Chapter 10:

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I woke up with warm arms wrapped around my waist from behind. I must have moved when I was sleeping, but Justin still managed to have his arms around me :). Without getting out of Justin's grip, I grabbed my phone from the nightstand next to Justin's bed. Wow, we actually slept in really late, it was almost 10:30! We didn't even go to bed late last night. I saw an incoming text message on my phone, and opened it. I was from Madi.


M- Hey qurl

Y- Hi(:

M- What are you up to?

Y- Nothing, I just woke up.

M- Wow, was Bria right?


M- :)

Y- Speaking of Justin...

M- What?

Y- He asked me to move in with him last night...

M- Really?! That's great! He really wants to get serious!

Y- I guess...

M- What's wrong?

Y- Idk, I just feel like we are moving too fast.

M- (Y/N), you have known each other for almost 2 months.

Y- Ugh, I guess you are right.

M- I always am ;) I gtg though, people are starting to wake up.

Y- Did the four of you have a sleepover?

M- Yeah.

Y- Oh, ok. Bye!


I felt something warm and damp on my neck. I smiled when I realized it was Justin's lips. I quickly put my phone back on the nightstand, and turned around.

"Good morning Princess." Justin sweetly said, and kissed my nose. I wrinkled my nose, and smiled.

"Good morning :) It's already 10:30. When do you want me to start moving my stuff over here?"

"Anytime is good. How about we cuddle for about five more minutes first?"



"Alright so I guess you could start getting easy stuff in the living room packed up while I go to my room. Don't move anything too heavy though, we can wait until everyone else gets here." Chaz, Ryan, Christian, Madi and Bri were coming over to help us.

"Okay." I went up the stairs to my room, and quickly shut the door behind me. I didn't want Justin to see what I had in here, because he might laugh at me, or think I was weird and creepy. I started carefully picking the tape off of the walls, making sure not to rip any of my posters in the process. Yes, I did have over 100 posters of Justin and Austin Mahone on my wall, but who can blame me? I am still a fangirl like every other belieber and mahomie in the world. I want to take down everything on the wall first, so then I could quickly put them away just in case Justin walked in and saw. He obviously knows I am a belieber, but I don't think he actually understands how much me and a bunch of other girls really love him. I was taking down my last Justin poster when I heard a knock on my bedroom door "Uhmmm... Just a minute!" I quickly, but cautiously took the poster down, rolled it up, just like the others, put it in a box, shoved the box in my closet, and opened the door.


Justin's POV:

"Uhmmm... Just a minute!" I heard some shuffling, and then what sounded like a closet door shutting, and then the door opened. "Yes?"

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