Chapter 4

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I wake up the next morning feeling like always. I go ahead and get up before my mom, or even Shawn, comes into my room to get me.

Shawn would either jump on top of me, hit me with a pillow, or tickle me and I don't like any of those.

I do my usual morning routine and head downstairs. It's about 7:30 and I have to be in school by 8:45. School starts at 9:00 for me.

Since Shawn and I have to walk we leave around 8:20 or 8:30. I go in the kitchen to see my parents doing the usual. Drinking coffee.

"Bonjour,"I say.

"So it's French Friday?"My mom asks.

"French Friday like French Fry day?"
My dad asks.

"Wow,"My mom said.

"I didn't think about it like that,"I say and grab a blueberry muffin and leave.

Shawn's gonna be mad at me for not getting him one. He's gonna have to get it his self.

I go ahead turn the tv on and see Peppa Pig on. I love kid cartoons.

I start to eat my muffin and Shawn walks through the door and loudly gasps.

"What?"I ask already knowing the answer and my mom comes into the living room.

"You guys have muffins? Why didn't you tell me and why didn't you get me one?"He asks folding his arms.

"I didn't think about it,"I shrug turning my attention back to the tv.

"Liar,"He mumbles.

"C'mon Shawn, I'll get you one,"My mom says and they head into the kitchen.

A couple minutes later he comes back with a chocolate muffin.

"Where'd you get that from?"I ask.

"Your kitchen,"He says in a duh tone.

"No dip Sherlock. We don't have chocolate muffins, where'd you get that?"

"Your mom said she bought some and hid them so you wouldn't eat them,"Shawn says and takes a bite of his and I glare at him.

I would head into the kitchen to confront my mom and get a chocolate one but I'm too lazy.

I turn the tv off and put my shoes on. I grab my bag and we head out the door.

"Mmmmm, this muffin sure does taste good,"Shawn says and I roll my eyes.

"Stop bragging Mendes,"I say.

"I would give you a piece but I don't share muffins,"He shrugs and takes another bite.

"Jerk,"I mumble.

"What was that?"

"Nothing,"I say and smile innocently and we keep walking.

We finally arrive at school and do what we normally do. When we get to our lockers Kyle is waiting at my locker again.

"Oh my god,"Shawn mumbles.

"Hey Jasmine, I'm just gonna make this quick. I'm having a party Friday night and I want you to come,"He says.


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