Chapter 43

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JASMINE'S P.O.V.       Last chapter, extra long
It's now Christmas Day and Shawn and his family are going to be over any minute. I have on adidas joggers and an adidas t-shirt. There's no need to get all dressed up right now because it's like 8 in the morning.

I put my hair in a ponytail, grab my present for Shawn and head downstairs. I got Shawn a guitar Shawn has wanted for a while. I don't like it when Shawn spends a lot of money on me because he's my best friend, well my boyfriend now.

Brian, Rhea, Lauren, my parents, Shawn's parents, and my I all put some of our money together to buy Shawn this guitar. I know he's going to like it, and if he's going to continue singing, this is going to be helpful.

"Morning Jazz,"my parents say.

"Morning,"I say back.

I put Shawn's present under the tree and grab a candy cane off the tree. I always like to make man candy cane sharp.

The doorbell rings and my dad gets it and welcomes everyone. Shawn comes in with a little Christmas bag in his hand. I have a feeling it's going to be expensive.

"Merry Christmas,"he says and I say the same. He kisses my cheek and I smile.

"Lets open presents,"my mom says and we all sit down around the tree.

"Here you go,"Shawn says and hands me the bag he was handing.

I open it and see 1 small box and 1 tiny box. I open the tiny me first and see a ring. My eyes go wide at the sight of it. I look up at Shawn and he's smiling at me. I slide it on and look at my finger.

"It's a promise ring,"he says and I hug him.

"You didn't open up the other one,"he laughs and I pull away.

I open the other box and see a necklace with an infinity sign on it, and a pair of earring with the same sign.

"The infinity stands for us always being best friends no matter what,"he says.

"How much did this cost?"I ask raising my eyebrow and he shrugs.

"Answer me,"I say.

"I'm not telling you,"he says laughing and I roll my eyes.

"All that matters is if you like it. Do you like it?"he asks.

"I guess so,"I say in a jokingly way. He rolls his eyes playfully, gives me a quick kiss, and hugs me.

"Thank you Shawn,"I whisper.

"No problem,"he whispers back.

"Can you put this on?"I ask him referring to the necklace and he nods.

I grab a hold of my hair and he puts the necklace on. I also put the earrings on.

"Let's take a picture,"he says and I nod.

He pulls his phone out and we take a couple pictures. He posts one on his Instagram and I post one on mine.

For the rest of the day, Lauren and her family came over, Rhea and her family came over, and Brian and his family came over. We do this every year.


SHAWN'S P.O.V. January 1st
It's New Year's Day and right now I'm checking my progress on YouTube. Every time I post, I get more and more views and likes. That makes me want to keep singing.

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