Wynter & Dean Ambrose

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This is for @Mrs_Ambrollins, Hope you enjoy it! :)


"Hey babe!" Dean kissed me and gave me a big hug.

"Wow what am I, invisible?" My brother Colby a.k.a Seth Rollins joked.

I'm Wynter May Lopez. I am the younger sister of Seth Rollins and the very happy girlfriend of Dean Ambrose.

"I'm sorry Colbs give me a hug bro!"

Colby: haha you know I was just kidding, you know I get how much you love this crazy guy right here....But do mom and dad know you're here at the airport to pick us up?

"Of course they do. Why wouldn't they?"

Dean wrapped his arms around me. "To rephrase that. Do they know i'm here.."

"Uhmm...not. exactly."

We headed to my car and continued our conversation. Dean and I have been happily dating for 8 months yet my parents still don't know we are together because every time we try to tell them all they do is talk about how much they dislike him.

Dean: So we're never gonna tell your parents that we are together? Winter we gotta tell them, especially before they find out on their own..

Colby: What are you guys talking about?..

I kept my eyes on the road..

"Winter, are you hiding something from me?"

Dean: Why don't we stop for some food I don't think it's a good idea to tell him while you're driving.

* * *

"So what's up?"

Dean held my hand & kissed my cheek. He nodded and I took a deep breath.

"So I basically have to tell mom and dad about Dean this time or they actually will find out on their own.."

"I don't get it. How would they find out?"

"Colby..." I spoke low. "Let's just say you're going to be an uncle."

He choked on his drink and started coughing. "WHAT! THEY ARE GONNA KILL YOU!"

"Thanks that helps. "

He calmed down. "I'm sorry.. Are you serious? How far along are you?"

"2 months. I'm going to start showing soon...I need to tell them."

"So you mean when you came to new york 2 months ago for the show you guys..."

Dean: Yeah...How bad do you think they are going to react?

" Winter.. Your only 20! You are still dad's baby girl. Are you sure you're even ready?"

"I mean I have been modeling since I was 13 I have enough money, Dean doesn't have to quit wrestling. Everything is fine."

Dean: Not until your folks see me..


Dean: It's game time.


Mom: Its bad enough you brought him here, so what do you want to tell us?!

"Mom, Dad, I love you both. But I love Dean to. He is so good to me and I have never been happier in my life. I know I'm still young but I learned responsibility from a young age and I don't want anyone else. Dean and I are together, we have been for 8 months and will stay together so you guys have to at least respect that."

Dean: I love your daughter mr and mrs lopez, I would never do anything that would hurt her. she is the love of my life.

Colby: Its true. He is a great guy, if you don't believe that at least let me tell you that--

"Colby stop. There's no need for explanation. You didn't think your mother I knew this already. Why else would he keep coming to visit?"

"Wow! That part was easy.. here's the real news..I umm..I-I"

Dad: Winter?..

"We're going to have a baby!"


Dean: I know you guys are mad but please don't attack me. I love your daughter and already arranged my schedule for our future child.

They exchanged glances. "Alright.. Your father and I now see the love Dean has for you. He really isn't so bad after all. We. know although you are young you can handle this. Since your brother and his wife won't give us grand children, I guess you can. haha"

Colby: Mom!!

Dad: Dean, I hope this means you will step it up even more. and marry my daughter.

Dean: Are you giving me your blessing?!

Winter: Wow...you mean it dad?

He nodded and I jumped into his arms. "Thank you dad! I love you both so much. WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!!"

**7 months later**

Dr: Come on Wynter push!


"One more push!!"

" I'm so tired..Dean.."

Dean: I know baby you're almost there. Can you pull through and push one more time for me?

dr: I see the head! push!


I cried silently from the pain but when I heard my child cry for the first time it warmed my heart.

dr: Congratulations, it's a boy.

Dean: Really?! Wow..I have a son. You did great baby I'm so proud of you."

Dean kissed my head softly and my mom and dad were crying. The doctor came back with my son and handed him to Dean. I saw the tears escaping his eyes and Dean never cries. He gave me our baby.

"Hi, I'm your mommy. You look just like your dad."

Colby: So did you guys decide on a name?

Dean: Yeah. We decided to name him Max Colby Good

"You're naming him after me?! Wow thanks guys"

" You mean a lot to me bro. I know your going to be an amazing Uncle."

* * 1 Year Later * *

"My baby!! Max, come here my handsome little man."

Dean: Ohh sure just ignore your husband and the great job he did taking care of our son.

"I'm sorry babe. you know i love you! You're my sexy man."

"Ooo sweet talk. You tryna get in my pants?"

" You're not that hard haha. Well I think our little baby is tired. Why don't we put him to sleep?"


"I can't believe what we've been through these past 2 years. You stuck by me despite what my parents thought. I really love you Dean."

"I love you more than words can describe. You are my world. Now adding Max I couldn't be happier. You're my mrs."

"Yes I am. And you're my mr."

"So how about you let your mr treat you, I say we make another Max, because you look so sexy right now."

"Haha baby you know it still makes me sore."

"Come on baby you know you cant resist this."

I kissed him and pulled him over my body. "You're right, I can't. Let's do it."

Age 22 and I have all I could ever ask for in life. Things will just keep getting better. As long as I'm with my amazing husband and adorable son.

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