Smackdown with No Samaon Superman

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       The next day I woke up on my own because I couldn't sleep last night because I had this feeling that both Roman and jojo were hiding something from me I don't know what but I needed to get to the bottom of it. I showered and got dressed I hardly touched my breakfast because I wasn't hungry but I knew my son needed to eat it kind of made me feel sick. I took my prenatal pills and grabbed my luggage and headed to the arena. Once I got to the arena I headed to the locker room and got dressed and headed to hair and make up and ask jojo if I could talk to her for a minute. Kianna: I need to ask you something did Roman really tell you that he was gonna leave me for you. Jojo: I'm gonna be up front with you yes he did we may have been drunk that night but I still remember everything, he said that he wasn't in love with you anymore but he felt he needed to stay because you're pregnant. Kianna: I see and are the two of you still talking tell me the truth. Jojo: no we aren't we stop talking the day I got suspended but in Roman's defense he really does love you and I think he was confused that night because he was drunk out of his mind. Kianna: I'm glad you were finally honest with me but can I have you meet with me and Joe to get to the bottom of this. Jojo: sure is the airport tonight good we both live in Tampa Sure I said as I walked away for my interviews.
       It was hard for me to concentrate on my interviews I only had two of them and than I had one last meet and greet for the total divas show. First up was Enzo and big cass, Kianna: gentlemen you been having this on going feud with primo and epico how are you feeling about your match tonight? Enzo: we are feeling pretty good about it we can't wait to become the new tag team champions. Next up was nia jax Kianna: Nia you have made quite a name for yourself in NXT how are you feeling about going up against Sasha banks tonight. Nia: it's good to see you again Kianna, I feel pretty good and I can definitely take Sasha out if I needed to. After my interviews I headed to my meet and greets as I sent Joe a text telling I was sorry I didn't get back to him I have been busy I miss you too see you soon.
     At my meet and greet I was getting nervous to go home because I didn't want to fight anymore I just wanted the truth and I wanted him to admit what happened. As I sat down and started signing autographs and taking pictures with fans after about two hours I was finished I took a group picture with the cast and headed to the locker room and grabbed my luggage. I headed to the airport as I said good bye to everyone at the airport I checked in my luggage and text Roman to tell him I was about board the plane. I sat down at my seat and put my headphones in and fell asleep as I rubbed my belly the flight attendant was waking me up due to the plane landing. When I got off my terminal I saw Joe he had a big smile on his face and was carrying flowers and had my luggage already.
     As I hugged Joe and and kissed him I took him over to where I was meeting jojo at Joe ask me what I was doing. I told him that I wanted to get to the bottom of this jojo thing once and for all because someone isn't being truthful with me. He sighed and ask me why can't I just let this go, because I need to know the truth I said. As jojo walked up and said hi to us Joe: I don't understand why she's here because there is nothing going on between us. Jojo: there is nothing going on between us now but before you were telling me you wanted to be with me and but she got pregnant. Kianna: is that true Joe did you say that to her, Joe: omg I'm done with this shit I don't need the two of you ganging up on me. Jojo: just be real with her and tell her the truth Roman. As he walked away I went after him, Kianna: Joe stop please just stop I'm pregnant I can't walk that fast.
     We got in the car and headed home we didn't say much to each other the whole way home. When I got inside I changed my clothes and use the restroom and put my luggage away and I went to go look for Joe. He was outside on the patio I handed him a beer and sat next to him. He was still so quite I couldn't tell if he was mad or thinking of an excuse to tell me. I said look Joe by you not talking to me only makes me think that what offerman said is true now is your time to own up to what happened and tell me the true. He turned my chair to face him and said okay yes I did say that to jojo as he held my hands but I was drunk and didn't know any better, so you were gonna leave me for her as I started to cry but I got pregnant so that's why you stayed I said. Yes because I know how hard it was for my mother to rise kids on her own and I didn't want to do that to you he told me.
    Geez thanks I told him as I pulled away from him I stood up and said do you still feel that way, he didn't say anything, hello do you still feel that way I said again, yes okay yes I do but then I fell in love with you, you stayed with me through so much that I couldn't help but to love you and how you treat my daughter made me love you even more. So I was nothing but a rebound chick to you, no it's not like that yes at first but I was still hurting from galina. Did you still have feelings for jojo I ask him no I don't I haven't talked to her since she got suspended, she told me that too. I got up and headed to the bedroom Joe grabbed me and said where are you going I'm leaving where else would I be going. Why I told you the truth only because I ask you to if you had been up front with me and told me from the beginning I wouldn't feel the need to leave now.
    You said that you would never leave me he said, that was before you lied to me and have been ever since as I packed a over night bag. He grabbed me again and said please don't do this what am I going to tell jojo when she gets home from school. Tell her the truth tell her you made a mistake and that we need sometime apart from each other. After everything your just gonna leave, You obviously have checked out of our relationship a long time ago Joe and here I am looking stupid and putting everything I have into us when you weren't even giving me and ounce. I'm sorry okay just don't leave what about our son, I'll let you know when I go into labor, don't you have an appointment tomorrow, yes Joe I do my 6th month check up but I don't need you to be there I'm very capable of doing this on my own. Please Lauren I love you I would have never ask you to marry me if I didn't love you with everything I have. Joe just stop okay stop it I'm done I can't handle this anymore I'm not about to risk losing my child again I have to do this for him and for myself.
    I need to go pick up Jojo from school just don't leave until I get back at least say goodbye to her. I agreed to stay and kept packing I sent a text to Nikki Bella to see if I could stay the night over there until I flight back to Texas. She Replied back saying of course and what happened I told her that I would explain when I got there. I loaded up my car and sat outside on the patio as tears fell from my eyes I rubbed my belly and told Josiah that mommy is sorry but this is really for the best for all of us. I heard jojo running my way so I quickly wiped my tears away as she hugged me said I missed you but daddy said your leaving why, I told her that it wasn't her fault and that I loved her but that her daddy has hurt me too many times and that its best if I go for now but I will be back and she will always be in my heart. She ran to her room crying and seeing her heart break just ripped mine to pieces I couldn't help but to cry myself. Joe came over to me and said do you really want to do this, no I don't want to do this but I have to because it's not okay anymore you can't keep hurting me like this.
     I Know baby I'm sorry he said we can work this out just don't go please I love you I do apparently You love jojo offerman not me at least not enough to tell me the truth if you didn't want to be with me you should have just told me from the beginning and now look at me I'm 6 months pregnant. Yeah I know he said but look at how far we have come he said we have built a life together look at jojo she loves you so much, you don't think that it kills me to see her like that, don't put this on me because I'm not the one who cheated on me and than lied about what really happened. Because I knew I would lose you if I had told you the truth, No you wouldn't have your losing me because you lied about it. I'm gonna go see if jojo is okay I told him and than I'm leaving as I talked to jojo and told her not to worry but I would be back she ask if we were still going to get married I said eventually when things get better. She also ask me if that she would get to see her baby brother when he is born, yes of course you will get to see him I told her.
     I hugged her and walked out of the door Joe followed me he hugged me and begged me not to go. Joe just stop just focus on yourself and jojo and be a better person be the best father you can be she is gonna need you. I can't do this without you I'm nothing without you. Yes you can I know you can you don't need me as he cried he rubbed my belly kissed it and said Josiah daddy is sorry and he's gonna do everything he can to make us a family again. As I drove off and headed to Nikki Bellas house with Cena I started to ball my eyes out I was just glad that she only lived 15 minutes away from me. She hugged me and ask me if I was gonna be okay as she helped me with my bags. I told her yeah I'll be fine I just want to go to bed and forget this day happened but I promise we can talk about everything tomorrow after my prenatal check up. As I went to my room I washed my face and took a shower and put my pjs on and got into bed.
      I put the tv on and rubbed my belly as I talked to my son my phone kept going off Joe had been texting me since I left, I know what he was gonna say I didn't want to read his messages because I didn't want to cry anymore. I read them all but I didn't reply back his messages said that he loved me and was sorry and couldn't live without me and than he finally admitted he was wrong and that he should have told me the truth from the beginning but we wouldn't have our blessing in Josiah. I replied back saying I'm glad you can admit you were wrong get some sleep Joe goodnight. Goodnight baby I love you sad face. As tears fell from my face I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

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