My sunday with the Family

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I woke up the next morning to Jojo walking into my room and waking me up she hugged me tight and said Kiki good morning I'm starving I laughed at her and said okay let me get up and get dressed and I'll make you some breakfast. Jojo had been staying  with us before she had to go back to school, I got up used the restroom and got dressed and took my prenatal pills. I headed downstairs put my music on and started to make breakfast as jojo and I sang along to Mariah Carey's dream lover I couldn't help but hate the fact how Joe isn't here and it just made me miss him more. That's when my phone rang and it was Roman calling jojo ask if she could answer it I told her that she could she put it on speaker she said hi daddy I miss you and can't wait to see you again. He said where is Lauren at jojo she right here making breakfast she said. She handed the phone to me hey babe I said what's up, nothing Joe said I just miss my girls and wanted to say good morning to the both of you. Good morning we said back to him.
What are y'alls plans for today not much just finish setting up Jojo's room and my sister and her kids are coming over to hang out and go swimming I said. Sounds like fun he said how's my boy doing, he's doing good I said do you want to talk to him hold on I said. As I put the phone to my belly Joe talked to our son he said JJ it's your daddy I miss you and your sister so much that I wish you were here already so we can hold you. Joe said that he loved us and would see us tonight I hung up the phone and gave jojo her breakfast as we ate breakfast together. When we were finished eating we went upstairs to finish Jojo's room we started with her closet we organized it and hung up all her clothes and then finished hanging up decorations on her walls and put pictures on her desk and night stand.
When we were done in Jojo's room we went to get ready for our little pool party  jojo put on her swim suite and I went put mine on too and we took selfies and sent them to Joe. We headed downstairs and got things ready outside we had water guns and water balloons and a cooler full of juice and water and soda for everyone to drink jojo had grabbed towels and water toys for them to play with in the pool. I put on some Lenny kravitz cause my sister and I love jamming to him as jojo and I waited for them to arrive I also ordered pizza for the kids to eat and I made myself a smoothie. Jojo was already playing in the pool when everyone arrived and Joe had texted back from when I sent him the pictures his text read I miss you both so much it kills me not to be there with you guys sad face I love you my beautiful wife and thank you for taking care of my children while I'm away. I replied back saying I love you too my Samoan superman and I can't wait til I am your wife and you are my husband and I love our kids that's why I take care of them kissie face.
My sister and I talked outside pool side while the kids were in the pool swimming. She ask me if I was happy and excited about getting married I told her that I was and I wanted to start planning the wedding after the baby was born because I didn't want to stress Joe out anymore than he already is and because of me being pregnant and his dad being sick my sister didn't know about Joe's dad being sick and she said that she would say a prayer for him and grabbed my hand to look at my ring because she said mom said it was gorgeous and huge. I hadn't really taken a good look at my ring until now it was 3 stones and the middle one was the biggest and had tiny little diamonds around the band it also had an engraving on it that my sister had noticed. She said look there is an engraving on it, read with all my heart I will always love you your superman. I couldn't believe that he didn't tell me about it he's so sweet I said my sister said yeah he really loves you, you can tell when you see how he looks at you.
The pizza had arrived so we made the kids get out and eat lunch I fixed Jojo's plate and she sat down to eat. As I text Joe and ask him why he didn't tell me about the engraving on my engagement ring I sat down next to my sister and jojo as we all eat and talked about how they were all excited about me having a wedding I laughed and said that it wasn't going to be anytime soon. The kids went back to playing and swimming as my sister and I cleaned up we were jamming Bobby Browns every little step I take as we got into the pool with the kids Noah and Jojo started dancing to the song so I grabbed my phone and took a video to send to Joe. When I did that he texted me back about the ring saying sorry babe it slipped my mind but you know now Lol I replied back saying I know it's beautiful thank you and I hadn't noticed until my sister was looking at it.
After the kids were playing in the pool for about 2 hours my sister and her kids wanted to head back home before my brother in law got home from work so she could have dinner ready when he got home. I thanked her for coming by and hanging out with jojo and I we said our good byes as I texted Joe the video of jojo and Noah dancing to bobby brown every little step I take. Jojo said she was tired and was gonna take a nap she went to her room and I cleaned up the mess that was left outside. When I was done cleaning I headed upstairs to pack for raw and smackdown. As I was packing Joe had text me back about the video he said Lmao those 2 are too much I'm glad jojo is having fun can't wait to see the both of you soon love daddy. I replied back saying yeah I know they were making us laugh the whole time jojo is napping now see you soon love momma.
The dog was barking over and over again so I went downstairs to see what was going on and I guess I didn't hear that someone was knocking at the door for along time when I opened it. It was Galina she was here to pick up Jojo I had her come in I though she would be picking up jojo tomorrow from Monday night Raw. Galina said that she needed to pick up jojo today instead of tomorrow because she had other things she needed to do. I told her that Joe is working and he hasn't seen her galina rolled her eyes and said that's his problem not mine. I said well at least let me call him so he can say goodbye to her and she is taking a nap anyway. I woke up jojo and called Roman and let him know what was going on he was pissed at galina for picking up jojo early. I handed jojo the phone so she could talk to her daddy he told her what was happening and said that he would see her soon and that he loved her so much they hung up and jojo said I really miss my daddy and I really wanted to see him as she hugged me and said with tears in her eyes Kiki why can't I live here with you and my daddy? I told her because your mommy has custody of you for now and I promise that one day your daddy and I will have you come live with us just hang in there.
As jojo and galina left I know Joe was disappointed that he wasn't gonna see jojo tonight. I grabbed my luggage to headed to the airport as I was driving to the airport I texted Roman to see if he was okay. He said that he would be fine and couldn't wait til I got there so he could hold me and rub my belly. I told him that I was about to board the plane now see you soon papichulo. He text back saying I love it when you talk dirty to me in Spanish, I laughed and said yeah well just be glad I'm not cussing at you in Spanish. I got on the plane to head to Louisiana I was so exhausted from swimming that I fell asleep right away on my flight. Once the plane landed I was woken up by the flight attendant I got off the plane and headed to grab my luggage then I headed to Joe's hotel. When I got to the hotel it wasn't hard at all to get a key to Roman's room because the girl at the front desk noticed my engagement ring right away and just figured I was his wife.
        I text Joe to tell him that I was at his room, he text back saying get your fine ass over here already but get dressed to go out with the usos and trinity and Sasha first with a smiley face. Okay I replied see you soon I looked through my clothes to see what I could wear but I didn't have much because of my maternity clothes. I put music on and got dressed and did my hair and makeup once I was ready I headed to the arena to catch Roman's match. I had arrived at the arena and went straight to find Joe in the viewing area when I got there I hugged everyone as I said hi to them and they all touched my belly. I made my way to Joe and sat on his lap he wrapped his arms around me and said I've missed you beautiful as we kissed each other Joe rubbed my belly and talked to our son he told him how much he missed him and loved him the second Joe said that Josiah kicked me twice. Joe got all excited and said he kicked not once but twice that's my boy I laughed and said whatever.
Roman's match was up it was him against Seth Rollins and sheamus I walked him to the curtain hugged him and said see you in a little bit as I smacked his butt as he walked away. He smiled at me and walked to the ring I went to go sit down and watch his match. Of course they both ganged up on Roman and after awhile my hubby won the match and made his way back stage. He hugged me he was all wet and sweaty he kissed me and smack my butt we walked to his dressing room holding hands. I waited for Joe to finish up in their shower so we could head out to dinner with our people. I sat and waited for Joe to get dressed I got on Twitter and the Bellas had congratulated me on my engagement and said we should do lunch some time.
Once we got to the restaurant we said hi to everyone and sat sown to eat and talked about mine and Joe's engagement. After dinner the usos made a toast to Joe and I they said that even though we think of you Kiki as family we just wanted to congratulate you and Joe on the engagement and welcome you to the family. Thank you guys I said Joe stood up and made a toast too he said thank you all for coming and celebrating this mile stone in our lives and Lauren and I are very happy and can't wait to start planning our wedding. We said good bye to everyone and headed back to the hotel.
I was wearing heels which was a bad mistake poor Joe had to carry me into our room and he laid me on the bed shut the door behind him and took my shoes off for me. I was about to get out of the bed and change my clothes when Joe got on top of me and started to kiss me and kiss my neck he took off my dress and started kissing my body and slowly pulled off my panties and took off my bra and started licking my boobs and squeezing them his hands were cresting my body as I moaned. Joe was inside of me and our bodies moved together back and forth as I said oh god joe give it to me baby. He went faster and faster as he said shit baby you feel so damn good. The bed post was hitting the wall as I kept moaning for Joe to go deeper he would go deeper and faster and faster I wrapped my legs around his waist and dug my nails into is back as we both moaned out and came to a climax.
As we laid in bed together Joe had his arms around me we talked for a little bit about how amazing the sex we had was and how it's been awhile since we had sex. I kissed him and went to out my pjs on after i used the restroom and took my make up off. I got back into bed and laid my head on Joe's chest as he wrapped his arms around me and said I love you baby and I know that your worried about your dream you had coming true but I promise you that it won't because I'm gonna do everything in my power to never hurt you like that again. I kissed him on the neck and said I know you will I'm working on my trust issues I have. He rubbed my belly and kissed it goodnight I rolled on to my side to sleep because that was the only way I could. Joe put his arms around me kissed my cheek and said goodnight my wife I love you. Goodnight my husband as I kissed his arms I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

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