Chapter 27:

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I woke up to a familiar pair of arms wrapped around my waist from behind. Justin's. The way they fit perfectly around my waist made me feel good. I wiggled out of his grip, making sure that he was still asleep before I walked out of the room, and into the bathroom. I got out of my clothes, and turned on the water of the shower before stepping in. After I was done, I got out, dried myself off, and then blow dried my hair. I applied some light makeup, unaware of what Justin's plans are for the day.

Once I got back into my room to get dressed, I noticed that the door to Justin's room was open. Before I took a shower, the door was shut. I peeked my head into the room, and saw that the space in the bed that he used to occupy was empty. He must have woken up while I was in the shower, and went downstairs.

When I got dressed, I put my towel back in the bathroom, and then went down the stairs. I saw Justin by the stove, cooking something. I took a whiff of the air, and smelled pancakes.

"Morning." Justin sweetly said once he saw me come in the kitchen.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"How did you sleep?"

"With my eyes closed." I could tell that Justin was not expecting that answer, so I giggled a little bit.

"Doesn't everyone?"

"Well, unless you can sleep with your eyes open."

"Alright. Well, that was random." He turned off the stove, and then went to the cabinet to get two plates, forks and knives. "Pancakes?"

"Sure!" I sat down at the table, while Justin put the pancakes onto my plate. He put some on his too, and then put the pan back on the stove.

"I will get that later."

"Don't worry about it. You are on 'break,' remember?" I said, putting air quotes around break.

"So? Just because I have a day off, doesn't mean I am going to be lazy all day. But thanks for your offer."

I nodded in responce, because I couldn't speak, because of the piece of food I had in my mouth. After I finished chewing, and swallowed, I opened my mouth. "So what do you want to do today?"

"I was thinking maybe we could have a picnic."

"Oooh. That sounds fun. At the park?"

"How about at the beach?"

"The beach? But it's too cold outside!"

"You can bring a sweatshirt." I furrowed my eyebrows, and then agreed. This should be fun.


"Gosh, you look so cute in my clothes." Justin said, refering to his sweatshirt that I wore. I felt my face getting hot, from blushing, and I looked down, and smiled.

"Thanks. I think I have kind of adopted it, though, so now it is my sweatshirt." Justin brought his face close to mine, and looked in my eyes.

"Are you sure about that?"

"I don't see you stopping me."

Justin and I were currently sitting on a blanket on the sand. Justin brought food, but because we just ate Justin's pancakes (which were quite delicious, I might add), we were saving it until later. Today wasn't as cold as I thought it was going to be. For a day in early March, the weather was pretty nice.

My thoughts were interrupted by Justin getting up from the blanket, and facing me.

"What are you doing?"

"Stopping you."

I immediately got up, and stared running in the other direction. I knew Justin could run fast, so I had to think of another way to lose him, if I could. I turned my head around, and saw him running not too far behind me.

I turned a little, so I was running a different way, in attempt to lose him. I was obviously not successful, because the next thing I remember is Justin picking me up from the ground, from behind.

"Justin!" I squealed. "Put me down!"

"Never!" He moved me around, so now he was carrying me bridal style. I knew there was no point in trying to get away, so I just obeyingly stayed there, in his arms.

He walked me back to the blanket, and set me down. "You know, I don't actually mind that you have 'adopted' my sweatshirt. I just wanted to do that."

"Um?" I laughed a little bit, and then looked back up at him. He stared back at me lovingly, and then brought his hand up to caress my cheek. He looked at me for a little longer, and then brought his face closer to mine, slowly. I knew what was coming, so I started leaning in too, and closed my eyes.

Soon enough, Justin's soft lips were brought to mine. We kissed for what seemed like hours, but was only seconds. We pulled away, and then Justin put his back on the blanket, so he was laying down. I put my head to his chest, and snuggled into his body.

"The ocean looks so pretty." I said softly, earning a low chuckle from Justin. His hand made its way to my arm, and rubbed it slowly.

Justin's POV:

Having (Y/N) with me right now is all I ever need. Just laying here, together, on the beach feels so right. Her head fits on my chest comfortably, and her hand molds into my stomach perfectly. This moment was just perfect. I loved being in the presence of her. Sure, I call and text her a lot, but it isn't the same at all. The best thing ever is actually being in her presence.

My lips kissed her head softly, as I looked out at the ocean. The waves were crashing against the shore, which we were not near, because otherwise we would have gotten wet, which would not have been fun. Out in the distance, the ocean is making a curve, almost as if dissapearing in the distance, as it meets the sky. I love looking at the ocean like this.

There aren't that many seagulls around to disturb us, because it is still probably too cold out for them to be by the ocean. Luckily, (Y/N) and I are wearing appropriate clothes for this temperature.

I kissed her head again, and her head moved, so now she was looking up at me. I gave her a small smirk. She returned the smirk, and continued looking at me, meaningfully. This whole moment was perfect. Everything about this day was perfect. Especially who I was with. Perfect.

(a/n: So I kinda just decided to write this chapter for you guys lol. I probably should be asleep by now, because it is 1 in the morning where I am, but I really wanted to upload a chapter. I might just be so tired that I am not even tired anymore. But I don't really care, because it is officially summer, so it doesn't matter what time I stay up until ;) Tell me what you thought of this chapter! Did you like it? Not like it? Comment! Any opinion is good, honestly :). I will try my best to update when I can! OH YEAH. ONE MORE IMPORTANT THING. I HOPE I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION. SHOULD I SKIP THE NEXT FOUR MONTHS, AND GO STRAIGHT TO WHEN (Y/N) GOES ON TOUR WITH JUSTIN, OR SHOULD I WRITE A COUPLE MORE CHAPTERS, AND THEN SKIP? THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT FOR ME TO KNOW, BECAUSE I WANT YOUR JUDGEMENT!! Please comment!! Thanks for reading!! Love you! Xo)

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