Chapter 17:

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(Y/N)'s POV:

It has been a week since Justin's arrest, and I still haven't forgiven him. He has tried to make me forgive him, a bunch of times this week, but I won't budge. What he did was entirely unacceptable, and it is going to take more work and effort than just saying "I am so sorry." Four words is not enough. 


Justin's POV:

I sat in my room at my dad's house, thinking of clever and creative ways to get (Y/N) to forgive me. Ever since my 'incident,' Scooter decided to stop my break, so nothing happens. I still don't have another show for a little bit, so we all just went up to Canada, to stay with my dad. Family is all I need right now.

I continued to think. I was going to need an extraordinary plan in order to get (Y/N) to forgive me. Now, I am not doing this as an 'eveil plan' to trick her into forgiving me, but I want to show her how sorry I truly am.


(Y/N)'s POV:

Justin's dad's place is really nice. I have been here for around a week, but I never actually looked around entirely. I mainly just used like the bathroom, guest bedroom, kitchen and living room. I didn't really look, and really care about the other rooms. I was around  9 o'clock at night, and Bria, Chaz, Ryan and Madi, because she was on break too (but not with Justin) were asleep on the couch, while watching TV. I don't know how anyone does that. If there is something on the screen of the TV, I either have to watch it, or turn it off, so I am able to fall asleep. I got up, shut off the TV, and went to go look around. 

I stopped at a room that I assumed was Justin's, because I heard him talking. I know that it's weird that I have been here a week, and I still don't know where my boyfriend's room is, but I guess I just haven't. I don't know. I put my ear on the door, and listened to what he was saying. He seemed to be talking on the phone. 

"Yeah... She's really mad at me... I don't know what to do... I hope this plan works... Yeah, tomorrow... Alright, bye" I heard his footsteps getting closer to the door, like he was ready to open it, so I ran to the bathroom. From the bathroom, I heard the door opening, some mumbling, and then the door closing again. I sighed in relief, and then went to the guest bedroom, to get some rest.


I opened my eyes, and got out of bed.  I went downstairs, and saw Bria, Chaz, Madi, and Ryan eating breakfast. I also sat down, and started eating.

"Good morning, hun." Jeremy said.

I smiled back at him. "Morning."

"So what are you planning on doing today?"

"Um... I planned nothing yet."

Madi cleared her throat, and interrupted. "Wanna go to the movies? Bria and I were talking about it."

"Yeah, of course!"

"Great, go get ready!" I finished my breakfast, and then went upstairs, to get changed.


Justin's POV:

I heard the door shutting upstairs. If my plan was going the way it was supposed to, that meant (Y/N) was getting ready to go to the movies with Madi and Bria. I went downstairs to the kitchen. "Is everything good?"

"Yep! She's getting ready right now."

I sighed in relief. "I hope this works."

"It should, Justin."


(Y/N)'s POV:

Madi, Bria, and I got into the theater, and went to the front counter, to get our tickets. A few girls came up to me, and asked for a picture, or an autograph. Some girls even told me to tell Justin they said hi. Oh, yeah, Justin kissed me on stage, so everyone knows. Yaayyyy.... We then chose our seats. Once the movie started, Madi tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey, do you want to go get the drinks and popcorn?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Perfect." She handed me money, and I went to leave, and quickly get the stuff.


Madi's POV:

I am glad (Y/N) actually agreed to get the stuff, to be honest. She usually is a little lazy, not gonna lie. Right now, I am just praying for Justin. I hope (Y/N) goes along with this.  I took some candy out of my purse, and handed some to Bria. It's not like (Y/N) is getting us food anytime soon.


(Y/N)'s POV:

I got to the counter, ready to get the food, and no one was there. Weird. There was, however, a piece of paper that read "all food and beverages can be purchased outside the main entrance" Ummmm... okayy. I went outside the main entrance, only to find a green arrow, pointing to the right. I just followed it. The arrow led me to a bunch of other arrows, all pointing right. They eventually lead me to a park. "What the hell?"

I looked closely at the park, and in the distance, I saw someone sitting on a blanket, with a picnic basket. I walked closer, and saw that it was Justin.

"(Y/N), hi." By instinct, I sat down at the blanket.

Eventually, we were in deep conversation. we were laughing, and smiling. In the middle of my sentence, Justin leaned in for a kiss. His lips met mine, and I almost kissed back, until I realized what was happening. I pushed him away. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Kissing you."


"I th-"

"Did you just think that we made up?"

I heard him mumble "Oh my gosh."

'Just because I was laughing and smiling, doesn't give the right to kiss me! I still don't forgive you 100%!! In fact, i was actually just about ready to forgive you! It is a bunch of little things like this picninc. Take it slow, Justin, Geez." I got up, and ran back to the theater.

"(Y/N)! WAIT!!"


"Hey! How did it go?" Madi asked with a smile on her face.


"Why?" What happened?"



"He was just trying to rush everything."

"(Y/N), you have to cut him some slack. He is trying his hardest."

"I know, but I was cutting him some slack! I was laughing and everything, until he tried to kiss me. He took it too far."

"Okay, just try (Y/N). Try."

"I know. I told him to do small things, like what he just did, and give it time."

"(Y/N)!!" I heard in the distance. Justin ran up to me, out of breath. "(Y/N), I am so sorry."

I gave him a look. "Just don't do it again."

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