Chapter 17

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While I was talking to the boys Jasmine's phone buzzed and I peeked over her shoulder to see who it was. It was just Rhea. I was just making sure it wasn't Kyle.

Since it was just Rhea I stopped peeking and went back to talking to Cam and Nash.

Every once in a while I would steal glances toward her phone. I saw my name get thrown into the conversation a couple times.

I was really curious on what they were talking about so I strained my eyes. Rhea asked Jasmine was I her type and Jasmine asked where she got that from.

After that I stopped looking. I don't want to invade her privacy too much.

The boys just got done with the show and we're all hanging out backstage before its meet and greet time.

"Shawn,"I say.

"Yeah?"He asks sitting next to me on the couch.

"Why did you bring me onstage?"

"I wanted the fans to see you."

"Well I didn't want them to see me."

"Why are you so mad that I bought you onstage?"He asks.

"I'm not mad,"I say.

"Well you're not happy,"He says.

"Shawn you know I'm shy,"I say.

"I know and I wish you weren't."

"And now I'm going to get hate,"I say.

"Why?"He asks.

"Because your vine famous and I'm just a regular person hanging out with you, who happens to be a girl,"I say.

"You shouldn't care what people say or think,"Shawn says looking at me.

"Well I do,"I say not looking at him.

"Everything will be ok,"He says rubbing my back a little and I give him a small smile.

It's now meet and greet time and right now I'm just walking around to everyone's booth and looking at everyone. I get a couple nasty looks of course, but I try to ignore them.

I walk over to Shawn's booth to see him signing a shirt. His line looked a little bit longer than everyone else's.

"You have a long line,"I whisper.

"I know,"he says back.

"Is anyone giving you nasty looks?"He asks.

"A couple."


"I don't know where they are, but they already went through your line."

"If you see them tell me,"He says and moves away to take a picture. Then he comes back.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm just going to talk to them."

"Do you have to?"I ask.

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