Chapter 13

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It's Monday and obviously I have school, even though I don't want to go to school. Anyways I just get up and do my normal morning routine.

I wish it was still weekend because I got to spend a lot more time with Shawn then usual. I don't know why my mom thinks I like him. We've been hanging around each other a lot since we were babies and now my mom says I like him.

Anyways after I'm done with my short morning routine, I head downstairs and go straight to the couch.

I normally would go in the kitchen to get a fruit or something but I'm not hungry.

I stayed up late with Shawn last night eating snacks and we all know Shawn loves food, and so do I.

My parents aren't downstairs right now because I woke up earlier then normal, which happens sometimes.

I sit cross-legged and turn on the tv and scroll through the channels. Then Shawn comes in.

"Ever heard of Magcon?"Shawn asks sitting next to me on the couch.

"I don't know, but it sounds familiar. Why?"I say.

"Because I got an email from them,"he says.

"Well did you open it?"

"No because I don't know who they are,"He says in a duh tone.

"You could've looked them up,"I say.

"Too much work,"He says.

"You're so lazy."

"I know."


"So you guys can't talk to us?"Brian asks when we get to class.

"Sorry,"Shawn and I say.

"We have excuses,"I say and they give us a look to continue.

"I was uploading covers to vine and YouTube,"Shawn says.

"And I was helping him,"I say.

"And you didn't want our help?"Rhea asks.

"You know you guys didn't want to help. Jazz didn't even want to help, I made her,"Shawn says and class starts.

Time goes by real slow. I know every Monday goes by slow, but it feels like today is going by very very slow.

Finally it's lunch time, one of my favorite parts of the day as you already know.

"So you do YouTube videos now?"Lauren asks and Shawn nods.

"He's becoming really popular,"I say.

"Not really,"He says.

"Yes you are Shawn, Cameron Dallas liked one of your vines.

"Doesn't mean it will happen again,"He shrugs.

"Hey Shawn!"I heard from behind us. I forgot all about that voice until now.

We all turn around to see Mckenzie walking toward us and I hear Shawn mumble under his breath.

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