Our Day in Pensacola

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       The next day we slept for a few hours because we had a long week once we were up I made us breakfast as we sat and ate together outside on the patio. After breakfast Joe said he would clean up as I went to take a shower. While I was in the shower Joe had joined me he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek and said I love you baby. I hugged him back and told him I loved him too as we kissed each other we washed each other backs when I felt the baby kick I grabbed Joe's hand and said do you feel that. He said no feel what, I told him to be quite and wait than about 3 minutes later Joe felt Josiah kick he turned me around and kissed my belly as I got out of the shower. I put my music on and got dressed I put on green and yellow maxi dress and some cute gold sandals I wanted to wear wedges but because my feet are swollen I couldn't.
      I was doing my makeup as Joe was getting dressed I took my prenatal pills as Joe would kissed my belly and start to talk to Josiah he said hey baby boy we are going to go see your grandpa today he's not doing to good so daddy would love it if you gave him a high five for good luck. I bust out laughing at him really Joe that's not gonna get him to kick for you I said. I started doing my hair as Joe kept kissed my neck and rubbing my belly, we are never gonna leave if you don't behave I told him. When we were finished getting ready we headed to Pensacola Joe wanted to drive the 6 hours there and back I told him he was crazy but I was down for a road trip as long as we got time to ourselves. He said there would be plenty of time for us to spend together I laughed and said if you say so I might sleep the whole way he said that's okay my son needs the rest. We sang to just about every song that came on the radio.
After about 3 hours of driving we needed to stop to get gas and I use the restroom Joe got the gas and I bought  us food to eat and drinks I felt like we were traveling for work or something but I didn't mind because I was with the man I loved  after I checked out I got back into the car and we took off I'm so glad that we are almost there. That's when the weekend earned it came on the radio and Joe he's so cute he started to sing it to me and I just smiled at him and kissed him and told him that I loved him. He held my hand and kissed it and we talked about pretty much everything our future together spending time with jojo and our date tonight. I was getting sleepy but I told Joe that I would stay up with him so he wouldn't feel like he was alone but he told me that it was okay he said for me to get some rest because we are almost there. I when asleep as Alicia keys unthinkable played and I started to dream.
My dream was me and Roman on a beach some where holding hands as we walked down the beach they only thing that had me confused was that I wasn't pregnant Joe and I came to a certain part of the beach and sat down  on a blanket as he wrapped his arms around me I wrapped my arms around the both of us and noticed that I was wearing a ring on my left hand. We looked out to the water and Joe said to me I'm so happy that we have over come so much and now we our spending the rest of our lives together. That's When jojo and Josiah came running over to us and hugged us and the 4 of us sat at the beach and watched the wave move as a family. Little Josiah was 2 years old and he definitely was a mini Roman for sure he looked just like Joe he had his smile and dimple on his chin and Joe's hair it was black and had little curls at the ends except he had my dark brown eyes. Jojo was about 10 or 11 years old she was so beautiful she had gotten tall and had long light brown hair and Joe's eyes brown we were all so happy. I was being woken up by the car stopping and Joe cresting my face and saying how beautiful I looked as I slept he said baby we are here.
As I stretched to wake up I said you just had to wake me up when I was dreaming thanks, was it a good dream he ask me yes but it's okay let's go see your dad. We walked holding hands into his mom and dads house and said hello to everyone we really hadn't seen anyone since Joe's birthday in Hawaii. I hugged his mother and told how sorry I was about Sika and told her to let me know if she ever needed anything than she rubbed my belly and said omg you are getting so big we can't wait til this little one comes into the world. I said yeah I know Joe and I are very excited about having a boy and we also picked out a name for him too. She hugged me again and said that's just wonderful I know how much Joe was hoping for a boy. What name did the 2 of u decide on Josiah Joseph Anoa'i Omg she said that's  just a great name for him to have she rubbed my belly again and said Joe I can't believe that y'all are having a boy and the name is just perfect. Joe hugged his mom and said I know he just started moving yesterday, what she said and put her hand on my belly again and waited to feel the baby move but he wouldn't so Joe started to talk to him his family has never seen him do this in front of them before. As  Joe talked to our son and tried to get him to move for him Joe said Josiah move for daddy please your grandma would love to feel you kick than he kissed my belly and got nothing so I laughed at him and said see he only listens to me.
After everyone got their turn hugging me and touching my belly we finally headed into the bed room where Sika was resting Joe was nervous and so was I the last time I saw someone like this was when I was a junior in high school and my grandpa passed away from leukemia. Joe and I held hands as we walked into the room when Sika saw our faces he lit right up and said Joe my son you came to see me and joe lost it and started to cry as he hugged his dad I have never seen Joe so heart broken before so I went to him and sat next to him on the bed with Sika as I hugged joe I said hi to Sika he said oh you brought you beautiful girl with you as Sika put his hand on my face. I tried not to let Joe see me cry because I wanted to be strong for him but Sika wasn't looking too good. Joe smiled at me and said yeah dad I brought Lauren with me we wanted to tell you about the baby. Sika said oh yeah my grandchild oh what is it a boy he ask Joe smiled and said yes dad we are having a boy and we picked out a name for him, oh really already Sika ask what is his name Josiah Joseph Anoa'i. That's a great name he said, Joe sat and talked to his dad for awhile and Sika told Joe not to cry that he was gonna be fine. Joe left me and Sika alone to talk because Sika ask Joe went to call Jojo.
I talked with Sika for a while about the baby and Joe, Sika said joe is my son and I know that he has done somethings to hurt you but he needs you in his life and even though I wasn't in his life much I know he's a good person and is an even more wonderful father. He lights up when your around you make him happy and that's all I want for him as I cried and told Sika thank you he ask if he could touch my belly I said yes of course it's your grandson after all he smiled and put his hand on my belly as I talked to my belly to get the baby to move Joe walked back into the room. Joe laughed and said what are you doing woman, ssshhh I'm talking to him I said jj mama said for you to kick so kick your grandpa Sika wants to say hi we waited for about 5 minutes and than he kicked just like I ask him to Sika freaked out and said oh yeah he's gonna be wrestler for sure Joe and I both laughed, Joe was mad because he kicked for me and not him. I laughed and said the way he kicks me I think I might be a soccer player Joe laughed and no a football player said and I'm gonna work with him every day so he will make pro I rolled my eyes and said oh god my poor child. I left Joe to talk with his dad as I went to go call my mother back who had called me earlier in the car but I was asleep and didn't answer.
My phone call with my mother went well I told her about the baby being a boy and told her I would text her my sonogram picture later and I also told her about the name we pick she said that she liked. When I hung up I went back inside to see if Joe was okay I opened the door and Joe and Sika were laughing and talking. I sat next to Joe as I laid my head on his shoulder he kissed my head and Sika said look at you the both of you are so happy don't ever forget that, how happy you guys are. That's when Sika got sick and started to throw up Joe called for his mom but I grabbed the pink bucket by the bed and put it under his mouth so he could throw up in it. When he was done Lisa and Joe had returned and I was already helping Sika get cleaned up. I hugged Sika and told him that it was gonna be okay because I know if he is anything like his son he is strong and has  good will power.
Jojo had been dropped off by Galina when she entered the room she hugged her daddy first and than me and talked to my belly has she crawled into bed with Sika and hugged him. Joe ask his mom to watch jojo for us while Joe showed me around Pensacola as we drove around Pensacola Joe showed me where he went to high school at, places he would hang out at and get in trouble with the usos. Pensacola is really a beautiful place the beach is really amazing I can see why Joe loves being here once we got to the beach Joe laid out a blanket for us to sit on and had a picnic basket with him. We sat down and talked about how I got Josiah to kick for me and not him he put his hand on my belly and said why you only kick for mommy and not daddy. I laughed at him and said because it's my tummy he is living in he has no choice but to listen to me. Joe laughed at me and kissed my lips as he feed me some strawberries after awhile Joe asked me to walk in the water with him so I took off my shoes and so did Joe.
We walked hand and hand into the water as Joe would kiss my hand and wrap his arms around me and said baby I love you and thank you for always being here for me and taking care of my dad I panicked and didn't know what to do but you did. My father was right when he told me to never let you go and to always keep fighting for you because you are an amazing woman and that I would never find another. I started to cry when Joe ask me what was wrong I said nothing I didn't know how your father really felt about me. He hugged me and said baby my whole family feels that way about you as he wiped my tears from my face and pulled me into him and kissed me we walked back to where our blanket was and sat down on it. Joe wrapped his arms around me and held me for what seemed like forever I hadn't realized how late it was getting the sun was starting to set Joe said well I guess we should get going and have dinner with my family and jojo before we head back to Tampa.
Yeah I said sounds good to me and as Joe helped me up he gather our stuff and as I was looking at the sun set I turned around to see if Joe needed help when I did that Joe was on one knee holding a blue box in one hand and held out the other for my hand. I didn't know what to do I frozen and said omg Joe what are you doing, he said there is no one else in this world that I would rather spend my life with I'm so bless to have you in my life baby would you make me the happiest man in the world will you marry me? I couldn't help myself tears just fell from my face as Joe opened the box I saw this gorgeous 6 ct  three stones diamond ring with center one was the biggest one and with out hesitation I said yes Joe I will marry you. As he stood up and put the ring on my left hand he lifted me up by my butt as we kissed each other I wrapped my legs around him. My heart was racing from excitement in that moment I hadn't realized why Joe wanted to bring me here until now and because of that I noticed how handsome he looked in his all white tee shirt and dark denim jeans and his beard it was growing on me he hadn't shaved in a few weeks he was letting it grow out but I didn't care.
After holding each other for awhile Joe and I took a selfie together and he took a picture of the ring on my finger and his kissing my hand. I kissed him again and said I love you Joe and I'm gonna remember this day forever. He said I will to baby this is probably one of the happiest days of my life. We walked to the car and Joe opened my door for me as I got in I put on my seat belt and took a picture of my engagement ring on my hand it was this most beautiful thing I have ever seen.  As we drove back to Joe's parents house Joe ask me if I was happy I told him of course I'm happy then why do you look worried he ask me I'm not I said I'm just worried about what my parents are gonna say we haven't been in our relationship long I just don't want them to think that we are rushing into things. He said don't worry about that because they won't think that at all they already knew that I was gonna propose to you. What really when did you ask them? On my birthday he said.
When we arrived for dinner jojo came running up to us and hugged us and said that she missed us and wished she could see us more Joe and I hugged her and said we are working on it. Before we sat down to eat Joe took me in the other room and said my dad want me to propose alone just the 2 of us but I promised jojo that when I was ready to ask you to marry me that she would help me do it and I don't want to take that from her and he ask me if he could have the ring back so she wouldn't get up set. I told sure that's fine but I'm starving lets go eat he laughed and kissed me and said lets go feed my boy. As we sat and ate as a family we all talked amongst ourselves once we were done Joe went to go grab jojo and myself and went for a walk on the beach. They put a blind fold on me as they guided me down the beach I could hear little jojo giggles and saying we are almost there daddy get ready.
Once we came to the spot we needed to be Joe took the blind fold off of me and they both were standing next to me as I read the words spelled out in red rose petals will you marry us on the beach it was so perfect that I started to cry again. I turn and to face the both of them and Joe was on one knee again I said yes and jojo hugged me tight and said I love you Kiki and I'm so happy the your gonna be my other mommy now, I hugged her back and said I love you too jojo as Joe put my ring on my finger again and I hugged him and said I love you too. He said I love you more and kissed my belly and told our son he loved him too and than he kicked and Joe went nuts and jojo said I want to feel I can feel it to daddy. She put her hand on my belly and waited until she felt her little brother kick. We said good bye to everyone and Sika too we told him about Joe proposing and me say yes made him very happy as he rubbed my belly and said goodbye to his grandson.
When we got into the car I FaceTime my mom so I could tell her the good news I said mom guess who is getting married she said who your cousin I know that already I laughed and said no crazy woman me! What she said you and I showed her my ring and she freaked omg she said that it's amazing it's very beautiful tell Joe I said he did a good job! That when he got on the phone and said thanks mom she laughed and said I'm gonna tell everyone they are gonna be so happy and about the baby too. Okay mom I said I love you talk to you later. Jojo was passed out asleep as we continued to drive home I ask Joe if he wanted me to drive because he looked sleepy he said no babe I'm fine just keep me awake I said how am I supposed to do that with jojo in the car as I winked at him joe throw a blanket over her face so she couldn't see. I laughed and said you can wait til we get home we just started talking about the things we needed to do at home in Austin next week and how that I will be at wizard world in Dallas on Friday.
After the longest 6 hour drive back I was exhausted and so was Joe he carried jojo into the house and put her to sleep in her bed as I went to our room and changed my clothes and took off my make up as I use the restroom Joe came in to change his clothes when I was finished I got into bed and waited for my soon to be husband to join me as I waited I talked to my Josiah and said hey baby mommy loves you and wants you to know everything that she does is for you and I couldn't ask for a better father for you than the one you have he may not know it sometime but he truly is amazing and I hope that one day you turn out to be such a loving and caring man like him. As Joe got into bed with me he wrapped his arms around me held me tight and said I love you so much and I love when you talk to our son. I love you too Joe and I can't wait for the day that I become Mrs. Anoa'i he kissed my cheek and said I can't wait either but let's go to bed we have a lot to do tomorrow as we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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