My Work Day with The Champ

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                Roman was finally home from in ring action but he and I both had interviews phone interviews and radio interviews and jojo was with us while we were doing all of this but she's very good at keeping to herself while we work. I think she was more excited that she was going to get to spend the day with her daddy since he missed her birthday last week. Once everyone was up and dressed and had their breakfast and I had my hair and makeup done. I went to got sit outside on our patio and wait to do my phone interview and than head to my 9th month check up on the baby I'm so excited I cant wait it's about that time. Joe and Jojo were in the house up to something when I got the call for my interview I answered it and said hello and chatted a little bit and than we got down to busy.
                Interviewer: Thank you so much for taking the time out of you day to join us and answered some question for us. Kianna: You're very welcome its kind of nice to be doing interviews again. Interviewer: When can we except to see you back in action? Kianna: Well hopefully by WrestleMania or after like when I debuted the Monday Night on Raw after Mania. Interviewer: What do you miss the most about being in the wwe? Kianna: I miss the crowd reaction and the traveling we get to do. Interviewer: How is that going to factor in to your life as a mother and wife since we know that you are engaged to wwe superstar Roman Reigns? Kianna: I laughed and said You should really ask Roman this question but We plan on bring the kids on the road with us and our wedding is not for another year. Interviewer: With that being said do you and Roman plan on having more children? Kianna: yes of course we would love to He's already talking about it and I haven't even giving birth to the first one yet as l laughed. Interviewer: When you make your return what are your plans? Kianna: I plan on shaking things up and become the new women's champion. Interviewer: Tell us something we don't know about you? Kianna: Gosh that's a hard one; I'm not a morning person and since I have been pregnant people in the locker room have nicknamed me Pregnant Scarface with all my moodiness.
                Then Interviewer laughed and asks me another question, Interviewer: What is your favorite color? Kianna: purple. Interviewer: Favorite food? Kianna: pepperoni pizza, Interviewer: What's your favorite thing to do on your free time? Kianna: I love spending time with my family and cuddling in bed with Roman. Interview: What's it like to be pregnant in the wwe? Kianna: In the beginning it was okay but now I'm tired all the time and I really didn't get much tv time because I couldn't get in the ring, at first it was okay and I had matches but as I progressed I had to be off of tv. Interviewer: How is it being in love with Roman reigns? Kianna: He's amazing he's such a romantic I couldn't ask her a better man in my life, I fell in love with him the second I laid eyes on him and I haven't stopped loving him since. Interviewer: Well Thank you so much again Kianna it was a pleasure, Kianna: no thank you.
                After the interview I went inside to grab Joe and Jojo who was home from school for Christmas break. I told them that it was time to go to the doctor's office now and that my interview was over but Joe had 2 radio interviews and I had one with Ryan Serest.  When we go to the doctor's office I sat down with little jojo as Joe signed us in and of course the girl at the desk started to flirt with him again. Jojo saw and looked at me and said why is she looking at daddy like that, I said because she's crazy and doesn't know how your mama do. Jojo laughed and ran over to Joe and they both came over holding hands together and Joe was laughing so hard. I ask what was so funny, he said this child is just like you in every single way. How is that I said because she be putting people in check just like you he said that JoJo told the girl at the desk to stop looking at her daddy like that before her mama comes over here and kicks her butt. I busted out laughing so hard that I thought I was gonna pee myself, Jojo baby I love you but you cant go around talking to people like that as I hugged her.
                The nurse finally came to get me as they weighted me and took my vitals and then sent me to have blood work done again before I saw the doctor. That's when Roman decide to send out a tweet of me getting my blood work done, his tweet read @Kiannawwe at the doctor checking on Josiah and getting blood work done, love you baby mama #babyanoai  #myson. When I was done with the blood work I went back to see the doctor and sat on the exam table as she examined me and ask how I was feeling I told her like I was going to explode if I don't have this baby soon. She laughed and said your almost there between now and Valentine's Day he should be here. She rubbed the jelly on me as we heard the heartbeat getting louder and stronger and once I saw his little face I fell in love. The doctor said that he was getting bigger and longer and that he was gonna be a big baby and that if he got over 7lbs that I would need to have a c section because I wouldn't be able to push him out. But other than that he's looking really good than she checked to see how dial aided I was once she check she said your about 5 and half cm she gave us our sonogram and sent us on our way.
                Once we left the doctor's office We headed to Joe's interviews he had as JoJo and I had lunch together. He had finished one by the time we were done eating and JoJo wanted to ride the carousel that was nearby. We let her ride it as I took pictures of her on it and Joe held me from behind and kissed my cheek and said I love spending time with my girls then Josiah kicked as to say hey what about me dad. Joe put his hand where JJ had kicked and he said daddy loves you to buddy and I wrapped my arm around his neck and said I love the both of you as I kissed Joe's cheek. We headed to Joe's other interview after Jojo was done riding the carousel.  We waited for Roman in the car because we were cutting it close and I need to be at my interview in 20 minutes. Jojo and I took selfies together like we always do and I sent out a tweet with a picture of us saying while daddy is working @wweromanreigns we wait patiently for his return #weloveu #daddiesgirls. When he got back in the car we headed to my interviews next with Ryan Secrest.
             At my interviews Joe and jojo waited in the waiting room as I talked with Ryan about total divas and the WWE. I said hi to Ryan as I sat down and put on my headphones, Ryan: well I would like to welcome wwe superstar Kianna to the show, how are you doing this afternoon? Kianna: I'm doing very good just getting ready to have a baby. Ryan: I can see that with all the cameras around, let's get down to it, let's talk about total divas, how did you come to be on the show? Kianna: I was approached and ask if I wanted to be on it since I was getting such a reaction from the wwe universe. Ryan: we have all seen the past seasons how are things going in your life right now? Kianna: things are going good as you can see getting ready for Xmas and waiting for the baby to arrive. Ryan: have picked out a name for your baby yet? Kianna: yes I have I'm having a boy and his name will be Josiah Joseph Anoa'i. Ryan: what's it like being engaged to fellow wwe superstar Roman Reigns? Kianna: he's really truly amazing I couldn't ask for a better man to spend the rest of my life with or to be the father of my children. Ryan: I'm sure every woman wants to know how romantic is Roman? Kianna: you know Renee young and I gave him a nickname right, romance reigns as I laughed. But he is very romantic he's always surprising me. Ryan: we have seen from episodes of total divas some drama with cheating, you almost miscarriage, and women throwing themselves at Roman how do you deal with all of that? Kianna: it's not easy being in a relationship with the most attractive man in wwe I have come to expect the fact that women are always going to be throwing themselves at him, no one is perfect we all make mistakes they are just lessons learned. Ryan: well thank you so much for taking the time to chat with me, what's next for Kianna? Kianna: thanks for having me, what's next for me, having my baby returning to the ring and getting married.
               When my interview ended we headed back home once we got there I went to go change my clothes and take my shoes off. Once I was changed I got into bed because I wanted to take a nap while Joe and jojo spent the day together. Before they left Joe got into bed with me he wrapped his arms kissed me and held me tight as he told me he loves me. He continued to hold me as I fell asleep in his arms he crested my face as he kissed me goodbye. He and jojo left while I was sleeping I slept for while when Joe and jojo came back home and woke me up jojo wanted to tell me about her day and how much fun they had at the movies and that they took pictures together in a photo booth and how her daddy won a prize for her and for me. After she told me her story she kissed me and ran to her room to take a nap too. Joe got undressed and got back into bed with me he pulled me close to him and said come here baby I've missed you as he held me tight.
               I felt him cresting my body and his hands under my shirt and in my panties he slow pulled them off as I rolled over on my back. He started kissing my hips and thighs as he came to my area and started to lick me up and down I moaned. He kept going as I moaned louder then he put his junk inside of me I kept moaning as our bodies moved back and forth. I moaned again begging him not to stop he went faster as I wrapped my legs around him he gripped the bed post as he kept going faster I dug my nails into his back as I said oh god big daddy it feels so good as we came to a stop. As we laid in bed together watching tv Joe ask me if I was hungry because him and jojo had already ate and he said he would make something to eat. He smacked my ass as he got up to go make me something to eat I got up and got dressed and use the restroom.
         Joe came back with a tray and a Dr Pepper he made me a grilled chicken salad with strawberries and oranges. Aww babe you did good thank you it looks amazing as I kissed him he said he was going to check on jojo and then take a shower. Once I was done eating Joe took the tray back to the kitchen and got in the shower. When Joe was done in the shower I was watching an episode of total divas when he got into bed with me. He was laying on his stomach when jojo came in to say goodnight I got up and went to go tuck her in, when I came back my handsome Samoan superman was asleep already. I kissed him on the cheek as I sat on his butt and started to massage his back I moved to his lower back as he moaned out ummmm that feels good mama than I switched to his shoulders. When I was finished I laid down on my side of the bed when Joe wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him. I was rubbing my belly at the time when Joe started kissing me and rubbing my belly cream on me.
          We talked to Josiah for a little while and then Joe told him goodnight as we held each other. I ask Joe so that day on Jojo's birthday why were you out of breathe what were you really doing? It was nothing I was trying to get them girls off of me that's why I was out of breathe one of them was trying to kiss me. I had to run to hide from them when you called me he said. I couldn't wait to get back to put those bitches in the place I kissed him goodnight. He held me tight and said your all I need mama I love you more than my own life, I love you too daddy goodnight I said. Goodnight beautiful as we closed our eyes and fell asleep I heard him whisper in my ear your my heart and nothing can change that.

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