Nacole & Roman

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This one is dedicated to @Roman_Bieber. I hope you like it! :)

"Cody who is that girl you're always with?"

"Oh that's Nacole. We have been best friends since high school."

Roman: She is gorgeous, you've got to introduce me to her

"Alright. Nacole, come here!"

Nacole: Hey Cody, what's up?

Cody: I just wanted to introduce you to my friend.

"Hi I'm Nacole, nice to meet you" She shook his hand.

"Roman. The pleasure is all mine. Well i've got a match coming up, I hope to see you around."

Cody chuckled. "Still here y'know. I haven't left. Good luck man."

Nacole was stunned. "Cody. I think I'm in love. He is so hot..why did you just introduce us?"

*F/F 7 months*

Nacole P.O.V

Right from that moment I knew Roman & I had a special connection. We have been together for just over 6 months. He loves me and is so protective. But for some reason he has a problem with Cody.

Cody: Do you have any idea why he acts like this towards me? Cause I really have no idea Nacole.

"Don't worry I'll find out. You focus on your match"

"Alright. You always know just what to say." He gave me and warm hug and we headed to gorilla.

-Babe! Nacole!

I turned around to see Roman heading our way. "Roman!" I gave him a hug and he kissed me. "What's up baby?"

Roman: I really need you. Can you come to my locker room?

" I have to go out with Cody to his match."

Roman groaned angrily. "But I am your boyfriend!!"

Cody: Roman its not like that!


Cody sighed.. He didn't say anything, just walked out for his match. And I followed. As the match went on I could tell he wasn't focused at all. Dolph hit him with the zig zag to win the match.
I rode back to the hotel with Cody and headed to my room. I saw roman lying on the bed with his eyes focused on the T.V. He heard me come in but never bothered to look at me. I sighed heavily and dropped my bags, then went to go sit by him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tried to kiss him but he moved away and pushed my hands away.

" please, I'm not flirting with Cody. We are just friends."

He got up to go to the bathroom until I heard him groan in pain. I knew it was his shoulders and midsection. Those are the areas that bother him the most.

"Do you need a massage? is that what you needed me for?" He didn't respond. So while he was in the bathroom I quickly changed into my pink lace bra & panties and put my customized hounds of justice shirt over. When he walked out he was taken back by a second but just sat down, ignoring me.

"Alright! You are gonna have to talk to me eventually!"

Roman: *Doesn't react*

"Fine if you won't talk, ill make you." I sat behind him and rubbed oil on his shoulders then skilfully massaged them, I could feel his tense body calming down.

*whispers* "I wanna hear you make noise. I know I'm doing a good job."

He grabbed both my hands, so I responded by kissing and sucking on his neck. He let go of my hands and I knew he was fighting his feelings of excitement. I rubbed slowly, up and down his chest as I kissed his cheek & along his jaw line. I gradually got lower grazing my hand across his length. I heard a very soft moan slip out and I knew I had him. I stood up and went to stand in front of him, removing my top leaving me in my bra & panties. I saw him crack a smile, which warmed my heart.

I went and sat on his lap, facing him. Then kissed him with the most passion I ever have. I knew he gave in when he held me tightly by my waist, rubbing his hands up and down the side of my body. After I needed air we pulled away.

"I'm s-sorry R-Roman." He looked down then back up at me.

"I love you! Not Cody, not anybody else. You are the greatest guy I've ever met. If it seemed like I was flirting with him I'm sorry. We are best friends nothing more." Tears began forming in my eyes.

"Please just don't punish me, I wanna hear you talk to me and say you love me. Please speak to me baby!"

Suddenly, he tilted my chin up, placing a soft kiss on my lips.
"I love you Nacole and I am sorry for going crazy. I just care so much about you that I don't want to risk anyone stealing the greatest thing that ever happened to me away. I shouldn't treat Cody this was, he is the reason we are together."

"You mean that Roman?"

"Yes baby. I'm sorry and I love you." Then he flipped us and was now hovering over me. "Now; you did all this for me. And I'm going to say sorry right back at you and return the favour. Ill apologize to Cody tomorrow but right now we are going to make up in the best way possible!"

"I'm ready babe, put me in a wheelchair tomorrow" I smirked.

Roman grinned. "Alright! You asked for it, the next 3 hours all you are going to be doing is screaming my name."

"As long as I'm with you I don't care who hears us!" We got under the blankets and started a very exciting makeup session ;)

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