Our Day with Joelle

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       The next morning Joe let me sleep in since I had a long day the day before he made breakfast in bed. As he woke me up I sat up as I ate my food and kissed him and thanked him for being so wonderful to me. Jojo came in to say good morning to me and the baby after I was done eating I got In the shower and got dressed. After I was dressed and took my pills I headed down stairs to clean the kitchen. As I made why way downstairs the house and everything was already clean I was really impressed with how Joe got everything done. I sat on Joe's lap while he and the usos played Xbox I kissed him and said thanks for having everything cleaned for me babe. He wrapped his arms around me as he said your welcome baby mama and went back to playing his game. I was about to head up stairs to finish up Josiah's room when Joe grabbed me and pulled me back to his lap and ask where I was going. Babe I got things I need to do because they won't do themselves I told him. Don't worry about it they will get done just sit here for a minute I rolled my eyes and said yeah and a minute will turn into the whole day.
       As Roman and the usos continued to playing games on the Xbox I was getting tired of sitting around doing nothing so I went to go find where the kids were. They were out side playing with water guns so I sat next to trinity and jey's wife and talked to them for awhile. Jojo came over to sit on my lap and I ask her what she wanted to do today. She smiled and said I don't know can we go shopping do girl things. I laughed and said sure we can lets go tell your dad and change your wet clothes. She was all happy and ran into the house and said bye daddy love you and ran upstairs to change her clothes. Joe looked at me and said what is she all excited about I laughed and said I told her we could go do girl things together. As I was walking up the stairs Joe smacked me on my butt and followed me to the bedroom and shut the door. He hugged me from behind and said I love you baby and I'll have JJ's room done when you come back. I kissed him and said thanks babe we will be back soon and we can head to Austin park and pizza for the kids day.
        Once I changed my outfit and did my hair I ask Joe to start the laundry and I'll finish it when I get back. He kissed me and said of course mama I'll take care of it as he handed me a credit card for me to use. Joe I said baby I don't need this just keep it woman we are practically married he said I looked at it and it had my name on it and everything. I hugged him and said are you sure you want me to have access to all your money, he laughed and said yes I'm sure what's mine is your. I laughed and said I love you see you later I'll try not to spend too much money. Jojo and I and the rest of the girls headed to the nail salon to get our nails and toes done. After we were finished at the nail salon we headed back home for the kids fun day. I got blue tips and blue toes in honor of my baby boy. When we got home we all got dressed for our fun filled day. We all got in car after we were done getting dressed and told the kid where we are going and they all got excited.
        When we arrived at Austin park and pizza we made the kids sit down and eat first before we let them play games and do the go carts. As we sat and ate pizza we talked amongst ourselves about doing an adult date night back at the house since we have the kids with us. Joe asked me if I wanted to do that I said it was fine because who knows when I will get the chance to do things like this again before the baby comes. I also said that I just want to get everything ready before he comes because when I reach my 7th and 8th month that I'm gonna be more tired and want to do nothing. After talking we finally let the kids loose and they went nuts playing every game they came across. Of course the adults took off as well playing games too I just watched and took pictures of everything and some video of people acting a fool. Jojo would come by and say hi to me and hugged my belly, Joe would do the same thing every now and then. Then it was time for the go carts and I really couldn't do that so Joe stayed with me while we watched everyone driving in the go carts. As I sat on Joe's lap we laughed at the kids driving all crazy and the usos getting upset when someone would pass them.
       After about three hours we headed back home and got ready for date night with adults we let the kids go swimming. I was making drinking in the kitchen once we got home when the usos were asking where I wanted them to put the beer at I told them to put them in the little fridge because that's were the adult drinks go because jojo know that the big fridge has drinks for the kids only. Once I said that I heard little jojo say my mama Kiki told you to put those in the little fridge because the big fridge is for the kids. I busted out laughing and jimmy uso said Joe you need to get your daughter bro. Why he said she's talking back jimmy said I laughed and said no you don't she was only telling him what I already told him ain't her fault he don't listen. Joe laughed and said I heard what she said but I can't help you there uce sorry as I high fived jojo. As I started to make dinner the usos put music on and everyone started dancing. Joe grabbed my hand and said came with me I want to show you something.
         He took me upstairs and into Josiah's room he and the usos had finished setting up everything I was really impressed. I hugged him and said thank you baby daddy I love you he wrapped his arms around me and said I love you too beautiful now let's go have some fun I sighed and said what about the laundry. It's done already he said what you did it already with help who help you I ask jojo did, a www I said. After dinner was made and ready to eat we all sat outside on the patio to eat and the kids were either hungry or tired because I haven't heard them so quite. When dinner was over we all sat and talked again about my pregnancy and the holidays coming up soon and how I told Joe that I thought I should take my maternity leave at my 7th month instead of my 8th month. He really didn't want me to because he didn't want to be without me because he said that once the baby is born he wouldn't get to see me as much and wanted to spend as much time with me as possible.
        We all started dancing to certain song that played the kids were still in the pool as Joe and I danced together Celine Dion because you loved me came on. I told Joe that I wanted this song to be our wedding song he smiled and said then it will be, really I thought you wanted all of me to be our wedding song I ask him. He laughed and said we have penalty of time to pick a wedding song. I started to yawn and that's when Joe said mama is getting tired let's call it a night I laughed at him and said okay. We said goodnight to everyone as Joe walked the usos out and I put jojo to bed she said she was exhausted and had a long day I kissed her goodnight as she hugged me and told her little brother goodnight.
       I made my way to the bedroom as Joe let the dog in and locked up once I got to the restroom I peed and changed my clothes brushed my hair out and washed my face. I got into bed as Joe changed and pick out a movie for us to watch together he put on a man apart with vin diesel and laurenz Tate. Before the movie stared Joe went to check on jojo and say goodnight when he was done he locked our door and joined me in bed. I hit play on the movie as Roman turned the light off the movie started as Joe rubbed my belly and put lotion on it. Once he was done he wrapped his arms around me and said jojo she's a trip I can't believe what she told jimmy I laughed and said I know and she called me mama Kiki. Omg I know Joe said I was shocked me too I said well at least we know that she thinks of you like that.
         We held each other as we watched the movie Joe said that he has never seen this movie before I told him it's like my favorite vin diesel movie. He ask me why because he averages his wife's death I told him, well thanks for ruining the movie for me he said, well you asked don't shoot the messenger I told him. We continued to watch the movie as it was coming to an end Joe said I see why you like it now, why I ask him it's not just because he avenges his wife but because I would do the same thing if I lost you. Yeah I know you would but you saw him wipe the blood off his wedding band right because he knew that his wife wouldn't want him to I said. We turned the movie off and laid in bed together as we held each other Joe kissed my belly and told our son goodnight. We talked for a little bit about me still traveling with Roman until my 8th month of pregnancy but not working just being with him. I kissed him and said I love you and goodnight as I closed my eyes. Roman kissed me back and said I love you more goodnight as he pulled me closer to him and held me tight.

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