Chapter 31

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"TIME TO WAKE UP JAZZ,"I hear and I feel something heavy jump on top of me. I was wrong because it wasn't a so something, it was a someone. But it wasn't just one person, IT WAS 10 FREAKING PEOPLE TRYING TO KILL ME.

"GET OFF ME, I CAN'T BREATHE,"I scream and they laugh. I feel everyone getting off of me.


"Because we felt like it,"Matt shrugs.

"Shawn told us you got mad, but he didn't say you got this mad,"Johnson says.

"Wait Jazz, is it your time of month?"Cam asks.

It's true, I started overnight. I woke up in the middle of the night because I had to use the bathroom, and then BAM.

"Why would you ask a question like that, you idiot?"I glare.

"Sorry,"He says.

"Ew,"Carter says.

"Shut up Carter, every girl goes through it. It's normal,"I say in a harsh tone and everyone starts 'oooh'ing.

"Ok everybody out,"Shawn says and everyone leaves.

"You need anything?"Shawn asks about to leave.

"Food,"I say and he laughs and leaves.

"You know, I didn't think that you guys would join that dog pile,"I say.

"It was fun,"Rhea says.

"But a bad idea,"I say.

"We're sorry,"they say and I just sigh.

Magcon is today and I want to go, so I might as well get ready. I go ahead and go in the bathroom to change. I do my make up and head back out.

Someone knocks on run door and I look over to Rhea and Mahogany, but they just look at me.

"Ugh fine I'll get it,"I say and open the door.

Standing there is Shawn and the rest of the boys.

"Are you guys ready?"Shawn asks and I nod.

Mahogany, Rhea, and I head out with he rest of the boys and go to the venue. We hang out backstage and wait to be called. Once we're called and all onstage, the boys answer questions and do their thing. Shawn sang with Gilinsky because Johnson voice wasn't feeling too well for rapping.

After the show it was time for the meet and greet and, like the last Magcon, I went to Shawn's table and watched him sign stuff. I was the one to take he pictures of Shawn and his fans.

After a while I heard a really familiar voice. I turned around to see McKenzie and one of her friends a couple spots back. What is she doing here?

While Shawn was signing something I quickly went up to him. I looked up to see if McKenzie was looking at me, and sure enough she was.

"Shawn,"I say and he looks at me.

"McKenzie is here,"I say.

"What do you mean she's here?"He asks confused and signs another t-shirt.

"I mean, she's here and is in your line,"I say and Shawn looks up.

"Oh my god, what is she doing out of Canada?"He groans.

"Obviously here to see you,"I say. "Are you going to take a picture with her?"

"I don't know but I'm definitely going to say something to her,"he says.

Once McKenzie and her friend reach the front of the line, they come up to Shawn.

"What are you two doing here?"Shawn asks.

"We came to see you,"she smiles.

"Why?"he asks.

"Because we wanted to see how Magcon was like, and we wanted to get out of Canada,"she says twirling her hair around her finger.

"Well can you please leave?"Shawn asks calling the next girl up.

"We can't get a picture?"McKenzie asks sounding a little mad.

"No you can't, now please leave before I call security,"He says and takes a picture with the girl.

"Oh come on Shawn, please?"McKenzie asks. Her friend won't talk at all, probably just one those people that get dragged around.

"SECURITY,"Shawn screams and two men came up to grab McKenzie and her friend. I couldn't stop smiling.

"Put me down, I didn't do anything!"McKenzie says but the men ignore her and carry her out the place.

After that we finish up Magcon and head back up to our hotel rooms.

"Who were those girls that got carried away by security?"Cam asks.

"Some girls from our school that are annoying,"I say.

"Some fan got the whole thing on video and posted it on Instagram, it's getting a lot of views,"Nash says showing us his phone.

"She's going to be so mad when we go back to school on Monday,"Rhea says and Shawn and I nod.

"Is that the girl that Kyle is dating?"Matt asks and I furrow my eyebrows.

"How did you kn- wait let me guess, Shawn told you,"I say and look up at Shawn.

"Yeah...."Shawn says looking sorry and I sigh.

"Well anyways, yes she is,"I say.

"Is she one of those rich girls that likes have everything to themselves?"Gilinsky asks and I nod.

"That's probably why she hates me, because I have Shawn,"I say.

Just then my phone dings and Shawn looks down at it immediately. I unlock it and see that McKenzie has sent me a DM:

I'll get you back

(A/N, look what we have here, a cliffhanger😏 thx for 14k🎉I'll see you guys in the next chapter✌️️

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