Chapter 3

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It's after school now and Shawn, Brian, Rhea, and Lauren are at my house. We're doing homework right now.

"We can use calculators on this right?"
Rhea asked.

"Nope, but you still can, just make sure to show your work. I do this all the time,"Brian says.

"Of course you do,"I mumble.


"Oh you heard that?"I smiled.

"What was that supposed to mean?"He says.

"That boys don't try,"I shrug.

"Are you actually working all this crap out?"He asked folding his arms.

"This isn't about me, this is about you,"I say and he smiles.

So of course you know how Shawn and I are friends but you don't know when we met everybody else.

Shawn and I met Brian 8 years ago in second grade on the first day of school. We met Rhea when she moved to Canada 5 years ago in 5th grade. And finally we met Lauren 3 years ago in 7th grade.

They all live relatively close so we go over each other's house from time to time. I mainly go over Shawn's and he mainly comes over mine.

But he also makes sure to go over Brian's since he's a guy. I go over Rhea's when Shawn's over Brian's. I barely go over Lauren's and I don't know why.

"What did you guys get for 21?"Lauren asks.

"12,"Shawn, Brian, and Rhea says but I say 36. They all looks at me.

"Oops, I'll change it,"I say and copy off of Shawn's.

"Who's the idiot now?"Shawn smirks.

"Shut up everyone makes mistakes in math, you grabbed a college textbook. High school and college textbooks look totally different,"I say.

"I wasn't paying attention,"He says.

"I wasn't trying,"I shrug.

"Well try then,"He says.

"We'll pay attention then."

"What are you guys talking about anyways?"Rhea asks.

"Shawn got a college textbook yesterday. He basically did all the problems and he had to do it over again,"I explain.

"Hey, everybody makes mistakes,"He says.

"But that was a stupid mistake,"I say.


We eventually finish homework and it's 6:00.

"We should get going to the game, if w want good seats,"I say and the girls nod.

"I could care less,"Shawn mumbles.

"Same,"Brian says.

"Be nice guys,"I say and they don't reply but Shawn rolls his eyes.

"Plus we're walking so we have to leave early to get there in time,"Lauren says and Rhea and I nod.

We head downstairs and my parents are in the backyard.

"We're going to Kyle's game,"I tell them.

"Tell him we said good luck, and if they win tell him we said good job,"My dad says.

"Ok,"I say and join everybody else.

Shawn and Brian walk behind me and the girls. Once we get to the school only about 20 people were in the bleachers.

Kyle and his team are doing a few drills and after about 10 minutes they stop and I go ahead and go down to where the team is.

I know the team since I'm dating Kyle. Some of them are nice, some are mean, and some are both. I'm only friends with the nice ones.

One of them says hi and I say hi back. I go up to Kyle who is on is phone. He looks up when he sees me coming.

"My parents told me to tell you and the team good luck and if you win, good job,"I say.

"Well then tell them I said thanks,"He smiles and goes back on his phone.

I head back up to the bleachers where everybody is and wait for the game to start.

Eventually the game started and we had a good view. Shawn and Brian didn't cheer at all and the girls and I cheered every once in a while.

Once the game is over Kyle won. The girls and I went down to congratulate the team and then we left.

"That was actually interesting,"Shawn says and Brian shrugs.

"You guys could've at least congratulated them,"Lauren says.

"Nah,"Brian says.

We go ahead and go to back to my house and everybody gathers there things and leaves. Shawn goes ahead and leaves too.

I go to my parents room, since that's where they are, to see my mom reading and my dad watching tv.

"Kyle told me to tell you guys thanks for telling them good luck and good job,"I say and they my dad looked shocked.

My dad doesn't really like Kyle that much but my mom thinks he's fine.

"Really?"My dad asked and I nod.

"Ok then,"He says and I go ahead and go back to my room.

(A/N sorry if this chapter was boring, I promise the next one will be better😊 Also Mercy was lit😏😂)

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