Chapter 20:

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Justin's POV:

"WHAT?!?!" Madi and I both screamed in unison. Madi ran over to me, and jumped in my arms. Se squealed.

"Thanks so much, Scooter! I would love if they got tutors. Justin? What do you think?" Madi said with a beaming smile.

"Did you have to ask me that?" I laughed. "Of course I would love that!" This has seriously been one of the greatest days. (Y/N) loves me, and now she gets to come on tour. It's not like her or Ryan have to ask their parents, because they both live alone. Well, (Y/N) technically doesn't. "Wait, Scooter?"

"Yes, Justin?"

"Why did you make it seem like it was bad news?"

"Yeah!" Madi said, and crossed her arms.

Scooter chuckled. "I wanted to make you guys more surprised, and happy in the end."

"Well you go the surprised part right! I almost had a heart attack! I thought it was gonna be something terrible!"

"Sorry, Justin."

"It's fine" I sighed in relief. "So when can we tell them?"

"Well anytime, I guess, it doesn't matter to me. It's just that you might want to wait because it is la-"

Madi and I practically sprinted to our rooms on the tour bus, and shut the doors, so we could make our calls. Before I was able to dial (Y/N)'s number, Madi opened the door.


"What day do we tell them that they should be ready by?"

"Um... I don't know, I'll go ask Scooter." I ran to Scooter, because I didn't want (Y/N) to go to bed before I got the chance to call her. 



"When should we tell them to be ready by?"

"Um, let's say a week from today."

"Alright. Thanks again, Scooter, love you man" I ran back to my room, and told Madi. She nodded happily, and went to go call Ryan, while I did the same for (Y/N). The phone rang twice, before she picked up.


"Hey (Y/N)"

"Hey. What's up?"

"I have to ask you something."

"Uh... sure, but... are you alright, are you ok?"

"What do you mean?"

"You seem to be really out of breath."

"Oh, uh, yeah. I'm fine."

"Alright then, so what is it that you want to ask me?"

"How much more work do you still have to make up for school?"

"Ummm... still a few papers, why?"

"How long should it take you to finish them?"

"Probably a few days? Justin, what is this about?"

"Umm... would you be okay with having a tutor?"

"Uh... sure?? Justin I don't unders-"

"How would you like to stay with me while I was on tour?"


I laughed. "That was my same reaction when Scooter told me. So will you?"



"Justin, when did Scooter even decide to bring me on tour?"

"Well, he was gonna wait until you were done with school, but I guess he decided to bring you here sooner, because he probably actually found a tutor."

"Oh, well that's great!"

"I am so glad you are excited for this baby"

"So when am I joining you guys?"

"A week from today."

"Eww, so I still have to go to school for a week?!"

"Yeah, you'll live (Y/N)"

"Barely." I laughed at her.

"Alright, it's getting late, we should both get some rest."


"I promise to test you and video chat you whenever I can. I love you (Y/N)"

"Bye, Justin. Thanks for inviting me." And with that, she hung up. I caught myself smiling again, and then softly closed my eyes, and went to sleep.


(Y/N)'s POV: 

I am so happy that I get to go on tour with Justin! He asked me at the perfect time, too. Honestly, if he asked me a few days ago, I would have probably said no. 

My phone sang, and the caller ID said 'Ryan.' I answered it, assuming he is probably going on tour, too, because of Madi, obviously.



"Ryan, are you alright, you seem to be really upset."

"I am."

"Why?? Aren't you going on tour with us?"

"Well... I- I- "

"You what?"

"I can't go on tour with you guys."


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