Raw in Michigan

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              I had flown to Michigan the night before for Monday night raw I was still asleep when I was being woken up to Roman kissing my neck and massaging my back and feet. It felt so good that I didn't want him to stop so I said umm baby that feels so amazing that it was turning me on so I turned over on top of him. As I started to kiss his neck I heard him say damn baby don't stop I wanted to change things up a little bit just to see how Joe would reaction to me doing something different in the bed room. I smiled at him as I made my way down south I pulled out his deal and put my mouth on it and started sucking it. I heard say ummm oh my god that feels amazing so I stuck his deal all the way in my mouth mind you that my man has a huge dick so I was basically deep throating him at this point to where I heard him say fuck baby oh shit give it to daddy as he grabbed a fist full of my hair and squeezing it hard.
                As I came up for air Joe flip me over to where he was on top of me and started cresting my breast and sucking on them since they were so sore it actually felt really good.  He made his way down south and pulled off my panties and started to put his tongue inside of me and moving it all around. I moaned out saying oh yeah big daddy give it to me don't stop it feels so good as he moved his tongue up and down faster I grabbed a fist full of the bed sheets. Then the next thing I know he was in me and our bodies started moving back and forth as the bed rocked oh my god give it to me big daddy I moaned out.  Joe went faster and faster and said keep calling me big daddy baby, tell daddy how you want it. You know how I like it daddy I said as we both moaned out and switched positions I was on top and I started riding his big deal. I don't know if it was because I was so horny but I could feel all of Joe in me and damn it felt so damn good. My body kept moving up and down as Joe smacked my ass I went faster and Joe just laid there and let me have my way with him.  After about 10 minutes of rocking my hips around on his dick we came to a climax.
                We laid in bed for awhile and held each other as Roman said where the hell did that come from. I shrugged my shoulders and said I don't know maybe it was that massage you gave me it really turned me on. He laughed and said nah I think you have been holding out on me or it could just be your hormones as we both laughed I said no it was all you big daddy and your manly hands. He kissed me and went to turn the shower on as we showered together because we were going to be late because of our sexual in counter we had this morning which Joe said needed to happen more often.  After our shower and being lovely dovey towards each other all morning we got dressed and headed to the arena for Raw Joe grabbed our luggage and we took off. Once we got to the arena we headed to our dressing room I had a meeting with carano before my interviews.  As I opened the door to our dressing room it was all decorated in blue baby stuff and a big sign that said it's a boy I looked at Joe and said did you do this? No he said it wasn't me your guess is as good as mine. Huh I said as I got dressed and headed to go talk to carano.
                I knocked on the door to carano's office he said for me to come in I wonder what this could be about I hate these kind of meetings its like being in the principal office. I shut the door as I sat down and carano spoke Kianna why I wanted to talk to you was about your maternity leave and your return we don't want to rush you on coming back but we know we are cutting it close with you having the baby in mid February but we want to have you return at WrestleMania and possibly get a title opportunity. So we have a storyline set up for you when you come back of course it will be a feud between you and Sasha Banks and the revamping of team bad with Naomi and Tamina you will be turning heel and face once you win the championship. That sounds all really great but how soon would I need to return at mania or before because I don't think I will be in my best shape you know training does take some time and I really want to be back in the ring like yesterday. We laughed carano said I understand let's play it by ear and see what your doctor says how long before you can get back to action. I thanked him and walked out the door.
                As I made my way to hair and makeup because it didn't head there before my meeting with carano. After I was done at hair and make up I sent Joe a text saying that my meeting went fine and we discussed my return at mania after the baby is born. He replied back saying Why mania he said and Josiah will only be like 2 months old are you sure you want to return so soon after giving birth. I text him back saying yes I do because its for a title opportunity and I don't want to pass that up I have always dreamt about this Joe ever since I was a little girl. We will talk about this later he told me I rolled my eyes and started interviewing. Frist up was Randy orton and Seth Rollins who were tagging up against Cena and Roman tonight. Kianna: Gentlemen the 2 of you have been in a feud with cena and reigns for awhile how is tonight going to be different? Them: Well first off Kianna we always have a plan and as for cena and roman they wont know what hit them. Up next was Paige, Kianna: Paige we saw you go up against Natalya on smackdown last week and you have a rematch tonight what's your game plan for tonight? Paige: well you see Kiki there is no game plan when it comes to Nattie I'm just gonna go out there and beat the hell out of her because this is my house.
                After my interviews were done with I headed to my dressing room to find Joe so we could talk. I opened the door to my dressing room and everyone jumped out and yelled surprise I jumped because I wasn't except to walk in to another surprise baby shower that all the ladies locker room throw for me. I told them thank you so much but you guys really didn't have to do all of this. I sat down as I was handed gifts to open I ask someone where was Roman at? They said that they think he was still doing his make a wish. I kept opening more gifts and was thinking that we should be set for when this baby is born.  After about an hour gone by and we were all done I headed to catering to get something to eat and find where my man was at. I got line and made my plate and sat down with the usos and dean and Renee. As I ate my food and talked with Renee and thanked her for the baby shower someone finally graced us with his presence and sat down next to me.
                He kissed me on the cheek and said hey baby how was your baby shower that Renee did for you it was really great we got a lot of stuff so I don't think we actually need to buy anything. That's good he said once I was done eating I sat on his lap while Joe finished eating I kissed his lips and his neck as he smiled at me and whispered in my ear for me to behave.  So I kept kissing his neck and whispered in his ear but I love my big daddy I need him tonight as I winked at him and the usos rolled their eyes and said bro y'all need help. We all laughed and went back to making out with each other and then Joe said we need to talk about your return I think its too soon for you to be getting back into the ring what if you get hurt again because you didn't give yourself enough time to heal and train. I get that Joe I really do but this is my career we are talking about I know how much you want me to just stay home with the kids I told him. Its not like that babe you know I'm gonna support you no matter what,  just don't like how they are trying to rush your return that's all he said. I have been out of action for nearly a year Joe I barely started when I got pregnant.
                We moved to the viewing area as we kept talking I sat down next to Joe and he made me sit on his lap. Babe I don't want to fight with you he said, I don't want to fight with you either I've just wanted this for so long and I don't want anything to ruin that I said. He crested my face and said he was sorry and kissed my lips as he bit my bottom lip I smiled at him and said I'm sorry babe I love you as I kissed him and bit his bottom lip. Joe had to leave to get ready for his promo that was opening up the show so I hugged him and said see you soon big daddy. He smiled and said keep calling me that and I'm gonna put it on you tonight as he smacked my ass as he walked away.  As I waited for my Samoan superman to return I got on my twitter to see what everyone had been up to I sent out a tweet to Joe I read @wweromanreigns can't wait for tonight wink face with john legends tonight( best I ever had) video attached #bestyoueverhad.
                The show was under way Joe was about to head out to do his promo so I hugged him tight and said you got this big daddy make mama proud. He kissed me and said the more you call me that the more I'm gonna smack that ass as he walked through the curtain. I Sat back down as I watched Roman's promo with Orton, when someone came up behind me grabbed me and covered my eyes I was trying not to panic and stay calm because i didn't want to stress out my son. When we stopped my eyes were uncovered and it was Seth. We were heading out to the ring and I tried fighting him as the camera followed us i screamed for Roman and he saw what was happening to me so he superman punch Orton in the face and ran down to the ramp to save me. As Roman and Seth went at each other I made my way back stage to get out of harms way I sat back down in the viewing area again and drank so water and rubbed my belly and talked to JJ. Once he finally kicked me I sighed in relief and knew he was okay and waited for Joe to come back.
                Once Joe finally came back stage he came to me and said are you okay, yes I'm fine and so is Josiah. Good he said they really need to stop using you to get to me all it's doing is pissing me off and putting our son in danger. Joe I'm close to my due date nothing bad is going to happen now except for pre mature labor but I will be fine and so will our son don't worry. Yeah I know he said that is what worries me, don't be I was born pre mature and look how well I have done for myself. He smiled and said well that explains a lot I didn't know that about you, what do you mean by that I ask him. He laughed and said nothing it explains your feistiness and why you are so damn short and petite. Hey I said, as I smacked him on the arm, he laughed and said what its not a bad thing I love you just the way you are your shortness in all. I laughed and said yeah you better especially if you ever want me to do what I did to you this morning again.
                After about 2 hours into the show Roman's match was up with cena against Seth and Orton. We walked together to the curtain we said our pray together as we held each other and I kissed him and said I love you babe and than Cena interrupted and said I love you too as we laughed Joe said I love you more mama and he took off. I sat back down with Nikki as we watched our men kick butt since Joe got mad about me doing promos with Orton and Seth they ask Nikki to be apart of it because of Cena. So she was heading over to the curtain when Orton had made his way back stage during to match and grabbed her she was yelling for cena and fake crying you know that ugly cry we make. Once Cena had his eyes on Nikki he tagged in Roman and went to save Nikki because of that it cost Cena and Roman the match because Roman had no one to tag in so he got pinned by Seth.
                The show had ended and Joe and I headed back to our dressing room once he saw everything we had he sighed and said how the hell are we going to get all of this on the plane. I don't know I said your guess is as good as mine. That's when we got a knock at the door apparently Nikki and Cena had arranged for all of the baby stuff to be sent to my house in Texas and a person was here to pick everything up. As Joe showered I packed up our stuff and waited for him to finish so we could head back to the hotel and I was getting tired. I had not realized that Joe had responded to my tweet it read @Kiannawwe Big daddy is gonna put it on ya #believethat. I rolled my eyes as I smiled and went to the shower and told him to hurry up he turned around and pulled me in the shower with him I still had my clothes on I was so mad because now I had to change.
                In the shower Roman had undressed me and lifted me up and had me up against the wall. I felt his big Samoan dick in me as I moaned oh yeah big daddy give it me oh it hurts so good give it to me deeper baby. As our bodies moved up and down I felt Joe bite my neck as I dug my nails into his back we changed positions and I was bent over in the shower with my hands up against the wall as Joe jammed it in me my body moved back and forth. He smacked my ass repeatedly and said oh yeah baby that's how daddy wants it don't stop as I kept going faster I could feel Joe grabbing my boobs and squeezing them hard as we came to a stop.
                I got redressed as did Joe and we headed to the car once we were done I ask Joe if he was gonna be okay to drive. He smiled and said yes only if you suck my dick again when we get to the hotel I rolled my eyes and said sure thing big daddy I'm on it. I fell asleep in the car Joe had woken me up and I grabbed my bags and headed to our room once we got there I put my bags down and went to use the restroom and change into my pjs. I got into bed and waited for Joe to join once he was in bed he rubbed my belly cream on me and kissed it.  I laid my head on his chest and he kissed my fore head I knew what he was waiting for so I rolled over and said goodnight I'm tired. He grabbed and pulled me back towards him and said nah baby girl you ain't getting out of this one I laughed as I made my way down south and wiped out his dick and started going to town on it. I moved my mouth up and down until I had all of it in mouth and sucked on it until I almost choked. Felt Joe grabbed a hand full on my hair and pulled it moving my head up and down really fast as he squeezed my hair hard I felt him cum in my mouth. I had to swallowed it as I came up for air I felt like I was gonna die from not being able to breathe.
                I rolled over to my side of the bed and closed my eyes and tired to catch my breathe and go to sleep. As Joe wrapped his arms around me and said goodnight I love you mama and you are amazing and stop holding out on me in the bedroom or I'm gonna have to punish you. I laughed and said I have to keep you wanting more some how, goodnight big daddy I said I love you too as we fell asleep in each other arms.

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