Chapter 11

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I wake up in Shawn's bed in the same position as yesterday when I was eating my food and when Shawn was eating his muffin, of course. I guess I fell asleep here.

I look around and see that taco wrappers from yesterday next to me. I hear snoring but I don't see anyone. I look over the side of the bed and she Shawn sleeping on the floor.

Why didn't he just sleep up here? I didn't take up the whole bed I say looking at my position again.

I grab one of the pillows on Shawn's bed and throw it at him. He eyes shoot open and looks around. I laugh.

"Why did you do that?"He asks and closes his eyes again.

"Why did you sleep on the floor?"I ask.

"Because I am not having you kick me in your sleep,"He says with his eyes still closed.

"I do not kick in my sleep,"I say and he opens my eyes and gives me a 'really' look.

I know what he's referring too. Last year during a sleep over we had at my house, we were sleeping on the floor and Shawn was next to me.

I kicked him in his sleep and he got mad because Rhea was on the other side of me and I kicked him instead of her.

"That was one time,"I say.

"And I'm not forgetting that time either,"He says.

"You will soon,"I say.

"Yeah right,"He says.

I look at the time and it's almost 10 in the morning. I would call my mom but I'm not going to because she probably already knows I'm at Shawn's.

Like I said Shawn and I are bestfriends and really, really close to each other so we're with each other a lot.

I stretch and decide to get up. As soon as Shawn sees that I'm up he jumps onto the bed to lay down. I roll my eyes.

"Adios Mendes,"I say.

"Bye,"He says with his eyes closed sounding half asleep.

I grab the taco wrappers and head downstairs to see his parents downstairs watching tv.

"I called your mom last night and told her you were over here,"Karen says.

"Thanks,"I say and head into the kitchen.

I head into the kitchen and throw the taco wrappers. I head out the kitchen, say bye to Shawn's parents (or my second parents), and head next to door to my house.

"Hey Jasmine, you must've been really tired. When Karen called me it was 6 at night and told me you fell asleep with Shawn,"My dad says.

"Well Shawn woke me up early yesterday morning and Shawn wouldn't let me go to sleep until he felt tired because he didn't want to be lonely,"I explain.

"I think it's cute,"My mom says.

"Stop we're only friends, well bestfriends,"I say and head upstairs to my room.

I look out my bedroom window and see Shawn stretched out all over his bed passed out. I shake my head and laugh a little.

That's how he used to sleep when we were young and Karen said he slept like that as a baby. I guess somethings never change.

I change into a pair of joggers and a shirt. I look at my phone and check social media. On vine, Shawn's liker amount went up and his follower amount.

I look at all my other social medias and she nothing important. I decide to log into Shawn's vine account because I'm bored and I don't know what else to do.

Once I get on to his account I look at his notifications. I see one name that looks familiar to me.

Cameron Dallas.

I click his profile and see that he has slot of followers and loops. I scroll through his feed and it takes me about 15 minutes until I realize who he is. Tin can Dallas.

I've seen him on Instagram before but I thought he was just a normal,regular person. But apparently I was wrong, he's practically famous on vine. And he's not bad looking either.

I see a boy with blue eyes in a lot of his eyes. They're probably best friends. I look at Shawn's other notifications and see nothing else that stands out so log off.

I am do telling Shawn this when he wakes up. I can't believe Cameron liked his vines, and Shawn won't believe it either.

I grab a my laptop and log into Netflix because there's nothing else to do. I scroll through the movies and click a random one.

The description looked good so I guess I'm watching it. Before I play the movie I head downstairs to get a bag of popcorn.

I grabbed some marshmallows and chocolate and put it inside the bowl with the popcorn. My own little movie night.

I head back upstairs to watch the movie I picked out and waited for Shawn to wake up. Knowing Shawn it could take forever but, oh well.

(A/N The stories getting better and better😏😂 Later✌️)

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