Chapter 19:

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Are you even paying attention?!"

"Huh?" My head shot up, and I looked at my now angry teacher.

"Can you answer the question that I just asked you, twice?!''

"Uh... I-I'm sorry, could you repeat it?"

She sighed angrily. "What are the zeros of the equation y=−4x2+x−120?"

"Um, there are none. R-right??"

She stared at me. "Yes, actually. Pay attention, and stop daydreaming missy."

I didn't even know what I was thinking about, actually. I was thinking about nothing. I haven't been paying attention in any of my classes, actually,  and I don't know why. I just can't concentrate right now. I am just glad there are only 4 months left of this hell hole. Then, it's summer, and I can do what I want. I hate school so much. I started at the teacher, giving her the illusion that I was paying attention, but in reality, I was just 'thinking' again, even though nothing was coming in my mind.

The bell rang, and I got up out of my seat, and walked past all of the desks in the class, because my seat was in the very back. I never liked sitting up front. I went to my locker to get my binder for my next period. That dragged on, and on, but luckily, the teacher never asked me any questions.

After school was over, I got home, and started to do my homework. I put on a sweatshirt, because I got cold, and continued to do my homework. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang. I got up, and went to get it. It was a flower delivery man. 

"Are you (Y/N)?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Ok, these are for you." He handed me a big gold box. I smiled at him, and then went back to the living room. and opened it. Inside there were a dozen roses, and a small red velvet box. When i opened it, I saw a gorgeous necklace with a heart on it. At the bottom if the gold box, there was a card.

My dearest (Y/N),

Happy 7 week anniversary! I know you might be mad at me, but that isn't gonna keep me from giving you a gift. I hope you like the roses and necklace. I picked out the necklace just for you. I know the past 7 weeks have been crazy, and bad at parts, but I want you to know that I still love you, and I will always love you. I hope to make up soon, because I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that you are mad at me. I hope this might be a start. I miss you so much, baby.

With all my love,

Justin xx

I smiled at the card, he really put a lot of thought into my gift. I went to go get the roses some water, and placed them in the center of the kitchen table. Then, I got back to my homework. Once I finished, I went to take a nap for a while. Today was a busy and tiring week. 

After my nap, I decided it was time for dinner, I went down to the kitchen, and grabbed something from the fridge, and then cooked it. Afterward, my laptop started beeping. I could tell it was a video chat call, because that is obviously the sound it makes. I ran to go grab it, and answered the call. Justin appeared on the screen.

"Hey." He said and smiled.


"Did you get the present yet?"

"Yeah, it came in earlier."

"Well... uh... did you like it??" 

I smiled at him, and laughed softly. "I loved it, Justin, thanks."

"No problem baby." He gave me a warm smile. "(Y/N)?"


"Is that my sweatshirt you're wearing?" I swear my face turned as red as a tomato.


"You're so cute when you blush." He smiled, which made me blush in embarrassment even more. 

"It's comfy..."

"Haha awww"

"So...uhh... how've the shows been?"

"Great! I love seeing my Beliebers."

"That's good." My face was getting a little less hot by now.

"So how have you been spending your days by yourself?"

"Well, because I was out of school for a week, each of my teachers gave me packets and packets of work to do, so after school, I have only been doing school work for the past few days"

"Aww baby."

"Yeah, it sucks. A lot."

"Why don't you just hire someone to do it for you?" Justin said, and chuckled a little bit.

"Justin, I can't just hire someone." I replied, and giggled a little bit too. Justin stopped lughing and just stared at me. "What?"

"You are just so beautiful."

"Justin, stop."

"It's true."


"I miss you so much, (Y/N)"

"I miss you too, Justin."

"JUSTIN! TEAM MEETING!" Scooter said in the background.

"ALRIGHT! HOLD ON!" Justin said back, loud enough for Scooter to hear. Justin sighed, and looked back at his screen. "Well, I guess I have to go for now."

"Oh, well bye." I looked down at the table.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I mumbled, and then disconnected our call.


Justin's POV: 

I smiled to myself, and then got up and went to where the crew was.

"What's up guys?"

"Well, we need to have a discussion." Scooter had a serious look in his eyes, that made me start shaking a little.

"A-About what?"

"Well you know how you wanted Ryan and (Y/N) to come with us on tour, after they finished school?" Crap. They aren't gonna be able to come, I thought to myself. Something came up. Well, I'm glad that I haven't told them yet, so they won't be disappointed that they c-

Scooter interrupted my thoughts by clearing his throat. I snapped my head to look over at him. Before he said something else, I was able to look over at Madi, to see her expression, too. She had the same look on her face as me, so she clearly doesn't know, either.

"How would you guys feel if we got tutors for them, and they were able to come on tour now?"

(a/n: Ha! I bet you guys weren't expecting that ending! ;) You guys probably thought it was gonna be something bad ;) Lol. I purposely set it up like that *covers face* don't hit me! Sorry! And 4.8k! (: Thanks guys! Love you! The next chapter should be up soon, because I am on spring break right now, and I am basically a hermit, so I am always on the internet! ;)  I will try my hardest to get the next chapter up by Sunday! Thanks again for reading! xx)

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