Chapter 24:

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(Y/N)’s POV:

I woke up with the same feeling I get every Monday morning, even though it is Tuesday. It feels like a Monday to me, obviously because I didn’t go to school yesterday. This is a good thing, and a bad thing. Good thing, because I have a four day week of school, and bad, because well, I hate Mondays.

Lazily, I got out of bed, and got ready for school today.

When I got to school, the person I saw was Bria. She saw me after I saw her, so when she made eye contact with me, she ran over to me, to give me a hug. “I’m sorry, babe.” She said sympathetically and sweetly.

‘”It’s okay.” She put her arm around my shoulder, as we walked into the building.

Bria and I have lockers near each other, so when Ryan walked in my direction, I knew he was walking towards Bria. He faced her, so Bria’s back was to me, and Ryan’s front side was facing me.

“Hey Bria, I- (Y/N)? What are you doing-“ He walked over to my locker (even though he didn’t have to go that far), and Bria followed.

“I… uh, got a bad grade on a math test. The principal made an agreement with me a few days ago. He said I had to have all A’s for this marking period, in order to go. My average in math now is a B-, and that is obviously not an A.”

“Oh, well that makes me feel a bit better.”

“What do you mean?”

“Even if I wasn’t failing my classes, I still wouldn’t have been able to go. The highest I have ever gotten on a report card is a B+, and that was in 3rd grade, so…"

"Ryan!" I laughed. "That's really bad, you know that?"

"(Y/N), if you think about it, it's not that bad. I have been getting B's and C's, just not B+'s."

"Then why are you in advanced classes?"

"Well, I know things, and I am really smart, and my teachers know that, I am just bad at tests."

"That's good, I guess."

"Yeah. Sorry you couldn't go, though." He said as he gave me a hug. "We can still see them in four months!" Ryan put his arm over my shoulder, and walked Bria and I to class. When I walked in the classroom door, I heard him say, “Four months!” and turned around, and grinned at him.


“You know what I hate?

“What do you hate?”


“Saaaaaaaame. Just four more months, we can do it. Well, even a little less than that now, because we graduate at the end of June.”

Bria and I were sitting at the kitchen table, attempting to do our homework. We got the majority of it completed, but now we are just discussing random things.

“(Y/N), do you know what you should do?”


“Do you have any plans on Sunday?”

“Other than sleeping, no.”

“You should throw a party!”

“For what?”

“For Justin’s birthday, what else?”

“Oh, that’ll be great. Why don’t we just tape one of my old posters to a chair, and sing to it?”

“I’m serious! It doesn’t have to be one of those awkward family gatherings, it could be like, an actual party.”

“With like drinking, and drugs, and stuff? I don’t think so.”

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