Alice & Romam

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"Here's your winner.. And the NEW WWE DIVAS CHAMPION; Alice Ambrose!!"

I had finally done it!! I won the divas title. My entrance music 'Love Gun' by kiss blared through the arena. I raised my title high in the air and left the ring.

~Next Week On Raw~

"Last week I defeated AJ to become the new divas champion. After months and months of asking for a shot from the authority, I finally got it, and I have one thing to say...IT TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH. IT'S ABOUT TIME.! You know I bet a lot of you were expecting me to thank them but no! I--

Suddenly I was cut off. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon walked out and came to the ring.

Stephanie: Did I just hear you right? Hunter did she just say what I think she said. Are we hearing things?

HHH: No.Steph, apparently Alice doesn't think she owes us a thank you. Let me get this clear you said "it took you long enough" is that what you said.

"Yes. I. Did. I don't stutter!! You guys heard me right. You, and I and the entire wwe universe know I am the most dominant diva right now, even better; of all time! All you 2 have ever tried to do was keep me down and keep me out if the title picture. If you think you're getting a thank you! You both can kiss my--

"WOAH WOAH!" stephanie cut me off. "this is a pg program. you better watch that big mouth of yours."

"Oh yeah I forgot. The only one that gets to say what they want around here is you, the boss' daughter and to top it off you marry his 'so called' top guys. You couldn't find fame so you had to marry it."

"What do you mean so called. I always will be a top guy!"

"C'mon. I mean if you really wanted a top guy you should have gone for the same guys that lasted longer that lame excuse husband like Randy Orton, John Cena, Shawn Michaels, The Rock, Chris Jericho...Or were they all smart enough to realize how slimy and conniving  you really are!

HHH: You do realize how easy it is for us to fire you right now.. But that's it!! We are stripping you of the divas title!!

Stephanie: Maybe once you show some respect, we will think about giving you a chance to earn it back. But until then....You want slimy and conniving. I'll give it to you.

Suddenly the entire divas locker room surrounded the ring. As Stephanie ripped my title away from me and they stepped out the ring.

Stephanie: Girls do with her what you want.


As they all stepped onto the apron, and ran in jumping me, kicking and punching every part of my body. When suddenly, the lights flickered







The Shield!!

My brother, Dean, Seth and Roman all ran to the ring causing all the divas to back away. They reached the ring and surrounded me.

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