Areesha & Dean Ambrose

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Roman: C'mon man we know you two don't get along but you have to do it. Vince's orders.

Seth: I mean your U.S. Champ. A story with the divas champ will help us a lot more. Now you have to go find him and discuss your promo for tonight.

Dean stormed out as Roman and Seth chuckled behind him.


Areesha: Nattie I'm NOT working with that jerk! Of all people AMBROSE?!!

Nattie: I really don't know what you have against him I mean he is cute, and has got quite the personality.

"Not a good one that's for sure."

-Hey! Areesha!

"Speak of the devil..Nattie stay here and see what I mean"

Dean: Hey! We have to be on in less than an hour, here's the script. When we are out there try not to embarrass me and don't look me directly in the eye.

"Who do you think you are!? I'm the divas champ! You don't mean anything to me, so don't flatter yourself! I am only doing what Vince says."

"Dean Ambrose & Daniel Bryan to gorilla for your match"

Nattie: Alright you guys need to get it together. You're next.


Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins have come to ringside, Daniel Bryan gets distracted and Ambrose hits him with Dirty Deeds!!

1!......2!........3! *Ding Ding Ding*

Oh no now the shield has isolated Daniel Bryan...Here comes his fiancée Brie Bella!!

Brie: Please don't hurt him! Please!

Whoah woah woah the Divas Champion Areesha attacking Brie from behind, and just throwing her out the ring. Is she helping out the shield?

The shield Triple Powerbombs Daniel Bryan.

Dean: Thanks for the help, but we didn't need it.

Areesha: Aw your cute! I know you guys didn't need help, What you Dean Ambose need.. is. ME! Imagine what the divas champ and u.s. champ could do together. We could be the next power couple.

Areesha leans up and kisses Dean softly. "Just think about it" She winks and walks backstage.

* * *

Seth: Great job guys, I know it was hard. way to take one for the team.

Roman: Well we'll go drop our stuff in the car, you two need to go talk to vince. Try not to kill each other.

Seth and Roman leave the room. Areesha and Dean don't look at each other. Just walk out and go to Vince's office.



Vince: That's all you 2 can go and rest. Great show.

Dean/Areesha: Thank you Vince

Vince: your welcome!

They leave Vince's office and head back to the Shield's locker room.

Areesha: Its really quiet.

Dean: You think everyone is gone?

"I think so."

Dean pushes Areesha up against the wall and kisses her roughly. She immediately kisses back just as roughly but with a great amount of passion. Areesha wraps her arms around his neck as Dean lifts her up and grabs her butt.


Seth: You know they are making out right now right?

Roman: Oh yeah. I know! What story do you think he's gonna come up with tonight?

* * *

Areesha: I'm so glad we have this storyline. Finally I can make out with my boyfriend without people suspecting something. I don't want everyone to find out they were right about ending up together.

Dean laughed. "Yeah, it's great. These people are clueless, last thing I want to hear from them is, 'I told you guys so'. We really are the company's power couple. I love you baby!"

"I love you too Dean!" They kissed softly and headed out to the parking lot. Separately of course! ;)

This was for @AreeshaAmbroseI hope you liked it. Sorry for the wait, it kinda got lost in the shuffle of requests

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