Kara & Seth Rollins

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"Goodnight everybody and thank you for joining us here on Raw Christmas!"

Kara P.O.V

We had finally finished filming the last show before we get time off for Christmas holidays. I was so excited because my man has planned something extra special this year and after spending Christmas with both our families for a bit; we are going to New York for New Years!

"Kara! You ready babe, it's time to hit the road."

"Yeah I'm ready."

You're probably wondering who my boyfriend is, and it is none other than the man Seth Rollins. Or Colby to me haha. He and I have been going strong for 3 and 1/2 years now, living together in Iowa for a little over  1 year. Everything is perfect except for 1 thing...I want to get married and Colby doesn't even want to discuss the topic.

"Did you see my match tonight against Becky?"

Seth: yeah. you had a great match. I think everybody has a perfect opponent. Mine is Dean and I've said it before, yours is definitely Becky.

"I think so too, so are you parents coming over to our place or do they want us there?"

"They are gonna come over. My mom has already started cooking and is packing all the food she will bring us haha."

"I love it when she cooks for us. I always ask her to teach me new recipes because I think it'll definitely help in the future being a great homemaker and wife...don't you think."

"I don't think we should be going down that road again."

"Colby, we've been together almost four years, we live together, we share our lives together. We're basically living like a married couple."

"Then why should it matter if we're married on paper?"

"It's not just a piece of paper to me. It's important, I just---"

"This really isn't a conversation for when I'm supposed to be focusing on the road."

I sighed heavily. "As usual.." I just don't understand why he can't just fully commit to me and this relationship.

* 2 Days Before Christmas *

"Mom you really went overboard this time."

Holly: Well I just want to make sure you guys have enough food for the time off and you can take some on the road."

Colby laughed and looked over at me. "I'm not to sure about that. But I do appreciate you doing this mom."

"It's no problem at all. Kara if you want to look over the recipe book I brought you we can do that now and actually get started while the boys get the table set up."

"Ohh I'd love that." As we looked over the recipes I just had to bring up the topic while Colby was distracted.

"Holly, I need to ask you something?"

"Sure sweetie what's going on?"

"Well..I don't know, I guess I'm just wondering, how did you get Bob to fully commit and marry you. Colby and I have been together almost 4 years, I really wanna be married, but every time I bring up the topic, he's just out of it--won't even listen to what I have to say. It's really bothering me."

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