Anoa'i Family Day

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  Roman's Pov
          It was getting late I had already set up the tables outside on the beach and gone to the grocery store. It was 10:30am and I had let the baby mama sleep in long enough I turned the shower on for her and got into bed to wake her up but she's so beautiful when she sleeps. When I got into bed with her she rolled over and laid her head on my chest I wrapped my arms around her and squeeze her tight as I told her to wake up. Baby get up I have the shower running for you, she said ummm no as she kissed my chest just let me sleep she said. I said I love you but it's getting late we have things we need to do today remember, uh huh she said as we kissed each other and she rolled back to her side of the bed. So I got on top of her and started making out with her neck as she said ummm baby stop I love it when she plays hard to get makes me want her more. She wrapped her legs around me and started kissing me on the lips.
Kianna's Pov
         After getting my Samoan superman off of me I was finally up and headed into the shower as Joe smacked me on my butt I smiled at him and told him to behave as he hugged me from behind and said I love you I love you too babe I said. After my shower I got dressed and did my hair and make up and made my way to the kitchen. Joe had already put music on he was outside setting up I looked out there and he had already finished. Babe how long have you been up, awhile he said what time is it it's late woman he said and he was right I slept in way too long everyone would be here soon. I started making the sides and told Joe why did you let me sleep so late, I tried to wake up you but you weren't having it he said. Don't worry about it babe he said I got you, just relax and take care of my boy he said as he kissed me and rubbed my belly. I continued to make the sides and baking the deserts I ask Joe if I needed to go get jojo from galina's he said no that he was about to leave to go get her.
       As he kissed me goodbye he talked to Josiah and then rubbed my tummy I ask him if he could grab more eggs and milk, he said yes love see you in a little bit. I smacked his ass as he left and went back to making French fries and making a salad and vegetables tray and guacamole. I also dump a few bags of chips in a big bowl and put out some dips and carried everything outside and put them on the table that had a cover above it to keep the sun off of it. Then I took my pineapple upside down cake out of the oven when Joe and jojo came back, jojo came running over to me and jumped in my arms I hugged her tight and said hi and she said hi to me. As Meghan tranior's like I'm gonna lose you played Joe hugged me as we started to dance in the kitchen I felt JJ kicked as Joe and I kissed. The song changed to John legend's tonight (best I ever had) as Joe and I kept dancing jojo laughed at us Joe lifted me up and we started making out with each other.
      We had to stop because jojo was in the room so the song changed to all of me and Joe smiled at me as I smiled back at him and said I love you babe, he kissed me and said I love you more baby. I went back to making cupcakes as Joe hugged me from behind as he sang to me when the song ended Joe went to go start the barbecue pit as jojo and I made cupcakes and dancing to Marc Anthony. We were having fun when we got a knock at it was the usos I hugged them and said hi as they came in and started dancing with me and jojo jimmy and Jey are such a trip so glad that we are getting this much needed family day in before my maternity leave. As more people kept arriving and everything was done baking jojo and I sat in the living room putting pictures in Josiah's baby book as we sang and danced. Trinity and tamina came over to look at my book and said that it's adorable we didn't know how creative you are. Thanks I said as they rubbed my belly once I was done adding stuff to the baby book they helped me up off of the floor.
       I made some drinks for the adults and handed jojo some water balloons to go play outside and she gave me a stank face look and I laughed and said little girl what's that face for. She said my hair is too pretty to get it wet omg I said your just like your daddy when it comes to your hair so I put it up for her and she ran outside. As I handed the ladies their drinks I grabbed my husband a beer out of the fridge and took it to him as he was talking with usos and checking on the food. I hugged him from behind and put his beer in front of him he grabbed it and kissed my hand and said thanks baby your welcome my love I said. I put the tv on outside that Joe had hook up so he could watch sports I put it on soccer because we both enjoy watching it Mexico and Brazil were playing. Joe was getting upset because Brazil was losing there was another knock at the door so I went to answer it but Joe told me that I needed to sat down and rest my feet.
          He went to get the door as it was the rest of his family his mom and dad and his siblings and all their kids. I said hi to them all I passed around the baby book and every one was in aww of it the food was just about ready so I got up to use the restroom. As Lisa Joe's mom rubbed my belly and said how happy she was that Joe and I worked things out and we are moving forward and couldn't wait til she gets to meet her grandson. I hugged her and said me too as I went to pee as I was about to go back out side there was another knock at the door it was Dean and Renee and the Bellas I let them in and said hi as I hugged all of them. We all headed outside as Selena started playing and kept watching the tv as jojo ask me to show her how to dance to tejano music so the Bellas and I showed her. As we laughed and danced I looked over at Joe who was smiling and watch us as he mouthed the words I love you I smiled back and said I love you more.
      It was finally time to eat so I got in line to make Jojo's plate but Joe hand her her plate and told me to go sit down as he had already made mine for me. We all sat and ate our hamburgers and talked amongst ourselves I was glad that Joe was getting to spend time with his family and his dad was looking much better. So after everyone was done eating Joe and I wanted to announce that we finally had set a date for the wedding. As Dean and the usos yelled for everyone to be quite so we could speak Joe and I said we would like to tell everyone that we have finally set a date for the wedding so everyone please mark your calendars for June 23 2018. As everyone cheered and congratulated us they all hugged us and said it was about time. We all went back to talking and laughing as Toni Braxton' s un break my heart played in the background it took my back to when Joe and I broke up so I got sad and jojo noticed and went to change it. She came back and hugged me and said its gonna be okay mama Kiki, a www I love you princess jojo as I hugged her back.
        Joe had failed to mention to me that this family day turn out to really be a surprise baby shower. People started to hand me present and gifts to open it was crazy because I wasn't really expecting to have a baby shower so soon but I opened the gifts as Joe sat next to me and helped he would put the outfits we got on my belly he was so cute and happy. After about an hour of opening gifts and we were finally done as the kids were playing on the beach Joe ask me to take a walk with him on the beach, I said what about the kitchen that's when his mom said for me not to worry about and for us to take our walk. As we walked down the beach I felt the baby kick I put my hand on where he kicked and Joe hugged me from behind as we walked down the beach. Once we came to the area that we always come to we stood there hugging on each other when Joe got down on one knee I thought he was going to talk Josiah but he pulled out my ring that he had left with the jeweler yesterday. I had them clean it and now I'm putting back where it belongs I smiled and said thanks baby I love you as he put it on my finger.
     He talked to our son as JJ kicked me and then kissed me and said I love you baby as we walked back to the house holding hands. I told him thank you for doing all of this for me I am truly lucky to have such a great husband that takes care of me. He kissed me and said your welcome baby and you do everything for me so I'm gonna do everything for you. Joe said I hate that I have to leave tonight for my house show I hate leaving you, I wrapped my arms around his neck and said babe you will see me on Monday you have to go I'm gonna be fine you know I would let you know if anything happens. Once we were back in the house it was getting late so everyone started to leave as Joe and I said goodbye and Joe said goodbye to jojo as the usos took her home for us. Joe started packing up his luggage as I sat on the bed I helped him fold his clothes I tired not to get sad because I know it's hard enough for him to leave so seeing me sad isn't gonna help. After Joe was all packed up we held each other awhile at the front door.
Roman's Pov
      I held her as tight as I could I hate leaving her so much but I knew I had to provide for my family. I kissed her beautiful face goodbye and told her I would call her once I got to my hotel. I love you mama as I rubbed her belly I kissed it and told my son goodbye and to behave while I was gone and he kicked my hand.
Kianna's Pov
           I sighed as I kissed him goodbye and said I love you daddy be careful and I'll see you soon. He kissed me goodbye and said he would call when he got to his hotel I watched him walk out of the door as I closed it behind him and went to my bedroom to change my clothes I needed to pee. As I washed my face and got into bed and put on the tv and waited for Joe to call me or text me. I must have fallen asleep because my phone was ring it was Roman so I answered it hey sexy I miss you already he laughed and said why didn't you reply to my text. Sorry babe I fell asleep, I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to wake you up, it's okay I'm just glad you made it okay. Yeah I did he said get some sleep and I'll call you tomorrow I love you and miss you so much goodnight.  Goodnight I love you more babe talk to you tomorrow. He said he wanted to tell JJ goodnight so I put the phone on speaker and put it to my stomach as Joe told our son goodnight. I hung up the phone turned the tv off and rolled over put a pillow in between my legs and tried to sleep.

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