Chapter 35:

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"Great job everyone! We're good with everything for now. So until next time!" Justin's choreographer said as he ended the rehearsal for the day. All of the dancers went over to their stuff, and drank water, and just cooled down. Of course, sweaty Justin came running over to me. 

"Justin,  stop it!" I squealed as Justin tried to give me a hug.

"Why?" He said as he got closer.

"Because you're all sweaty!" I said in hopes that he would shower of something first. But nope, of course not. He attacked me in a big hug, and lifted me up off the bench. Everyone started 'aww'ing and laughing at us. Justin threw me over his shoulder and started spinning around. 

"Later guys." Justin said as he headed out the door. Everyone mumbled their goodbyes, and Justin fully walked out the door, and down the hallway. I knew it was no use, so I just stayed over his shoulder. We got in the parking lot of the studio, and Justin opened my door, and then set me down in the seat. 

"Did you have to do that?"

"Obviously. How else would you have left?"

"By walking?"

"Whatever. I know you liked it."

"Liked being over your sweaty shoulder? Oh yeah, living the life." Justin went over to his side of the car, and got in. He started the car, and drove off. 

"So are you having fun?"

"On tour?"


"Yeah, it's really fun being with you and Ryan and Madi, and going to your show every night that you have one. It's unreal."

"How do you think I feel?"

"I don't know."

"I feel amazing. Performing in front of everyone. It's what I live for."

"Glad that you're happy."

"I'm really happy. And with you? Overjoyed. And we still have 2 more months." He said as he looked over at me then winked. I blushed, and hid my face. "No need to hide your face, baby. I love it when I make you blush."

We pulled into the parking lot of the arena Justin was singing at tomorrow (we are staying in the parking lot tonight, so we can be ready for tomorrow), and then Justin killed the engine. He got out of the car, and then rushed over to my side, and opened my door for me before I had the chance to, and held out his hand for me to take. I grasped his hand, and got out too. He put his arm around my shoulder as we went into the tour bus. We were greeted by Madi and Ryan (Madi's rehearsals were yesterday, they are two days in a row, but Madi has the first day, and Justin the second). 

"Can I have a full hug now?" Justin said as he started towards me wiht his arms wide open. He got close enough to me so I could extend my arm to push his chest.

"After you take a shower." I smirked.

"Fiiiiiine." Justin groaned, as he walked off. I giggled as I sat down in the lounge (a/n: I figured out what it was called :D [don't judge me] so i won't be calling the lounge the "living room area" anymore hahaha). Madi sat down next to me, and smiled.

"What are we doing today?" Madi asked.

"Did anyone say we had to anything today?"

"Not besides Justin's rehearsals, no."

"What time is it back home?"

"8, because we are two hours behind here. Why, what are you thinking?"

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