Chapter 15:

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Justin's POV:

I sighed in relief once I realized what was happening. My mom was in my room that was in the tour bus, getting a few things ready for me. Today was the day I was taking a break for a while. Honestly, I am so relieved right now. A break is exactly what I need.

"Hey, mom?"


"Do you know exactly where we are going?"

"Um.. I don't remember all of the places, because we are traveling. Someone mentioned Miami though, I think."

"Okay." I helped her finish packing what I needed, which wasn't much anyways, and then went out of my room and waited for everyone to get ready. Once everyone was ready, the driver went to the airport, and then we went on the plane to our destination. I can't wait for this break.


(Y/N)'s POV:

I woke up, groaning. ew. Today was only Wednesday. I have to go to school today. On the bright side,Bria and Ryan go to my school, and have most of my classes. I got in the shower, and then got ready. I went downstairs, and Bria and Ryan were eating breakfast. 

"Good morning" I smiled at them.

"Hey." Bria replied.

"Can we just not go to school today? UGGHHH"

"Well we have to, if you want to get a good grade in history."

"What do you mean?"

"We have a test tomorrow, remember? And today we are reviewing a lot, which is ggod, because we missed school yesterday, because of the concert."

"Oh yeah, shit." Bria laughed at me.

"Haha. You guys have a test tomorrow." Ryan stuck his tongue out at us.

"Shut up Ryan."

'Whatever, let's go."

*skipping school because I don't want to bore you guys ;) *

After school, we got home, and plopped down on the couch.

"Man, I hate school." Bria sighed, and I nodded.

"Yeah, but we should probably study again, because I don't understand this lesson at all, and believe it or not, I actually wanna get a good grade on this. Also because I fall asleep in that class."

"Oh my gosh, same." We both got studying for our test tomorrow.



I got to school, just not feeling it. I always am just not feeling it, but today I actually have a test, ew. I went to my first 3 periods, which I had with Bria and Ryan, thank god, and then it was time for lunch.

"So when is your guys' test?"

"Seventh period. ew."

"Haha, suck to be you."

"You know what Ryan?"

''What?" Ryan smiled.

"Not everyone has to be as smart as you, and be taking an advanced class." Ryan just laughed at me. We finished our lunches, and then were dismissed to go to our next class.

Seventh period came around, and I wasn't very thrilled. I am probably gonna bomb this test anyways. Everyone started the test, and it was dead silent. It was so quiet that I could hear what was happening next door, clearly. It was actually kinda creepy. I started to finally concentrated on the test, when I heard the phone ringing next door. The teacher answered it, and then had a conversation with one of the secretaries that called. The teacher hung up the phone, and then I heard "Ryan, go to the office, someone is there on the phone for you."

Oh yeah, I forgot, Ryan is in that class. I was able to finally get back to the test. I finished my test, and walked up to the teacher, to hand it in. After, I just did some homework, to save me time after school. While I was in the middle of my math worksheet, the phone in our classroom rang. The teacher picked up the phone. "Hello?"

The person on the phone said something, and then scanned the room, and his eyes landed on me. "Yep, she's here."

"Okay, I'll send her down." He hung up, and then walked over to me.

"(Y/N), you're done with your test, right?"


"Okay. Well you are needed in the office." Huh? Okay.... I thought. I got up from my seat and walked down to the office.

I got to the office, and saw a very panicked Ryan pacing back and forth, with his hand over his forehead. He was also very jittery.

"Oh, (Y/N), glad you're here." Ryan said in a panicky voice. I was very confused by now.


"I have... some news."

"What news?"

"I don't know how to tell you this."

"Just say it!" By now I was getting anxious.


"It's what?"

"It's... uh.. it's about Justin...."

"What about Justin?"

"Heee uuhhhhhhh...."


"He got arrested."

(a/n: :o :o :o :o Bet you guys weren't expecting that! I bet you are really shocked right now(; And sorry that this chapter was really kinda short, I just wanted to address this in a seperate chapter. I know how boring the beginning was too, I just wanted events that would kinda lead up to how I wanted to write this. And obviously, since certain events are happening, you can probably get a better idea of around what time fo the year we are in. Yes, this story is now really recent, so I can kinda gonna be basing the events off of the present, but not entirely. But now you could probably figure we are in January blah blah blah. Thanks for reading!(: Love you! xx)

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