Chapter 18:

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Justin's POV:

Today was the day I was going back on tour. (Y/N) is kind of warming up to me, but like she said, I am not going to rush things. (Y/N), Ryan and Bria are going back to school tomorrow, so they are also taking a plane back today. They are still going to school for 4 months, and then, Ryan and (Y/N) are going on tour with me, if they are up for it. Next week is our 7 week anniversary, so I am going to send her a bouquet of roses, and a necklace. I told her I would video chat her, and she just nodded. I don't care what it takes, I just want her to forgive me.


(Y/N)'s POV:

I zipped up my last suitcase, and brought it to the front door, next to my other suitcases. I was going back today. I am getting back in time for school tomorrow, with i  just lovely. Justin said he was going to video chat me. I agreed emotionless, but actually, I wanted to video chat him a lot, because I wanted him to explain himself.


Justin's POV:

(Y/N) and I were going on different flights, but they cone out of the same airport. Everyone going on a plane got into a car, and we drove to the airport.

At the airport, we went through security, and then said our goodbyes. I said bye to Chaz, Ryan and Bria, while (Y/N) talked to Madison. After, she awkwardly made her way over to me. "So... you're leaving." She rubbed her shoulder and looked at me.

"Yeah, so are you." I smiled at her.

"Yearp... well this is bye for now, I guess."

"Bye, (Y/N). I promise to talk to you soon." She moved her head down to look at the ground, and I put my hand on her chin to lift it back up. She was blushing a little. I gave her a small hug, and to my surprise, she hugged back.After a few seconds, she sighed, and pulled back. She said goodbye one more time, with the tiniest smirk on her face. As she walked off, she joined Chaz, Ryan and Bria. They got their things together, and walked through the gates together. I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to see her for another 4 months, possibly.

"Ready to go?" Scooter said, putting his hand on my shoulder. 

"Uh, yeah." I mumbled raspily. I picked up my suitcases, to go on the plane.


(Y/N)'s POV: So I wouldn't be bored out of my mind on the plane, I made sure to charge up my phone, so I could be entertained. I was just using my phone for a little bit, when a message popped up.


J: Hey(:

Y: Hey

J: How are you doing?

Y: I am doing well, I guess.

J: What do you mean, "I guess"?

Y: I am on a plane, Justin. It is actually pretty boring. Nothing special has happened yet.

J: Oh...

Y: (:

So how much longer are you going on tour?

J: 7 months.

Y: Oh...

J: :(

But we can still talk on the phone, call and video chat.

Y: Yeah, that's good.

J: Mhhmmmm

Y: Yeah.. Well, I am kinda tired.

J: Oh, well I don't want to keep you up, you have school tomorrow (;

Y: yayyyyyyyy 

J: Byeee (:

Y: Bye.


Man, I hate it when things get awkward between us. With anyone, actually. I just hate awkwardness. Ew. It makes me really uncomfortable.

I looked around the plane, to see if I could talk to anyone, but everyone was asleep already. Not wanting to be asleep alone, I sat back in my seat, and drifted off to sleep.


Justin's POV:

I don't like having conversations that are basic. Especially (Y/N) We didn't really have a conversation. Things got awkward really fast, and it wasn't even a long 'conersation.' Although I am glad that (Y/N) actually was willing to talk to me without blowing up on me, I would much rather have a meaningful conversation. 

I needed as much rest as possible,because I really haven't had a steady sleep schedule, since everything... happened. I have a show soon, and it would be extremely rude to be yawning during a concert. No one wants to go to a concert and have the performer yawning. I yawned, and then my eyes started to get heavy.

(a/n: HEEYYYY!!(: First, I want to say thanks for 4k!! :D Sorry I haven't really updated, I never got the time to write this chapter, even though I actually have no life, and I probably could have sooner, but I guess I just didn't. Don't hate me! x( Thanks so much for reading!! Oh, and sorry this was a filler, I will try to make the next chapter more interesting!! In fact, I'll start writing it now, so you should get it soon!! Oh, and before in the chapter, I wrote that Justin said something 'raspily," and I don't even know if that is actually a word, but uh, just go with it. Thanks for reading! You guys have been amazing! Leave a comment, and tell me what you think!! xxx )

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