Gabrielle & Dean Ambrose

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"Mommy..." My baby girl tugged at my pants and looked up at me with sad eyes..i've seen that look before and I knew exactly what she was going to say.

"I'm tired I wanna go to sleep."

"Aww Rhi you want me to tuck you in?"

She sniffled and I knew it was coming. "NO! I want daddy too. I miss daddy..when will daddy come home?"

I hated seeing my baby girl upset. It was so hard explaining to her with her only turning 3 in 2 weeks. "Soon okay Rhi. C'mon let's go watch daddy on T.V and then we can call him okay?"

she nodded and I picked her up and turned the tv to monday night Raw.

"Introducing first, at a combined weight of 707 pounds; the tag team champions, seth rollins and roman reigns, and the united states champion Dean Ambrose...The Shield!!

Rhi jumped up and stood in front of the TV. "DADDY!" She went crazy every time the camera landed on dean and he was in the ring..Yes, Rhiannon's Dad and my husband is Dean Ambrose.

"Rhi don't stand too close to the TV." I sat her on my lap and she watched the match.

"Mommy, Daddy won't miss my burfday again right?"

"I hope not sweetie."

*Fast Forward*

"Here's your winners...THE SHIELD!!"

30 minutes after the show ended I face timed Dean. After a couple rings he picked up.

"Hey babe! What's up?"

"Hi baby! Nothing much, just watched Raw with Rhi and she misses you a lot right now."

Dean sighed. "I miss you guys too, where's my baby girl?"

"Rhi sweetie come talk to daddy!" I gave my phone to her.


Dean P.O.V

my baby girl smiled widely at me and it warmed my heart. "Hey princess, how are you? You and mommy doing good?"

"Yes..but I miss you Daddy" sadness spread across her face. I hated that my daughter had to suffer like this.

"I miss you too Rhi, don't be sad Daddy will be home soon okay. I want to get you lots of presents. And you can have a big party with all your friends for your birthday."

" I don't want pwesents, I just want you here daddy... you won't miss my burfday right?"

I could see her eyes watering and my heart shattered. I didn't know what to say.

Gabrielle: Ok Rhi it's time for bed, let's go.

"Okay daddy is very tired, so I will talk to you tomorrow okay Rhi, let mommy tuck you in."

She sighed heavily. "Okay. Goodnight daddy. I wuv you"

"I love you too princess." She handed the phone back to Gabrielle and she tucked Rhi in.


Gabrielle: you checked your schedule right, you come home the day before her birthday?

"There's a problem.. The executives told us today that instead of working the next 2 weeks we are doing one more month straight."

"Dean you can't do that. Do you know how heartbroken your little girl will be if you miss her birthday again. I mean I'm struggling too. These 3 months have been lonely."

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