Chapter 9:

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(Y/N)'s POV:

My legs started shaking uncontrollably when those six words came out of Justin's mouth. I had a feeling that Justin was going to ask me to be his girlfriend sometime, because I know he likes me. But I was absolutely not expecting him to ask me here, now. Everyone had their eyes on me, anxious to know what my answer was going to be. Even I wanted to know what my answer was going to be. I didn't know what to say. I wanted to say yes, but I also didn't know if I wanted to be his girlfriend, honestly. So I just followed my heart, and muttered two words that made everyone "aww"

"Wait, really? You will?" Justin said, his voice filled with hope.

"Yes, Justin." I repeated. Justin instantly stepped closer, picked me up, spun me around, and then set me back down. Then he grabbed my face, and kissed me passionately. Bria and Madi were shrieking behind us out of excitement and happiness.

"Finally" Chaz sighed. Bria pushed him a little. "Hey" he pouted. "What was that for?"

"Chaz, stop."

"You're telling me that you weren't thinking the same thing I was?"

"Well actually, I kinda was, bu-"

"Will you ladies stop arguing? There is romance in the air." Ryan said sweetly.

"Ryan, well there" Madi smiled.

"What? They're cute." They all looked back to Justin and I, who had pulled away, and now were just hugging.

"I never really knew how much you guys wanted us together. I winked. Us girls giggled and the guys exchanged looks. Then, Madi, Bria and I walked over to Madi's car to go back to Bria's. We all entered the car, and put on our seat belts, then Madi put the key in the ignition, and backed out of the parking lot. I knew right away what the first topic of conversation was going to be. Bria started talking, starting the conversation I figured we would have.

"(Y/N) eeeep! We are both so happy for you!"

"Yeah, and now Bria gets what she wants, our group is complete! ;)" Bria crossed her arms in the back seat, and slouched in her seat.

"Bri, it's ok I was starting to feel really awkward too. You both were in really cute relationships that I was really jealous of, because I was a lonely loser."

"But you are the prettiest out of the three of us. I don't get why you were so worried about finding a good relationship." I smiled at Bria, and then felt the car start to make a lane change and go a bit slower.

"(Y/N), put down your window, and ask the guys if they want a ride." I didn't know what she meant until I looked out the window, and saw Justin, Ryan and Chaz walking on the sidewalk skateboards in their arms, and snap backs on their heads. They must have been at the skate park or something before the movies. I rolled down my window, and started talking to the guys.

"Hey, do you knuckleheads want a ride?" They nodded politely. Madi pulled over near them, and Bria opened the back door, and Chaz came in, followed by Ryan. Justin was ready to get in, but then realized there were no more seats left in the car.

"It's alright, I'll walk, no big deal" He started to walk off.

"Wait!" I said. "I'll walk with you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I want to." I smiled. Everyone gave me a look, and I rolled my eyes, and stepped out of the car. Madi drove off, leaving Justin and I standing on the sidewalk.

"Hey, thanks for walking with me :) Do you want to hangout at my place?"

"Sure :) But first, I have to get some stuff at Bria's and bring it back to my place."

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