Chapter 5:

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(Y/N)'s POV

I woke from my deep sleep with a smile on my face. Today was the day Justin was taking me to Olive Garden. Besides Olive Garden being the besT RESTAURANT EVER, I was excited for today, because it was Justin taking me out, not me taking HIM out. Honestly, I'm still super glad I won the bowling "competition". Something about girls taking guys out on dates (even unofficial dates, like ours) is kinda awkward. I don't know. Whatever.

I flipped the covers off of my body, and got out of bed. I immediately headed to the bathroom, where I could take a shower. After my shower, I ate breakfast, to give time for my hair to dry a little before I was going to use a hot iron on it. I was most likely straightening my hair, but I might curl it, depending on the outfit I pick out for tonight. But I'll do that later. Right now, I was planning on being super lazy, and just going on Twitter and Facebook, for the time being.

Justin's POV

I was up, out of bed already, happy as ever. I didn't even hesitate to get out of bed, as usual(; All day I was preparing for our little "date" sort of thing. I even got (Y/N) a white rose, that was colored purple with that flower paint stuff. It's not formal, but I still want it to kinda be special, because (Y/N) is special. Just then, my phone rang, and I wondered who it could be. I checked the caller ID, and it was my buddy, Christian Beadles.

Christian: Hey man, I got good news for you. My friend called me, and said he has a house that he wants you to check out.

Justin: Really? Awesome. I'll come by in about 15 minutes. What's the address?

Christian: 6 Jefferson Rd.

Justin: Aight. Thanks. Peace, see ya in a few.

I can't believe Christian already found an apartment for me that quick! And that road sounds super familiar. I think (Y/N) has an apartment on that street, too. This apartment is sounding better and better.


Pulling up in front of the house, I looked at just the outside of the apartment building. It looks like friendly people live here, and hopefully no one obnoxiously disturbs me. I got out of the car, and was greeted by Christian. We did our handshake, and went inside.

This apartment was seriously unreal. It is exactly what I was looking for. Even without my furniture and belongings, it looked really homey and welcoming. I was definitely getting this place. I filled out all of rhe necessary paperwork and stuff to "officially" get it, and paid the security deposit, and rent. (a/n: As you can tell, I don't know how to explain renting an apartment whoops.) "Well great then, you can start moving your stuff in here in a couple of days. I'll call you and let you know when," Christian's friend told me. I nodded my head. We said our goodbyes and then went to our cars. Perfect timing. I had to stop at the florist at around this time, so it is kind of convenient that I was already out.

"One white rose with purple coloring for Mr. Bieber?" The florist lady called out. I walked up to the counter and picked up the rose. A white rose painted purple, (Y/N)'s favorite :) She told me one time briefly, and I bet she thought I forgot ;) I took it out of the store after I paid, and placed it gently in the passenger's seat. I came back to the hotel and got everything ready. This is gonna take so much preparation. I want this date to be perfect for (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s POV

Being lazy is fun. I guess you could say "soy muy perezosa" ;) I looked at the time, and decided it was time to start getting ready for my "date" with Justin. My hair had already dried, so I didn't have to get out my blow dryer. I got out my hair straightener. I was going to straighten my hair. After I straightened my hair, which takes FOREVER because I have so much hair, I went to my closet. What to wear, hmmmm... I conveniently got a text from Justin right then telling me to wear something fancy, but not too fancy. With that, I knew exactly what I was going to wear. :)


I looked gorgeous. I decided to wear a flowy purple skirt, and a nice top to match. I also had my black flats with fake diamonds on. My eyelashes were curled and I had on volumizing mascara. I finalized my look, and then went outside, Justin was waiting.

"(Y/N), you look beautiful" Justin said and kissed my cheek. He handed me a white rose with purple coloring. My favorite! He remembered? Awe.

"Thanks, Justin, I love it." It smelled lovely.

"No problem. Ready to go?"

"Leggo!" I said and giggled.


"Reservation for Bieber, please." Justin said. The waiter took us to our table, and we handed us menus. Justin gave the waiter a look, and then the waiter nodded, remembering something. Then he took our menus back, and walked away.

"Uh, Justin. I think we need our menus to get food."

"When I put the reservation in, I already ordered for us. :)"

"Oh, ok"

"So what's up?"

"Honestly, nothing haha. I have been lazy all day."

"Fun, for you, I guess." He chuckled.

"Yearp. How about you?"

"I bought a house today."

"So suddenly? Wow. Where?"

"Jefferson Road ;)"

"You're kidding. Oh my gosh. Seriously?"

"Yeah, I'm moving in in a few days."

"What, so you can stalk me?"

"You know it ;)"

"Oh gosh" Just then, the waiter came with our food, which I had no idea what the food was, but, Justin and I have the same taste, so... eh. When he came into sight, I saw that he had spaghetti and salads. Oh, gosh, damn, I LOVE YOU JUSTIN. MY FAVORITE.

"I'll be back with some rolls."

"Alright, thanks!! :)" I said. He put them on the table when he got them, and then left.

"Bieber, oh my. Seriously, how do you know what I LOVE."

"We're best friends, (Y/N) I can figure out anything about you."

"Are you insulting me or-"

"No, no, no. That's a good thing. Now I can surprise you." We finished up everything, and the waiter came with the bill.

"Damn, (Y/N). Why do you have to be so expensive. Your meal costed the most."

"Seriously shut up. Not funny" I giggled. We walked out to his car and drove back to my house.

"See that purple house right down there?" He asked me.

"What about it?" He gave me a look, and right then I knew.

"You bought that place?" He nodded. "Wow, stalker"

"Ok then haha. Bye (Y/N). You really do look gorgeous." I blushed and then walked out to the front door. I wonder what life is gonna be like with Justin living down the street.

(A/N: aaahhhh omg guyssss, I'M SO SORRY!! THIS CHAPTER IS SO OVERDUE! I HAVE HAD SEVERE WRITER'S BLOCK. IT SERIOUSLY TOOK MY 3 TRIES TO FINALLY GET THIS CHAPTER WRITTEN! I promise, the next chapter will be super long!! But yeah. So anyways, so much conversation in this chapter. Sorry haha, I didn't know how else to get emotions out hahaha.)

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