Chapter 26:

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"J-Justin?" I whispered, and stared up into his eyes. His hand cupped my cheek, and he stared back at me. It was intimate moments like this I lived for. 

"(Y/N). I missed you."

"I..uhhh... I-I missed you too... what are you doing here?"

"Do you think I would miss my own birthday party?" 

Wow, I thought to myself. Maybe it is a good thing I told Justin about this, or else he wouldn't have come. "I don't know, because you were on tour, and I thought- Don't you have a show?"

"Oh, I must have forgot to mention this. I am on what Scooter calls my birthday break. My birthday,a nd then two days after that. Three days total." I sighed, and gave him a disapproving look. "Don't worry, (Y/N). I am going to stay here, with you, the whole time." He winked at me.

'So you will be here tomorrow, too?"


"Justin, saying that you'll be here the whole time isn't actually that convincing, considering, you will only be here for one day."

"Just tried to make myself sound better. Maybe if you weren't so smart, you wouldn't have noticed."

"Justin, stop. I am not even that smart. That's why I am not on tour with you, remember?"

"You are only not on tour with me because you got a B, and not an A. That grade is still above average. And besides, you can still be smart, even if you aren't particularly good at one subject." He then pulled me in for a hug. I hugged back, and then Justin kissed my head. I buried my face in his chest, and then felt tears going from my face onto Justin's shirt. Justin pulled away, and put his hands on my hips. 

"Baby, why are you crying?"

"I'm just happy, and kind of overwhelmed. I just truly wasn't expecting any of this."

"Aww, (Y/N)" He kissed my cheek, and pulled me close again. We stood there, in silence (apart from the people talking, and the music playing) for a while. Another song by Justin came on, and I looked at him. 

"Alright, why is every one of your songs playing on this station tonight?"

"Who do you think has been making all of the requests?"

"Well, I know now..."

"C'mon, (Y/N). Let's go enjoy my party.

Justin held my hand, and walked me out of the area we were standing in. We joined our group, because the guys were over there now, and started dancing. Ryan and Madi looked really happy together, which made me smile. I am glad they got to see each other in person again so soon.

"Oh, Justin. I have your present upstairs if you want it."

"Uh, I don't want it right now. How about we just enjoy this moment?"


"Your friends are crazy."

"They're not crazy, they just like having fun."

"Yeah, because dancing into walls because they're obnoxious is fun."

"Dancing into walls is fun, see?" Justin started dancing a bit, and then his chest hit the wall. "...That was fun." I raised my eyebrow at him, and giggled. "Yeah, maybe they are a bit strange. Did you still have fun though?"

"I was having a ton of fun already, and then you and Madi showed up, and I kinda just-" I put my hands on my head. "Fun overload." Justin looked around the house again, to see if there was anything misplaced.

"Babe!" Justin called from the other room. I walked in, and saw Justin standing there.

"What's up?"

"Everything is all done. What do you want to do next?"

I stretched, and moaned. "I'm tired. I want to do something while laying down."

"Well there are a few things you can do while laying down." Justin looked at me, waiting for a response.


"I don't mean that! What kind of person do you think I am? I meant watching movies, cuddling, or sleeping."

"Can we watch movies?"

"Of course we can. In my room, or in the living room?"

"In your room, because your bed is comfy." Justin smiled, and we went upstairs.

Justin picked out a nice, romantic movie for us to watch. It was calming, and easy for me to wind down during. After a while, I think Justin could tell I was getting tired, so he turned down the volume a little. "Tired?"

"Yeah." He patted his chest, and K shifted a little bit, so my head was on his chest.

"Goodnight, angel."

(a/n: Do you think the story is getting too cheesy? Just let me know, I was just trying to change it up a bit, just to see how you guys like it [not that you guys are gonna comment anyway, because you guys never do :P]. If you also don't like the plot in the story, let me know, but tell me what you didn't like. Thanks for reading! Love you! xx) 

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