Chapter 45:

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"You look beautiful." Justin smiled, admiring my semi-formal dress that I had on, ready to go to to Pattie's house. 

"You look nice too." I complimented.

"Thank you. Ready to go?" He said, and extended his hand for me to take.

"Leggo!" I replied in the girliest, cheeriest way possible, making Justin laugh.

"You're so cute, I love you." He led me outside and to his car, opening the door for me, then jogging to the other side to get in himself. 

As we drove, I took a moment to admire Justin. His personality, features and style were really nice today (not that they weren't nice always.) I caught myself staring once I realized Justin turned on the street in which Pattie lives.

"What were you thinking about?" Justin asked plainly, still focusing on the road.



"Yeah. I was thinking about how we're on our way to discuss the wedding between you and I. I'm so lucky to be engaged to you. Even though we're young, I've never been more excited for anything."

"That's so sweet. But I'm even luckier to be engaged to you." Justin smiled. I leaned over in my seat to plant a big, wet kiss on Justin's cheek. He chuckled, and shut off the car once he pulled into Pattie's driveway. 

"Justin! (Y/N)! How are you?" Pattie asked excitedly as she gave us a big hug, greeting us.

"We're great!" Justin responded for the both of us.

"Well, I would expect that." Pattie laughed. "And I'm so happy that (Y/N) will finally officially be my daughter-in-law!"

"I'm excited too!" I smiled. 

"I made chicken parmesan for you guys, I hope that's okay!"

"I love chicken parm! Thank you in advance!" I responded.

"No problem sweetie!" We walked into the nice kitchen, as Pattie served us plates of food. I sat across from Justin on the near edge of the table, and Pattie sat on the end. We dug into our delicious food for a few moments, having no conversation in between just for a bit.

"I love your cooking, Pattie! Thanks for the yummy food!"

"The pleasure is all mine."

"Very good mommy!" Justin said childishly.

"Thank you Justin." She laughed. She turned to me, and whispered, "Good luck," jokingly, making me laugh as well. 

"So Justin." Pattie started.

"So mom."

"When did you pop the question?"

"A few days ago on our one year anniversary. I took her to the place where we went on our first date."

"That's so sweet! Have you got a date yet?"

This time it was me to answer the question. "We don't have an exact date, but it's probably going to be like anywhere from a year to a year and a half from now."

"A year?!" Justin butted in, obviously confused.

"Planning a wedding takes a while, Justin. Especially if (Y/N) wants a big wedding, which I assume she might." Pattie informed Justin.

"How was I supposed to know?"

"You weren't. That's what we're here for." I laughed.

"How do you know how long a wedding takes to plan?" Justin asked me.

"I've been dreaming of my fairy tale wedding for a long time, Justin."

"Oh, alright then. So big wedding, lots of flowers I assume, a lot of guests, pretty dresses, what else?" Justin asked.

"Great venue, nice catering, nice cake especially, and a date that has nice weather, hopefully."

"Yeah, we still have to figure that out. If we want nice weather we should probably have it in May, June or July."

"That's what I was thinking." I smiled.

"You guys still have plenty of time to plan, but I'm glad you have the basics down." Pattie smiled at us. 

"Yeah, I hope it's kind of easy, because some people get stressed and stuff if they don't have a wedding planner, which I don't want one because I want to plan my own wedding, and I don't want to be stressed. My friends are going to help me out too, so I'll have some assistance at least."

"That's great!"


We finished our food, and put our dishes in the sink. We chatted a bit about the wedding, and then Pattie turned on the t.v. and then got up to do the dishes. 

"Let me help, Pattie!" I volunteered as I got up to help her.

"That would be nice, (Y/N). Thank you."

We did the dishes in a comfortable silence for a while. Pattie would wash the dishes, and then she would hand them to me so I could rinse them and dry them. We had a nice system going,

"I'm so glad that you're the one engaged to Justin." Pattie started.

"What do you mean?"

"You're so sweet and nice, and an ideal person for Justin. I know you're going to make him happy vice versa."

"That mean so much to me, thank you."

"No problem, honey. I knew when Justin texted me at the book signing he was going to be with you for a long time."

"It was that motherly instinct, huh?"

"You betcha!" We giggled. Once we finished, we rejoined Justin in the living room who was still watching t.v. we watched the show with him for a while until we realized it was getting late.

"I don't want to keep you guys all night, you guys deserve some sleep, and need some because of what's coming up."

Justin and I laughed. "Alright, we'll go get some sleep." Justin said and kissed her cheek. "Love you, mom."

"I love you too, Justin. And remember, I don't want any grandchildren until after the wedding."

"Mooooooommmm!!" Justin groaned, making me laugh.

"I'm serious!"

"Okay! Bye!" He said with alacrity.

"Bye Pattie!" I said cheerfully while giving her a big hug."

"Bye future daughter-in-law! Boy, I could get used to saying that!" 

"Just wait until you can take out the future part!"

"Very true! Bye!"

Justin and I drove home back home with the radio blasting, singing along to every song. It was a nice bonding moment, if I do say so myself.

(a/n: Hi lovelies! <3 I'm sorry for the length of these chapters, but there are going to be a lot of chapters like this, kind of leading up to the wedding. You could put all the little chapters together to make a few big chapters, but each little chapter is a little event, so it makes sense :) I'm also sorry for the delay in updating! I try to update within a week, but sometimes it's hard!

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 20K!!!!! <3 I can't believe one of MY stories already has 20k reads, and I don't even have 50 chapters up yet! <3 To think this story literally started out as an imagine that I literally whipped up, and then I said to myself "Eh, let's make this into a story." 44 chapters later, I love writing this for you guys! <3 Seriously though, go reread the first chapter and reflect on how much it sucks lol xD And also thank you for 400+ votes! <3


I will update soon! <3

Thanks for reading! I love you sooooooo much! xoxo)

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