Chapter 42:

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"Mmm, good morning, Justin." I mumbles happily. I rolled over in bed to find- no Justin? Where is he? I groaned, and got out of bed. I went downstairs, and the closer I came to the kitchen, the better it smelled. I made it inside, and saw my perfect boyfriend shirtless in gray sweatpants making eggs and bacon. I smiled really wide, and walked over to Justin.

"Hi." I said sweetly.

"Good morning beautiful." He said and got away from the pan to wrap his arms around me, and give me a kiss. "Happy 1 year anniversary."

'You too." I smirked. "I'm assuming this isn't all?" I said gesturing to the pan.

"Oh, not at all." He went back to the the stove to move the food around in the pan. "This is nothing compared to what I'm doing today. This is just the start, baby."

"I believe you." I smiled.

"Good. Now go sit down, I made you breakfast." He said and turned off the stove. He took two plates and cups out from the cupboard. Opening the fridge, he got the orange juice and poured it in the two cups. Then he took a spatula to put the eggs and bacon on the plates. He set one cup and one plate of food on each side of the table, and then grabbed a vase and turned on the faucet to fill it.Then he grabbed the rose laying on the counter and put it in the vase It was then placed at the center of the table. "Perfect." He mumbled, and sat down.

"Thank you."

"Anything for you." He said as we both took a few bites of our breakfast.

"Mmm, you're a good cook." I complimented.

"What kind of man would I be if I didn't cook for my lady?" I giggled at that.

"I have a nice anniversary gift for you."

"(Y/N), don't even worry. Today I'm treating you."

"It's both of our anniversaries. I'm still giving you something."

"Fine." He chuckled.

"So what should I expect fro you today, considering you usually go above and beyond."

"That's for me to know, and for you to find out."

"Surprises annoy me!"

"Sucks for you!" He teased.

We finished our food, and Justin took our dishes to the sink.



"What is something you love to do?"

"Cuddle up on the couch and watch movies."

"I know. What movie are we watching?"

"Really?" I squealed and ran to the living room.

I picked the movie 50 First Dates for us to watch. Justin strolled in, and sat down on the couch while I put the movie in. I grabbed the remote and joined him. I took the blanket from the couch, and wrapped it around us, placing my hands on Justin's bare chest, snuggling with him while the movie played.

Throughout the movie, Justin would hold me tighter, and kiss me, making me get comfier. When it ended, we stretched, groaned, and then plopped back down on the couch.

"Wait here." I smiled and scurried up to my room where Justin's present was. I grabbed it and fixed the bow before bringing it back downstairs, and hiding it behind my back innocently.

"Whatcha got there?"

"Your present." I smiled and handed it to him.

"Aw, thank you, baby. Come sit on my lap while I open it." I smiled while I sat down on his lap, facing him. He opened the box to reveal a new watch.

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