Chapter 15

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It's now Friday night and Shawn and I are almost done packing. We're going to New York for Magcon and it's only for this weekend so we don't need a lot.

Shawn found out on Tuesday that his parents are letting him join Magcon. Right after he told me and he went straight to his email and emailed Bart, so Bart is expecting us.

It's 7:00 right now and we're driving to New York at like one in the morning since it takes 7 hours and 47 minutes to get there (A/N, I googled it bc like I said before I don't live in Canada).

It sucks I have to wake up early though. Shawn and I could've gotten out of school early then leave, but no.

I finish packing about a couple minutes later and look around to see if I missed anything. After checking the whole house I zip up my small suitcase, and get into the shower.

After taking a shower I change into leggings, a t-shirt, and Shawn's jacket. I use Shawn's jacket and sweatshirt just because I can.

I start to brush my hair and while I'm doing that my phone dings. I check it to see Shawn texted me.

J- Jasmine  S- Shawn

S- r u done packing?

J- yeah I finished like 20 minutes ago, did u finish?

S- yep I'm a fast packer

J- but did u pack neatly tho?

S- does it matter😑

J- just answer the question

S- yes it's neat

J- ok, and just to let you know I have ur jacket

S- I figured, am I gonna get it back?

J- idk, probably not tho

S- of course

J- ok well I'm gonna get some sleep since we leave early tomorrow

S- yeah and I need to finish watching my Harry Potter

J- why am I not surprised

S- don't judge me

J- oh I'm judging u alright

S- whatever I'll see u tomorrow

I just read his text and don't answer because there's no need to. I finish brushing me hair and set my alarm on my phone for 1am.

I go ahead and lay down and get some sleep because I probably won't sleep in the car. I can barely sleep in cars anymore.


I wake up hearing my alarm dinging. It's around midnight right now so we leave in about an hour. I go ahead and get up, brush my teeth, and put my hair in a ponytail.

I looked outside my window and see Shawn's light on but the curtains are closed.

I grab my suitcase and my phone and head downstairs. My parents are up because they want to see me leave. My phone dings and I check it.

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