Chapter 40

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I open her door and help her out. I lead her to the grassy area, untie the bandana from her eyes, and she smiles at it what's in front of her.

It's a big, grassy area with trees scattered around. There's a big blanket with a big picnic basket and inside I put all kinds of Jasmine's favorite foods. Around the blanket there are fairy lights and lanterns that will make picnic look kind of romantic when it gets darker.

"You did all this?"she asks.

"I had some help from Brian, and I got some advice from your parents and my parents,"I smile.

"Do you like it?"I ask.

"Of course I do,"she says and hugs me.

"Told you that you would,"I smirk and she punches my arm.

"You ruined the moment,"she says and I laugh.

We go ahead and sit down and start eating. After we finish eating we just sit back and relax. The sun is about to go down any minute now.

"I love the sunset,"she says.

"I know you do, that's exactly why I planned the picnic here,"I say and she smiles.

She brings out her phone and starts to take pictures of the sun. A couple of them I put my hand in front of the camera or put my face in it and she hits me with her phone. We end up taking a couple selfies and posting them in our social media.

"Jasmine listen,"I start and she looks at me.

"I'm glad that you agreed to give me a chance and I'm glad you agreed to go out with my tonight. Ever since we told each other how we felt about each other that day, I wanted you to be my mine. After all the drama, I finally have a chance to make it official and ask you.............will you be my girlfriend?"I ask and look at her hopefully.

She just smiles at me and hugs me.

"Of course I will,"she says and I smile and hug her back tightly.

"I'm SO glad that didn't backfire,"I say and she laughs slightly.

She pulls away after a couple seconds and looks at me. I look back at her and she crashes her lips into mine. Wow. I'm normally the one to make the first move but not this time. She pulls away and goes back to hugging me.

"Who would say no to you?"she mumbles, at least I think that's what she said.

"What?"I ask smirking a little, but she can't see.

"Nothing,"she says.

"Are you sure?"I ask.

"Positive,"she says and looks up at me and smiles and I smile back.

"Anyways remember that time when I was talking to your mom and you came downstairs?"I ask her and she nods.

"Well I was talking to your mom about me asking you out and what she thinks about it,"I say.

"That's it?"she asks. I nod and she glares playfully.

"If I told you, you would find out about me asking you out and ruining my plan,"I say.

"Oh, but anyways let's look at the stars,"she says and lays down and I lay down next to her.

"You know I kind of want to work at NASA and I kind of want to be a doctor,"she tells me.

"Why NASA?"I ask.

"Because I like space, it's so pretty with all the stars and everything in it,"she says. I look over at her to see her just staring up at the sky.

"And why a doctor?"I ask.

"I don't know I've just really wanted to be that since I was a little kid,"she shrugs.

"Why don't you just be a scientific doctor?"I ask and she shrugs again.

"Is there anything else you want to be?"I ask.

"Famous, but that's not going to happen,"she says laughing.

"You never know. I thought I would get known for singing and now I'm in Magcon and people are telling me to actually write songs,"I say.

"Yeah, well that's diff-, hold on, people are telling you to write actual songs?!"she asks and I nod.

"How come your just now telling me this?"she asks.

"Maybe because I just found out not too long ago,"I say I'm a 'duh' tone.

"That would be good for you, it would be the next step in your career,"she says smiling a little to herself.

"I don't know if I actually want to keep singing for the rest of my life and make it career,"I say and she sits up.

"What are you talking about? You love singing,"she says.

"I know but........I just don't know if I want to keep going,"I say.

"Come on Shawn, your a great singer, don't doubt yourself,"she says and I smile at her.

"What?"she asks.

"Your telling me not to doubt myself, and normally I'm the one trying to build confidence in you,"I answer.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, shut up,"she says.


"We should get going,"she says and I nod.

Jasmine takes a quick picture of everything and I smile to myself. Then we start packing things up and head to my jeep. We put everything in the back and and head home. As soon as I get out of the car Jasmine kisses me.

"Adios,"she smiles and rushes into the house.

I stand there smiling for a couple seconds grab the picnic basket, blanket, and fairy lights from the car. The fairy lights are Aaliyah's.

"So how was the date?"my dad asks smiling with my mom and Aaliyah next to him.

"It was great,"I smile.

"So are you guys dating yet?"Aaliyah asks.

"Yes we are,"I say proudly and they all hug me.

"You guys are so cute together,"my mom gushes.

"Well anyways I'm gonna go upstairs so I'll see you guys tomorrow,"I say. I'm not trying to hear my mom gush over Jasmine and I, like she does all the time.

Once I get up to my room I look out the window and see Jasmine smiling and plop on her bed with her phone. I go ahead and do the same and text Brian.

(A/N, you guys happy now? #shazz is finally real👌 thx for 28k reads🎉)

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