Ashlynn & Randy Orton

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"Kaitlyn you are just upset that I beat you and those stuck up lame excuse for divas."

-You can look but you can't touch, you keep dreaming to the stars above!!-

The bella twins enter the ring.

Nikki: You know what Ashlynn you just got lucky last night. That title belongs to us. We are the only ones deserving enough.

Brie: Not to mention good looking enough

"Oh please I already beat all of you. This is my title!"

Kaitlyn: No its not it is mine! You took that from me. They don't deserve it, but you are the last person that should be wearing the divas title.

Nikki: Yeah who does she think she is? as if she runs the company. Brie I think someone needs to show her who's boss.

Brie: That's exactly what I was thinking nikki. Kaitlyn why don't you help us.

Suddenly they all turned their attention to me. 'woow so this is what your resorting to?"

Suddenly Stephanie McMahon's music hit and she walked out.

Stephanie: You girls are not about to do what I think you are, because in case you're forgetting. I'm the real boss.

"You know what I don't have time for all of this so stephanie if your done I think I'm gonna give myself the night off"

Stephanie cut me off "I don't know where you are going because you are going to have a match tonight! All of you are, in fact we are going to have a tag team match, So Ashlynn & Kaitlyn you better put your differences aside for one night because you two are teaming up to face the bella twins!"

I was enraged. "What! are you kidding me?!"

stephanie smiled "Oh and Ashlynn, let's just hope nobody turns on you. Don't ever interrupt me again. Oh and I need a reff out here because that match is right now.



Reff: Ring the bell!

"I'm starting the match! Get out!" Kaitlyn glared at me and stepped out. I started against brie. just when we were about to lock up I kicked her and went off with punches, so she ran to the corner and tagged in nikki. But they double teamed on me. I fell to the floor and she kicked me in my midsection. I tried to go for the tag but she grabbed my leg and put me in a submission hold.


Nikki: Ask her reff? Tap!!

"No!" I finally reversed and kicked her on the side of her head. I used all my strength to crawl to Kaitlyn. she had her hand out just as I was about to tag her she hopped off the matt.

"What are you doing?! come back here!"

Brie attacked me from behind and did the bella buster.

1!....2....3! here's your winners, THE BELLA TWINS!

"You think your so good huh?!" They picked Ashlynn up and attacked her. Kaitlyn stepped into the ring and they held her. She speared her. They get a mic and bring it down to her

"What do you have to say Ashlynn?!"

"your all worthless pieces of shit" they continue their assault when suddenly--


Randy Orton came running to the ring and they all stepped back. "You all better leave this ring right now, before someone gets hurt.

Brie: Oh please you can't touch us.

He RKO's Brie to send a message. they run away and he helps the divas champ up.

"I know we don't know each other that well. but I love your attitude. finally there is someone with a backbone around here not afraid of the authority. I think your just missing one thing...ME"

He kisses her and they make out in front of the entire crowd while they boo.

"Looks like we have a new power couple! Triple H and Stephanie better watch out"

*Back at her hotel*

*opens door*

"Randy its you! What would you like?"

Randy: You!

he pinned me up against the wall and kissed me, our tongues fighting for dominance which he won, he carried me to the bed, and let's just say he wasn't just dominant and strong in the ring ;)

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