Chapter 8

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So turns on Jasmine's not coming to school today. She also told me her parents are going to talk to her principle so I'm going to talk to them.

I head downstairs, next door to her house, and into the kitchen where her parents are.

"Morning Shawn,"Her mom says.

"Morning,"I say back. "Jasmine told me you guys are going to talk to her principle."

"Yeah, we're going to do it today,"Her dad says.

"Well when you go can you tell the principle to not tell Mckenzie?"I ask.


"Because that will make Mckenzie hate her even more,"I say and they look at each other.

"Why does Mckenzie even hate her?"Her mom asks.

"Because she's friends with me."

"Why does it matter?"

"Because I'm popular you because of my looks and I guess Mckenzie hates Jasmine for being so close to me,"I say.

"Ok.........we'll tell her not to talk to Mckenzie. Actually, why don't you just come with us? You'll be excused from class,"Her dad says.

"Fine with me,"I shrug. "I'm gonna go talk to Jazz."

I head upstairs and open her door to see her already up just looking up at the ceiling.

"Jazz,"I say to get her attention and she sits up in her bed.

"What? I already told you I'm not going to school,"She says.

"I know I just came to tell you that I'm gonna talk to the principle to and that I'll tell you what happens later,"I say.

"Why are you talking to the principle?"

"Because I want to make sure you're parents tell her the right thing and that the principle doesn't tell Mckenzie."

"Oh, thanks."

"Anything for you."

"So you'll get me Starbucks after school?"She asks raising her eyebrows and smiling.

"Ok maybe not anything,"I say and she gives me a hopeful look.

"Ok fine I'll get you Starbucks but nothing else,"I say and she smiles. I go ahead and leave and her parents give me a ride to school.

Once we get there we head to the principles office and sit down.

"So what's the problem?"She asks.

"Well there's this girl Mckenzie bothering our daughter Jasmine,"Her mom says.

"Yeah, and we would just like you to keep an eyes out,"Her dad says.

"I'll talk to Mckenzie,"The principle says.

"Could you not talk to Mckenzie?"I ask.


"Just could you?"I ask.

"Sure, I guess,"She finally says and we leave the office.

"Have a nice day Shawn,"Her mom tells me and I smile and head to class, late.


"Why isn't Jasmine here?"Brian asks at the lunch table.

"She didn't want to come,"I say.

"Why?"Laur asks.

"I didn't tell you guys?"I ask and they shake their heads.

"Well yesterday morning Mckenzie came up to us when we were at our lockers and she told Jasmine to be nice to her or she'd post a video of Jasmine running out the school."

"I really hate Mckenzie,"Rhea says.

"Don't we all?"Brian asks.

"Speaking of the grinch......."Laur says and we're confused at first but then see Mckenzie walk up to our table.

"Hey Shawn!"She says all cheery and everybody rolls their eyes.

"What Mckenzie,"I say not looking at her.

"I was just wondering why Jasmine isn't here today,"She smiles.

"She sick,"I lied.

"Are you sure it wasn't because of what I told her yesterday?"She asks.


"If you say so,"She says and walks away.

"I wanna pull her hair out,"Rhea says.

"That's exactly what Jasmine told me,"I say and laugh a little.

"It's better when Jasmine's here,"Brian says and everyone agrees.

"I'm going to Starbucks after school to get Jazz something, you guys wanna come with?"I ask them.

"Sure but we're going to her house to tell her she's coming to school tomorrow,"Laur says and everyone agrees.


It's after school and now we're headed to Starbucks. There's one not too far from the school and Jasmine's house so we go there.

After that we all head to Jasmine's house to see her in adidas joggers and a white t-shirt.

"What are all of you doing here?" Jasmine asks as I hand her the drink.

"We're making sure you're coming to school tomorrow,"Rhea says.

"Yeah it's not the same without you,"Laur says siting next Jazz.

"Plus everything went well with the principle,"I add.

"You went to the principle?"Brian asks

"Yeah that was why I was late to class this morning,"I say.


"Fine I'll go tomorrow,"Jasmine says.

"Put the drink down for a second,"I say.

"Why?"Jazz asks.

"Just do it,"I say and she puts it on her nightstand and as soon as she does I jump and land on top of her.


Then everybody else joins in.

"I HATE ALL OF YOU,"Jasmine screams trying to push us off her.

"You love all of us,"Laur says.

"NO, I don't."

"Say you love us and we'll get off."


"We love you too,"I say and we all get off.

"Whatever,"She says and grabs her drink again.

(A/N shorter than normal, sorry about that next one will be better, but also idk how often I'm gonna update since school starts tomorrow👌)

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