Chapter 16:

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"W-what?" My eyes widened, and I looked back at a panicked and worried Ryan. "How did this happen?!"

"I-I don't even know. He just called me, crying."

"Where is he?"

"He's in Miami."

"But that's all the way across the country!"

"I know." Ryan sighed.

"Well, we have to go to Miami, I guess."

"Yeah. Do you want me to go get Bria out of class?"


"Alright, it is next to the class I was in?" Ryan asked, confirming.

"Yep." As Ryan left, my phone vibrated. I checked my phone, and saw a text from Scooter.

From: Scooter

Received: 2:17PM

I am assuming you heard.


To: Scooter

Sent: 2:18PM



From: Scooter

Received: 2:20PM

I am sending a plane for you, Ryan, Bria and Chaz, if he also wants to go. I will explain everything when you get here.


I read his text, and then locked my phone. 'He will only have to explain if TMZ doesn't do it first' I thought, and then face palmed myself. 'Ugh, this is gonna be all over every website in the world.' By now I was just getting angry.

Ryan came back with Bria, and explained the situation. 'Why would Justin do this? He knows better!"

Ryan gave her a worried look. "I don't know. I don't know who he was with, what he was doing, or where exactly he was. All I know is he is in Miami." I honestly felt bad for Ryan. I know how close he is to Justin, and this whole thing is probably crushing him. The bell rang, dismissing school for the day. The three of us walked out of school, and headed back to the apartment to get things ready for Miami. Chaz got his things ready too.

The four of us got to the airport, with enough luggage to last us about a week. We will notify the school later, I guess. The private jet that Scooter sent came on the runway. We went through security, and then went on the jet. I had to admit, it was a nice jet, but nothing is going to make me less angry than I already was.

The jetride was overall very quiet. We didn't talk amongst ourselves a lot, we mainly just thought about what happened, went on the internet, and thought about what we were going to do when we got when we got to our destination. We we landed, and exited the jet, we were greeted by Pattie. Pattie was one of the nicest women I knew, and I didn't want to be rude, and go on a rant about how disappointed I was in Justin. So I just did my best fake smile, and waved at her.

"Hi, sweetie, how have you been?"

"Fine... How are you?"

"Okay..." After that, we just stood there awkwardly. We eventually got to a hotel room where Bria, Chaz, Ryan and I were staying for the next week. Pattie and Scooter and Madi had rooms in this hotel also. We settled down for a bit, and then there was a knock at the door. Chaz got up to go get it, and saw Scooter standing at the door. "Hey." I said. He slightly smirked at me.

"So here's the thing." The smile I was attempting to fake instantly wiped off my face.

"What happened?"

"Oh, well, Justin's fine. They set the bail, and we came up with it, it's just that they won't release him right away, and they are making him stay for at least another couple hours. (a/n: This may or may not actually happen when someone gets arrested, I don't know, but just go along with it ;) ) I sighed in anger, and slouched on the bed.

"Now what do we do?"

"Just wait, I guess." We, again, just waited in the hotel room, awkwardly.Do things really get this awkward when bad things happen? Getting annoyed by the silence, i got up, opened the door to the hotel room, and decided to go for a walk around the hotel. Getting up randomly and just walking out must have surprised and/or shocked everyone to some extent, because after I heard some mumbling. The only thing i actually understood was Chaz saying 'What was that about?" It's not like I just stormed out of there in anger, I just wanted to attempt to cool down without my actions or facial expressions disturbing anyone. I walked the hallways of every floor, including the lobby, and then made my way back to the hotel room. When I got back, everyone was staring at me.


My eyes directed over to Scooter. "Uh... Is everything alright there, (Y/N)?"

"Everything is fine."


"So how much longer until we can see Justin?"

"About an hour."

I sighed. "Ugh. Okay."

"So...uh... Do you guys want to go to the lobby to get something to eat?" Everyone agreed. When we got to the little cafe off of the lobby, everyone got things to eat, and I just got a small salad. "I am not very hungry." I could tell everyone knew I was angry, so they didn't want to disturb me, or get me any more mad in any other way, which I appreciated a lot. We ate in peace.

"Okay, guys, we can head down to see Justin now." we paid the bill, and then headed to the station.

When we got there, Scooter talked to the officers for awhile, Scooter signed some paperwork, and then the officers left. a couple of minutes later, they came back with Justin, who was in handcuffs. One of them took his key, and released him. Justin also signed some paperwork.

"Alright, he is free to go." Justin shamefully walked outside, with his shoulders slouched. Outside, he met his mom and dad. He gave them hugs, and started crying. After, he said hey to Bria, Ryan and Chaz, and I could tell he was disappointed in himself. After he was done talking to them, Scooter came over. "Let's leave (Y/N) and Justin alone." Justin's eyes were filled with hope as he walked over to me.

"(Y/N), baby, thank you so much for flying out here." He gave me a hug, and started to give a long kiss. He realized that I didn't kiss back, and pulled away. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?! Really Justin? Did you just ask me that?"

"(Y/N), let me explain."

"I don't need you to explain, every magazine brand, and website in the world has already done it for me!!"


"No, Justin. Stop. How could you be so irresponsible?"

"I don't know..."

"Clearly you do know, because you were arrested for more than one reason! And in the middle of your tour?! Did you just take advantage of the fact that you were on break or something?"


"What? What, Justin? What could you possibly say right now?" He sighed, and shook his head. "Exactly. Unacceptable." I stomped to the car, and got in. The car ride was silent, and everyone knew why. When we were getting out of the car, and entering the hotel again, Justin decided to say something.

"'s...uh...nice to see you guys again..."

(a/n: Haiii <3 I know that this chapter is really overdue, but don't hurt me! My life was a little hectic last week. I lost my voice, the week of the school musical, and it is still not completely back. There was 3 shows for the school musical, on Friday, Saturday, and yesterday. Sorry! So what do you think of this chapter? Do you think Justin deserved the argument? Comment what you think is gonna happen next(: AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 3K!(: LOVE YOU! Thanks for reading xx)

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