Chapter 18

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It's now after Magcon and we're all in Cameron and Nash's room. I got my Starbucks like Cameron promised, but once everyone saw that I had Starbucks, they wanted some too. So Cameron ended up buying all of us Starbucks.

I'm sitting next to Matt because he wants to know more about Rhea.

"So what's she like?"he asks.

"Well she's funny, she likes Starbucks, and she likes food. She's annoying like every other person but you'll get used to it. She's also a really big fan of yours."

"Do you have a picture?"

"Yeah,"I say and show him a picture.

"She's beautiful,"He says and takes the phone out of my hand.

"Don't drool on my phone,"I joke and take it away from him. He just glares at me.

"I'll see if she can come with us next time,"I say.

"I really want to meet her."

"Well she really wants to meet you,"I say and he smiles.

Matt goes over to talk to Carter and I go over and join Shawn.

"Guess what Mendes."


"Matt likes Rhea,"I smile.

"How do you know?"

"Well I told him that I knew someone for him and I told him about Rhea and showed him a picture and now he likes her."

"Rhea's going to kill you."

"I know but she'll thank me later."

"How can she thank you later if she already killed you?"

"Shut up Mendes,"I glare and he smiles. I pull out my phone and text Rhea, and once again Shawn peeks over my shoulder.

J- Jasmine  R- Rhea

J- I have to tell you something

R- what

J- don't get mad

R- just tell me

J- I did this to help u

R- what did u do

J- I told Matt about you


J- I said don't get mad

R- why would do that

J- I knew you liked Matt so I told him about you and now he likes you, and I showed him a pic of u


J- *picture*

R- it's ok but it could've been better, what did he say about it?

J- he said ur beautiful

R- r u serious

J- yeah

R- u better not be kidding

J- I'm serious

R- Matthew Espinosa likes me......

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