Chapter 21:

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"Ryan! What? Why?"

"I am not allowed to get a tutor."


"The principle said I can't leave school."


"I am failing 3 of my classes, (Y/N)"

"Ryan! Oh my gosh! What happened!"

"I don't know, I just can't concentrate. I can't catch up on the work we missed."

"That's no excuse."

"I know, and I feel really bad."

"How did Madi take it?"

"Not well, she started to cry a little."

"Awww. I'm sorry, Ryan."

"Thanks. I got to go. Talk to you later."


I truly felt bad for Ryan. I know that it is not his fault that he is failing. He is a really good student, actually. He is taking advanced classes. I hope it is just because he is stressed, and he will calm down, and then be able to join us. I yawned, and looked at the clock, wondering what time it was. I was ready to go to bed before Justin called me. I saw that it was 2 hours past midnight, and then immediately closed my eyes, and went to sleep.


 School today was going to be dreadful, and I knew it, even though I was only going to this school for another school week. I feel like I am not going to try, just because I know I am going to be leaving.  Groaning, and getting up out of bed, I started downstairs to eat breakfast. Once I was finished, I got ready, and got in my car to drive to school.

I saw Bria while I was getting my books for first period. She came over to me.

"Hey girl!"


"So what has happened in your life since I saw you yesterday?"

I giggled a little bit. "Well, i have some great news!"

"What? What is it?"

"I made up with Justin!"

"Really? That's great?"

"Yep! Aaaaaaaaand"

"And what?"

''I am going on tour with him!"

"Are you serious?"

"Mhmm! I leave in 6 days."

"For how long?"

"Until the tour is over, which I think is about 6 months."

"I am so happy for you."

"Thanks." The bell rang, so we went to first period together.

During 4th period, I was called down to the office. I knew I wasn't in some kind of trouble, because I didn't do anything, and I wondered what was happening. When I got there, I saw Scooter sitting in a room with the principal. 

"Hi, who are you here to see?" The secretary asked me.

"Umm... I don't know, I was just-"

"(Y/N), hello, in here please." The principle said. I waled into the room that him and Scooter were in, and took the empty seat next to Scooter. "How are you today, (Y/N)?"


"So we wanted to talk to you about this tutor thing."

"Alright, no problem, what is it?"

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