Chapter 34:

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"WAKE UP!" I heard next to me. I jolted up scared, and ending up falling off the bed. I heard laughing, and looked up to see Ryan holding his chest.

"What do you want, Ryan?"

"I don't know, Justin just said to make sure you are up, because he wants to spend time with you."

I groaned. "What time is it?"

"Uh, about 2:30."

"Oh my gosh, I slept that long?"


"Mmm, okay, I'm just gonna wake up, I'll be out in a few." I mumbled.

"Alright." Ryan laughed.

I got off the floor and stretched. I went over to the mirror, and looked at my reflection. Woah. That's not good.I walked over to my bag, and got out my brush. I was going to need it. 

After I looked semi-decent, I opened the door, and went into the living room. I noticed that the bus was stopped, so we were probably at our destination. The door was open wide, and there was talking outside. Not wanting to be seen, I slowly crept towards the window. Justin was talking to some girl. I put my ear against the side of the bus, and listened in on their conversation. I know I shouldn't be eavesdropping, but i have to know what is going on, since I have never seen her before.

"Are you sure it's okay?" I heard.

"Yeah, I don't see any harm."

"But what if she finds out?" She? Who's she?

"She won't even notice. It'll be completely fine."

"Okay, but if she gets mad because this isn't what she wanted, I am blaming you."

"Justin, stop worrying." Is Justin cheating on me?

"Okay, I trust you, because you're a girl, and you should know about this stuff. Thanks Gabby, see you soon."I figured Justin would be walking in soon, because the conversation sounded done, so I quickly got up, and turned on the TV, and started watching a movie. Justin came in shortly after with a big smile on his face. 

"Hey, (Y/N). Good mornin- or er, afternoon." He chuckled, and I smiled. He sat down next to me, and gave me a big kiss on the cheek. "How ya doing?"

"Fine... you... uh seem happy."

" I am. I'm really happy."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, everything should be working out the way we planned."


"Oh." He blushed. "Uh, never mind."

"Okay..." He snuggled up next to me, and kissed my collarbone. I awkwardly put my arm around him, and cuddled with him.

Madi and Ryan soon walked in, hand-in-hand. Madi looked at us, and smiled. "Aww... Ry, look at the cute couple!"

"What were you guys doing?" I questioned.

"Oh, Ryan and I were listening to music in his bunk."

"Hey, man, what are we doing today?"

"Uh, Madi and I have a show in less than 5 hours, but we have to do a bunch of preparation work, so I don't think there's much we can do."

"Already five hours? Wow."

"The day would have seemed longer if this one woke up earlier." Justin nudged me. I smiled. "We can still watch movies and eat junk food though for the like 3 hours we have." Justin smirked. We all agreed, and grabbed all of our junk food and set it near the couch. Madi picked the movie this time, and then sat next to Ryan. Justin was already next to me.

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