Sukhpreet & Seth Rollins

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Vince: ABSOLUTELY NOT! This is not going to happen!

"But Vince--"

"I don't want to hear it dammit! Sukhpreet, you have been on the main roster for only 8 months, Seth is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, he is representing this company. Both of you are at critical times in your careers and need to focus. Now you two need to keep your relationship professional and that's it! I am tired of Seth being off his game or you being lazy in the ring because of a personal fight. That is bad for business and I won't tolerate it. This is no longer a suggestion-it's an order! You and Seth are forbidden to date. Now go get ready. You're working tonight."

I stormed out of Vince's office. He doesn't know what he's saying. I don't care if he's my boss. Seth and I always work things out. Sure we have a few ups and downs but I've never met anyone like him.

Nattie: Hey Suki what's wrong? I could hear Vince's voice from down the hall.

"Nattie he's forbidding me from dating Seth. He said its bad for business and we need to focus on our careers."

"I know this might not be what you want to hear but he's got a point."


"Just hear me out. You're both young. You have all the time in the world to find yourselves and see if you're meant to be. But you have a goal in mind. And that's to be divas champion. You won't reach there if you're focused on Seth all the time."

"I feel like nobody understands. I'm so happy that I met him. He's an amazing guy. And I get it that this is a business. But at the end of the day I'm going to do what I want."

With that I walked away and texted Seth:

"Meet me in my room after the show. We need to talk."

Seth: what am I in trouble already? Haha. No problem I'll see you then beautiful ;)

I smiled at the message. Ugh why doesn't anybody see how happy he makes me. Tonight is going to be a long night..

~Fast Forward~

Jasmine: hey baby sis,

"Hey Jas, what up?"

"I just wanted to call to wish you good luck before your match tonight."

"Thanks. It should be fun. I love working with Sasha."

"That's good. So how have you and your little boyfriend been?"

"Well we had another fight and weren't speaking for 2 weeks but we just fixed things last night and Vince is forbidding me from dating him."

"Wow. So what are you going to do?"

"I told Seth to meet me after the show to talk but I'm pretty sure I'm going to do what I want."

"Well..isn't Vince your boss.?"

"Are you going to tell me what to do now too?!"

"No Suki, I was just going to long again was it that it took you to get to wwe?"

"Uhh 8 years..what kind of random question is that?"

"Well I would have thought that a goal that took 8 years to reach would be more important."

"It is important. What are you getting at Jasmine?"

"I know how hard you've worked Sukhpreet. I saw all the blood, sweat and tears. Mom and dad were so against this but I saw how much you loved it which is why I've always been on your side. This is not just your career-it's your dream and you're lucky enough to live it. Are you really willing to throw it away? But I will say I know how hard it is to find 'the one' if you really feel like Seth is it, then you've got a tough decision to make."

*After Monday Night Raw*

I couldn't get my sister's words out of my head. But I didn't have any more time to think about it because I heard a knock at the door and knew it was Seth. I stopped pacing in my room and went to answer the door.

Seth: Hey

"Hey..thanks for meeting me. Come in."

"No problem. Is it alright for me to sit or is this a standing conversation?"

"If you're implying that this is going to turn into a fight, it won't so you can sit haha. Well I'm just going to get to it. Today before the show Vince basically told me that we are forbidden to date because it's bad for business."

"Okay and..?"

"What do you mean?! What are we supposed to do now?"

"Last time I checked. I wasn't a child. I'm an adult and nobody can tell me who to date."

"But Seth he's our're the champ right now. I don't want to be the reason your career gets off track."

"Suki, I thought you wanted to be together. Why did we even solve our last argument then?"

"I do wanna be together Seth. You know how much I care about you. I just..I spoke to my sister and she kinda helped me see that there are two sides to this. My dream career and the love of my life. It's just--"

"Wait what?...did you just say I'm the love of your life?"


"Yes you did! You love me! Admit it!"

"Okay I do. I love you Seth. So what?!"

"This is what.--"

And then before I knew it Seth had pushed me down on the bed and kissed me. It wasn't long before he had both our clothes off and plunged into me.

"Oooh Seth! It feels so good.."

He moved faster and kissed along my neck. "Damn baby, you're so tight. Just like always haha ;)"

I moaned and squirmed under him as he chuckled while having control over me. It's kinda ironic that most of our arguments happen because we both like to be in control but in the bedroom I let Seth completely take over. 

"Tell me you love me again Suki, Tell me!"

"Ooohh I-I ugh!"

"Say it, or else I'm stopping and leaving the room. You want me, prove it!"

I couldn't take it anymore. I finally gave in. "F*ck! I LOVE YOU SETH! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!"

That was all it took and Seth and I came together. We got back down from our high and he slipped out of me. He kissed me softly one more time and looked deep into my eyes.

"We don't let anyone decide our relationship. You in this with me or not?"

"I'm in. All in Seth. I love you."

"I love you too Suki."

This was for BlueCandy1OO1 Sorry again for the long wait but I hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2016 ⏰

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