Chapter 40:

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"I can't believe this is it already! We're done!" Madi pouted.

"But it was fun!" Ryan said.

"It was really fun. I'm glad you guys got to join us." Justin added with a smile. 

"It was fun." I added. "The best experience of my life."

Justin, Madi, Ryan and I were sitting in a sitting in a circle, reflecting on the tour. The four months that I've been on this tour have gone by SO fast. Definitely did NOT feel like four whole months. Maybe 5 seconds, but not four months. 

"Okay, well I can't believe I'm saying this to you guys now, but we have to get all of our stuff, and go home." Scooter said as he strolled into the lounge.

Everyone pouted, but started to collect their things and out them back in their suitcases, so we could take them back. 

Unfortunately, we were all ready to go in about a half hour. I wanted it to be longer, just so I could stay in the tour bus as long as possible. I know I wasn't the one actually performing, but the tour bus was the coolest moving vehicle I've EVER been on. I never wanted to leave this moment.

"Are you ready?" Justin asked as he squeezed my hand.

"I guess." I replied.

"Don't be sad. You can come with me on my next tour too. And I'll make it a summer tour." He winked at me. I pushed him playfully, and giggled. Justin used the remote on his keys to unlock his car as he walked with me to the passenger side door, and opened the door for me. I thanked him and got in as he ran to his side, and got in. He put the key in the ignition, and started the car.

"Should we just go straight home?" Justin asked.

"Can we? Like I want to visit everyone and stuff, but I'm really tired, and we can do that tomorrow."

"Yeah, sure. Plus I haven't been home in eight months, and I want to spend my first day back with my lovely girlfriend." He smiled.

"I love it." I mumbled to myself.

"Love what?" Justin questioned.

"How you say home now, because it's like our home, and like last time you were really settled in you told me about the tour, and how you were leaving me, and like now we can finally settle down nd stuff and-" I cut myself off. "Sorry, I was rambling."

"It's okay and true, so.." He chuckled.

"How much longer until we get back?"

"An hour."

"UGH!" I groaned. "I just want to get home and sleep."

"Well you can in an hour. And don't you want to cuddle with me and we can like talk or something?"

"Talk about what?"

"I don't know, but let's just cuddle."

"Well we're going to have to wait an hour."

"Well, I have something we can do in the mean time."

"What?" Justin reached his hand over to the car radio, and pressed a button. Moments later, "All Around The World" blasted through the speakers. We both started screaming obnoxiously along to the song while riding along.

When we pulled in the driveway, Justin and I both released a sigh of relief.

"Home." I said.

"Home." He repeated. We turned our heads to make eye contact, and smirked. Justin opened his door, and I did the same. Just as I was bout to get out. My door was slammed shut. It was opened again by Justin. "I have to open your door for you."

"Okaaayyy." Justin grabbed my hand, and got his keys out. Once the door was opened, Justin and I burst through the door. As I was about to leave to get my suitcases out of Justin's car, my waist was pulled back. I shrieked, "JUSTIN!!"

He put his head on my shoulder. "We'll get it tomorrow." He whispered in my ear, and led me upstairs. We went in his bed, and laid down. 

"I hope you know your room is pointless, because you're always gonna be in here." He said and kissed my shoulder. 

"I know."


Justin and I just cuddled for a while. No talking, no movie or music playing in the background, just cuddling. Occasionally, Justin would kiss my forehead or my shoulder, but mainly it was just a calm and nice thing to do. 

"Can I braid your hair?" Justin asked out of the blue.

"Do you know how to?"

"I could try." He smirked.

"Okay..." I sat up, and Justin sat behind me. He attempted to braid my hair, but both of us knew that he couldn't, but I couldn't mind, because it was cute that he wanted to try. 

My hair was a jumbled mess when he was done, but I loved it. "Thank you Justin." I smiled and gave him a kiss. 

"Did I do it right?"

"Thank you Justin." I repeated and giggled. 

"I will learn one day, and then at our wedding I can braid your hair." I didn't realize I was blushing until all if the sudden my face felt really hot. Justin used his middle and index finger to lift my chin up, and gave me a sweet kiss. 

"Get some sleep." Justin said as he kissed my cheek and laid back down with me.

I love this man so much.

(a/n: Wasn't that terrible? That was like 11 days without a chapter! I hope I never have to do that again, omg. And I'm so proud of myself I wrote this chapter in like two hours. ;)

But did you like this chapter? :) Please let me know! You guys don't know you have the opportunity to change this story if you want. Just tell me what you want changed in the comments, and if it's reasonable, I'll do it tbh. But if you like it, and you think nothing should be changed, leave a comment anyway, and say that. I just want feedback :) I don't know if any of you guys write your own stories, but when you're an author, feedback is good :)


I will update as soon as possible! I just started high school, and some of you guys know how much work I get and stuff, and I'm in the marching band, and I might get cast in the school musical, (call backs are tomorrow! :o) so yeah. 


Thank you for reading! Love you! xoxo)

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