Chapter 46:

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Today Justin and I are going to get together with Madi, Bria and Brenna, and start planning the wedding. They all agreed to come over at 3:00, which is in ten minutes. I started thinking to myself, What do I need to plan a wedding?  I would probably just need my laptop and my credit card, just in case we actually order something. I went into my room and dug in my purse to get my wallet. I brought my wallet and my laptop downstairs and set them down on the kitchen table. Then, I went back upstairs to Justin's room, where I laid in bed with him, drawing his attention away from his phone. 

"Hey, baby, whatcha up to?"

"Just put my laptop and stuff on the table so we can do some planning!"

"Amazing!" He said and planted a kiss on my head. Until everyone got to our house, Justin and I laid on his bed, and went on our phones, much like other young couples in this century. 

Before long, the doorbell rang, meaning everyone was here. Justin and I got off his bed, and went downstairs to greet everyone. Justin turned the doorknob, and opened the door revealing Madi, Bria and Brenna. 

"Hi!" I beamed, giving each girl a big hug, showing my appreciation for the help they're about to give us. "We should go in the kitchen," I said, leading everyone to the kitchen table. Everyone took a seat, Justin obviously next to me, and I opened my laptop, and then turned my attention back to everyone. 

"What should we do first?" I asked, clueless on how to plan a wedding. 

"We should probably figure out exactly what you want first." Bria suggested. 

"Great idea! Okay, so what exactly do we need? Flowers, a dress, a tuxedo, arranging a church and JP, guest list, invitations, flower girl, ring bearer, bridesmaids' and groomsmen's outfits..." I mumbled  quickly to myself as I typed each individual thing in its own category on a word document. 

"Hold on, sweetheart, slow down."


"You don't have to think so much and do this all yourself. That's what we're here for," Justin said, kissing my cheek.

"Oh, okay," I breathed, calming down, and clearing my mind. "What else is there?"

"Hair, makeup and nails," Brenna said. 

"Accessories and shoes," Madi said.

"Bachelorette party!" Bria added, smirking.

"Food!" Madi exclaimed, making us all laugh.

"A date," Justin emphasized. 



"All that legal stuff." Everyone was just throwing things out there, as I typed them up. Once no one could think of anything else, I took my hands off the keyboard. 

"Alright, I think that's actually everything. So let's start with flowers, because that's the first thing I have typed here."

"What kind of flowers do you want?"

"Hm..." Justin hummed suggestively. "What is my fiancee's favorite kind of flower?" He asked to anyone. "Oh, wait, I know! What about white roses with purple coloring?" He winked, making me blush really hard.

"Wait, that's actually not a bad idea!" I giggled.

"Really!? I thought it would be weird with the purple."

"Well were you planning to have purple bridesmaids' dresses, and like ties and stuff?" Brenna asked.

"I was considering it... What if we only did some of them kinda purpley, but we had most of them white?"

"Perfect!" Madi said. 

"Okay, Justin where do you get my flowers?" I asked.

"I'm not telling you!" He said and stuck his tongue out at me. 

"Fine," I replied with sarcastic, but loving attitude. I opened up Google Chrome, and searched for white roses. A bunch of results came up, and I clicked on the cheapest, but most reliable one, and then bookmarked the page. "Okay, we can order that later."


"What are you planning on paying for all of this with?" I pulled out my credit card, and showed it to him. 

"My credit card." Justin burst into laughter, confusing me. "What?"

"You think you're paying for all this yourself? That's cute, honey."

"Well you're not paying."

"Says who?"


"What? I want to give my baby her fairytale wedding!"

"Aw, well thank you," I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Next I have a dress. I have a tuxedo after that, but I guess that could all be one category." 

"Ooo!" Bria exclaimed. 


"My aunt works at this great bridal place! She has dresses, shoes, jewelry, tuxes, and everything clothing wise, even things for bridesmaids and the flower girl and stuff. I'll give her a call."

"Fantastic! So that puts accessories, shoes, and everything clothing wise in one category. Next, I have arranging a church, and getting a JP," I told everyone, and stretched. 

"Tired already?" Justin asked.

"Even though we haven't done much, the thought of it makes me kind of exhausted. You know?"

"Yeah... Okay," Justin started. "We've done a lot of work today, and there is still a lot more to do. Plus, the wedding probably isn't  going to be for another year, so we have time," he chuckled. "Let's continue this another time?"

"Sounds good to me," I almost yawned.

"Okay!" Madi replied.

"Fine with me!" Bria said.

"Alright!" Brenna exclaimed. 

"Okay, I'll text you girl then?" I asked. They all nodded, and then got ready to leave. 

"Bye! Thanks so much for your help!"

"No problem! I can already tell this is going to be a great wedding," Bria smiled. 

(a/n: First, I just want to tell you that I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sooooooo sorry that I haven't updated for nearly two weeks! I have been so busy, and in the times that I wasn't I had writer's block and I am just ugh... So I'm sorry for that but I hope you can still love me lol. I hope it will never happen again! I try to update every week, within the week, just so you know. So if it takes even one day over a week to update, please know and understand that I am am so busy, and the only day of the week that I don't have something to do after school until December is Tuesday. So yeah, I'm sorry lol.

And I also noticed that over the week and a half, or however long it took me to update I got 22.6k!! That's 2.6k omgomgomgomg THANK YOU ILYSSSSSMMMM!!! <3 

Even though you may be mad at me for not updating (oops) please still tell me what you thought of this chapter! Your feedback is what keeps me writing! 

I will try my best to update as soon as possible! The next chapter is basically a continuation of this one so it shouldn't be that hard lol. Thanks so much for reading! <3 Love you! xoxo)

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