Raw in Corpus Christi Tx

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       It was a 4 hour long drive to corpus and jojo and I were getting restless and Joe was annoyed with us for complaining the whole time. I told him if he just had sex with me like I wanted to this morning I wouldn't be in such a bad mood but you said no because you were afraid I would go into labor. He laughed and said I got you later baby don't worry I sighed and said I'm not gonna want it later ugh. And turned the radio up jojo ask me for a piece of gum and I handed it to her. When we finally got to the arena we headed to Roman's dressing room as we said hi to everyone. Once we got into the dressing room I sat down as jojo and I help Roman get ready he had interviews and a make a wish. I had to pee really bad so I used the restroom when Joe was done getting ready we hugged him goodbye he kissed me I mean really kissed me to the point were I felt butterflies.
            He hugged jojo goodbye and went on his way and told us he would see us later I ask jojo what she wanted to do while we waited for her daddy. She said ummmm can we go say hi to Nikki, sure I said. We headed to the women's locker room to see what everyone was doing. I knocked on the door and Eva Marie opened the door and said omg everyone look who's here. They all looked and saw me and said Kiki as they hugged me and started to rub my belly and said you look like your about to bust. I laughed and said yeah I feel like I'm gonna bust, well we just came to say hi and someone was asking for Nikki. Jojo ran over and said hi to Nikki and some of the other girls we all talked for a little bit and I told them that I couldn't wait til I come back so I could start working with them again. Jojo wanted to go walking around and see what we could find as we played a game of eye spy. We played and held hands as we walked around the arena when we came to an arena were there were a bunch of NXT divas.
         I hadn't seen them before so I was guessing they were newbies and I remembered being a newbie just not in NXT but to the main roster as well. So I went to introduce myself and jojo they all shook my hand and ask who I was and I told them and they said oh. Then they apologized for throwing themselves at Roman and I couldn't help but to be reminded of when I use to be them and hanging out with Sasha banks and how we jokingly would talk about how sexy Roman is. It made me laugh and I said I know he's the sexiest man around and I was one of you once and back then if you would've told me that I would be engaged to him and pregnant by him I would have laughed in your face. Thank you for apologizing and good luck in NXT you can only go up from here see you ladies around sometime. Jojo and I kept walking and she said mama why were you so nice to them when they were talking about my daddy. I smiled and told jojo you know baby sometimes you just have to kill them with kindness.
          Once we got to catering we got in line and waited to make plates when I felt someone come up behind me and grab my ass and squeezed it I was really hoping the it was someone other than Joe so I could knock their face off. But once I saw his arms around me I knew it was him I put my hands on his hands turn to kiss him and said hi big daddy I love you. As he hugged me tight and said hi mama I love you more as I rubbed jojo on her head and she turned and said hi daddy and he said hi jojo. We sat down at a table with the usos trinity tamina and Randy orton we said hi to them and sat down to eat. We all talked to each other as we ate our food once I was done I grabbed my plate and Jojo's and was about to throw them away when Joe got up and took them from me and threw them away for me. He came to sit back down he rubbed my belly then made me sit on his lap just like he use to before which I didn't mind because he was letting everyone know that I was his and he was mine. I kissed him and rubbed his face as he smiled he told me he loved me and I said I love you too baby.
                It was time show time so jojo and I went to our seat and Joe needed to put on his vest we hugged him goodbye and went to our seats as he said told us that he loved us. Once Jojo and I got to our seats we sat down as the show started Joe had a promo with Randy Orton the feud was still going on I think they were trying to make a match for WrestleMania between him and Orton and Seth. Randy's music hit he came out and started talking and running his mouth about Roman and saw me sitting in the crowd and then got out of the ring and got in my face and I slapped him and he got really angry and than Roman's music hit and he came out and down the ramp and speared the shit out of Randy. He asks me if I was okay and I said yeah I'm fine and he told me to never hit randy again I could have gotten hurt. I told him I know and that I was sorry but you know I don't like when people get in my face and I kissed him as he walked away and randy was still out on the floor.
                Jojo and I sat and waited for Joe's match to come up he was the main event so we had about another hour to wait. So we took selfies together and I posted them to my Instagram and sent out a tweet that said here in corpus Christi supporting my Samoan Superman at #raw with a picture attached of me and jojo @wweromanreigns.  As the show was still going on when Joe texted saying that carano need to talk with me if jojo and I could come see him. I replied back saying yes we will be there soon as soon as I get out of this crazy ass crowd. Once I made my way back stage and to carano's office I knocked on the door and went in and Joe and jojo left as I talked to carano. He ask me how I was doing I said I was good and ready to have this baby he said good because we are ready to have you come back. I wanted to see you about renewing your wwe contract for another 3 years or if you wanted to just finish out your contract and you be a stay at home mom. I said I see I haven't given it much thought and I would need to talk with Joe about it first, carano said well I have already talked to him about it and he said since yall are bringing the kids on the road with yall anyways you might as well renew your contract. I can't believe that he said that because I always thought that he wanted me to stay home and have more babies. Well we just had a long talk about it and he only wants what is best for you since you had made so many sacrifices for him, okay than I said I still want to talk to him about it though when do you need to know by I ask him. By WM would be nice but I'll understand if you need more time just get back with me as soon as you can.
                After my talk with carano I went to go find Roman and JoJo they were in the viewing area waiting for me. I sat on Joe's lap and kissed his cheek and said so you told carano that you wanted me to renew my contract for another 3 years. He smiled at me and said yeah I just want you to be happy and live your dream like you always wanted you have made so many sacrifices for me and Jojo its time that I do my part. So if you want to continue your career than don't let me stop you I told you that I want to give you everything. I hugged him tight and said aww babe I love you so much but what if I got pregnant again than what am I gonna do I thought you wanted me to stay home with the kids. He said we will come to that bridge when we get there but for now I think you should renew but it's up to you. His match was coming up next so Jojo and I hurried back to our seats and sat down and waited for his music to play. Randy's music hit as he made his way down to the ring and deiced to walk in front of me and just stared at me.
                Roman's music hit and he made his way down to the ring and when the bell rang him and randy locked up and they started going at it like they hated each other. They went back and forth with each other kicking hitting punching and doing their finishers on each other. Then Randy rkoed Roman and he kicked out at 2 and then Roman did the Samoan drop on Randy and went for the pin and kicked out then Seth come out and attacked both Roman and Randy and the match ended in a disqualification.  So the 3 of them went at each other and then Shane came out and made a match for smackdown is Austin tomorrow. When the show ended we headed back stage and went to help Joe pack so we could drive another 4 hours back home.
                Back stage we headed to Joe's dressing room and helped him pack up his bags as he took a shower. Jojo and I waited for him to finish up and that's when I saw that he had replied to the tweet I had posted earlier his tweet read @Kiannawwe Thanks for always supporting me in everything I do I love you more than you will ever know #soulmate #MrsAnoai. When Joe was done in the shower we headed to the car and got in and took off for Austin. I was exhausted and 9 months pregnant so after listening to Joe and jojo talk to each other the whole time I fell asleep. As I slept I felt Joe crest my face and rub my belly and he talked to Josiah as he would kiss my hand as he held it until we got home. When we were home Joe woke me up and he carried Jojo to her room and put her to bed. When I got in our room I headed to the bathroom and peed and changed my clothes and got into bed.
                While I was in bed waiting for Joe to join me I started having contractions and I wasn't sure if they were Braxton hicks or the real actual contractions so I started to breathe and set my timer on my phone to see how long they were lasting. I was getting scared and I didn't know what to do so I called my doctor and told her that my contractions are 8 minutes apart and they haven't stop like they usually do. She told me to stay calm and meet her at the hospital so I hung up the phone and called for Joe and he came in and said what's wrong. I tired to not panic but I told him that we needed to go to the hospital and now he said why and I said because I think I'm in labor he froze.  As I got up they stopped and I called my doctor back and told her that they had stopped and ask if she still wanted me to come in she said no get some sleep and come see me in the morning tomorrow.
                I laid back down in bed and told Joe I was sorry for freaking him out like that, he said its okay babe its getting close to that time where he might come earlier than he is suppose to. Jojo was born early so our son might be too everyone's first baby is born early, I know that but now we have to make an unnecessary visit to the doctor tomorrow in the morning. Its fine babe really lets just get some sleep and worry about it tomorrow as he wrapped his arms around me kissed me and talked to Josiah and told him to hang in there for a few more weeks okay and than daddy will be home in time to see you born and the little brat that he is he kicked me twice in the ribs. I told Joe really you made him kick me in the ribs he laughed and said I'm sorry I cant control where he kicked you . I said I love you Joe goodnight as I kissed him and told JJ goodnight too, Joe said I love you more mama and goodnight as he pulled me closer to him I fell asleep hoping and praying that I didn't start to have contractions again.

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