Chapter 37

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Right now it's 6:30 and I'm up early for a reason. I'm going to the principal's office to tell her about this whole McKenzie thing. Shawn offered to come with me, even though he hates getting up early, so he slept over.

Last night when Shawn and I came back to my house, we decided to watch a movie. I didn't make it through the whole movie so I fell asleep. Right now Shawn's arms are around me.

I open my eyes and yawn. I try to get up but Shawn won't let me. I'm really enjoying this, but we have to get up.

"Shawn get up, remember we have to go to the principal's office before school today,"I say.

"5 more minutes,"he says quietly.

"No Shawn, because we might fall back asleep,"I say.

"That's ok, we can talk to the principal tomorrow,"he says.

"Shawn I swear if you don't get u-"

"You won't do you anything,"he says smiling with his eyes still closed.

I roll my eyes and kiss him. That's probably the only way to get him up right now.

His eyes flutter open and he smiles.

"Get up,"I say.

"You should've just done that in the first place,"he says and sits up and stretches. I roll my eyes and head into the bathroom to get ready.

When I walk back out Shawn is already ready, but sleeping again.

I grab him a pillow and hit him as hard as I can.

"Ow!"he whines.

"I told you to get up,"I say and head downstairs.

I see my mom and dad on the couch together watching tv and talking. I told them last night that Shawn and I were getting up early.

"Morning Jazz, where's Shawn?"my mom asks.

"Upstairs having trouble getting up,"I say.

"I'm not having trouble getting up,"I hear and see Shawn coming down the stairs rubbing his eyes.

I'm telling you guys he's mentally a 5 year old. All he needs is his stuffed animal, Leo, and a blanket.

"You were,"I say and put my shoes on and Shawn does the same and we leave. I'm trying to get to the school as soon as possible.

"Stop being so mean,"he whines.

"I'm not being mean, I'm telling the truth,"I shrug.

"Well sometimes the truth is mean,"he says and I give him a 'really' look and he smiles.

We arrive at school and there's only a few people, of course. Only the principal, assistant principal, teachers and staff, and some people in sports are here this early.

We head into the office and head to the back where the principle is. I knock on the door while Shawn stands behind me. I hear the principal say 'come in' so I head in with Shawn following.

"Jasmine, Shawn, what brings you two here so early?"Ms. Britt asks, a.k.a. the principal.

"We came to talk to you about something and see what you can do about it,"Shawn says.

"Well sit down and tell me all about it,"she says and Shawn and I sit down in the chairs in front of her desk.

"Ok begin,"she says.

"Well you know McKenzie right?"I ask her and she nods not looking too happy once I mentioned her name.

"Well she is spreading rumors about me on Twitter and then everyone is hearing about it. Right now the whole school probably knows about it,"I explain.

"Jasmine tries to stand up for herself and some of my friends have stood up for her, but nothing is working. We're wondering if you could do anything about it,"Shawn says.

"I'll try and talk to her and I'll look on Twitter and I'll get back to you guys. Try not to worry to much,"Ms. Britt says and we nod and head out.

"Well McKenzie should stop now,"Shawn says. Right now Shawn and I are sitting outside under a tree since we have about 5-10 for people to start coming.

"I doubt it,"I say back.

"Why?"he asks.

"Like I said all the times you've asked me that question, she's McKenzie,"I say.

"And like I said all the times you've said that, you'll be ok,"he says looking at me and I roll my eyes and look away.

"Hey! That's rude,"he says.

"I know it is,"I say.


"McKenzie Maxwell to the office please, McKenzie Maxwell to the office,"is what Shawn and I hear as we walk down the hall. Shawn looks at me and smiles and we continue walking.

McKenzie walks past us and I smile at her as she walked by. She just gave a quick glare and continued walking.

"Why do you think McKenzie got called to the office?"Lauren asks once we get in class.

"Because of her tweets about Jazz,"Shawn says.

"Probably,"she shrugs.

"No, that's why she got called to the office,"Shawn says.

"How do you know?"Rhea asks.

"Because we told the principal about it this morning and she said she'd do something about it,"I explain.

The principal is a fan of Shawn and so are her daughters. Hopefully that is enough for her to make McKenzie stop.

"Did you guys get here early?"Brian asks and I nod.

"You actually got Shawn to get up early with you,"Brian asks raising an eyebrow and I nod.

"Wow,"he says.

"What, I can get up early if I want to,"Shawn says and Lauren raises her eyebrows.

"Yeah and that's only for something really important, like Magcon,"Lauren says.

"This is important to,"Shawn says and Rhea starts smiling.

"I love it,"Rhea mumbles but Shawn heard her.

"You love what?"he asks.

"Oh nothing,"she says smiling and Shawn furrows his eyebrows and looks at me. I just shrug and look away.

I know you guys know what's she's talking about. She's loves seeing Shawn caring for me, and so do I.

(A/N, so hopefully that whole McKenzie thing is over and Jasmine and Shawn's date is coming soon so be prepared😏 thx for 22k🎉 and see you guys later✌️)

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