couldn't decide between the two so we decided to have both as our wedding song. Renee: Roman do the both of you plan on having more babies? Roman: we actually talked about that the other day so yes we will definitely have more babies soon. Renee: Kiki name one embarrassing thing about yourself that only Roman would understand? Kiki: haha oh god I bite my lip a lot when I'm dreaming about him at night. Renee: Roman what's one embarrassing thing about yourself that only Kiki would understand? Roman: I smack my lips when I chew my food haha as he winked at me. Renee: how do you guys feel about having a relationship that's always in front of the media? Us: it comes with the career and the fan base we have we just try to live a normal life as much we can. Renee: since the both of you are phenomenal wrestlers are you teaching Jojo and Josiah any moves? Us: haha well Josiah does what he sees on tv and jojo well she likes going to the events but she doesn't want to learn right now. Renee: Roman Kiki thank you so much for hanging out with me on your honeymoon see you guys when you get back.
When we were finished Joe and I headed out to the beach for our dinner date Joe pulled out my chair for me. As we ordered dinner Joe held my hand and kissed it as he looked at my ring finger and said your wedding bands make your wedding ring look even better. I know I said people always stop and stare when they notice all the shininess from all the diamonds. We ate our dinner as we stared into each other's eyes and Joe said that he wanted to remember this day forever. As the sun started to set I leaned over to kiss him he grabbed me by the hand. We walked on the beach then music started to play as we slow dance to I won't give up by Jason Mraz. That's when it hit me that I was living my happily ever after, that Joe was my prince Eric and I was Ariel just like our first date at Disney land fire works went off as we kissed each other. It took me back to that day as we watch the fireworks together outside Ariel's castle I felt tears fall down my face. Joe wrapped his arms around me and said your to beautiful to be crying, they are tears of happiness I said.
We headed back to our room because it was getting late and we were heading home to Pensacola tomorrow. Back at our room I changed into the last lingerie outfit I had packed and got into bed with Joe who was already in bed sleeping on his stomach. I climbed on his back and started kissing his neck and massaging his back all that did was make him snore louder. I rolled off of him and figured that he was tired and rolled on my side and closed my eyes when I did that I felt Joe wrap his arms around me and pulled me close to him he whispered in my ear I love you goodnight. I love you more goodnight I said as we made a baby until we fell asleep I knew I wasn't going to walk straight for days after all the sex we had.

The End

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